Kathy Rosario's Comments

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At 1:00pm on December 24, 2010, sylvia doughty said…

Hi Kathy,


Just wanted to wish you a very, very Merry Christmas Eve to you, Bob and all your family.   Have a great day!


Sylvia.    Wee Scottish friend.    Hey, it is nearly balmy here - only -5.


P.S.   Duck Kathy, a bottle of mulled ginger wine is coming over.

At 3:02am on December 22, 2010, sylvie boisvert said…

Awwww Kathy, I’m so glad I’ve sent my message because I’ve been flooded with wonderfully sweet messages like yours, thank you! Oh I’ve been baking too, but just desserts to give away: yesterday cupcakes made from scratch, today potato candy and before Saturday our  traditional oatmeal cookies for Santa! :D Aww, you’re so sweet to me! Being part of this forum has been nothing but perpetual joy. I feel blessed to be surrounded by lovely people such as you Kathy. My eldest daughter has a name for people like you: pink bunnies! Lol It means you’re sweet, cheerful and a joy to be around… :D Another great yearful of MB memories, I’ll drink to that, cheers! Take care Kathy. Big bear hugs to you, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada

At 11:29pm on December 21, 2010, sylvia doughty said…

It is a wee bike with santa on it - if the wind blows the wee wheels go round - see the technology we have in Scotland - knock the socks off of you lot.  LOL    At the moment his wee wheels are frozen along with everything else!   lol. 


Sylvia.    Wee F-F-F-F-reezing Scot-ti-ti-ti-sh F-F-F-F-riend.

At 8:37pm on December 21, 2010, sylvia doughty said…

Hey, meant to say, do you like my wee profile picture - that is my wee santa sitting on his pole out in my back garden - took the pic. on Saturday after our second coating of snow - place is picture postcard just now - because it is freezing hardly any of the snow has shifted - -12 last night and this morning at 11.30 it was showing -5 - I went out for a walk today - intrepid wee soul - and all I can say is - IT WAS COLD - needed my wee cup of tea when I got in!



At 8:31pm on December 21, 2010, sylvia doughty said…

Hi Kathy,


Thread I was referring to is in "Off Topics" page 2 "First Ever UK Fan Reception - Items" - one day, a while ago now, I was doing my nosey and seeing, or trying to, all that is in here - trouble is I go in one; come out; then promptly forget which one I`ve already been in - don`t know about you but sometimes I feel there are so many threads pulled that the jumper will fall apart soon, lol - but, in any case, I asked if I could go to the reception and I was told - yes - as long as I behaved, lol - you can well imagine what followed from that - in one message I said I felt, if I was allowed to plead the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th Amendments, I should be okay!  lol  - don`t even know what they contain - only the 5th and I`m certainly pleading that one.   :D.


Hope the baking is going okay - sounds great - couldn`t throw a bucket over this way, could you????  Kathy, I wasn`t meaning to be cheeky in asking you what you were baking, I was implying I am ignorant of what baking is because, I don`t do any, :).


Can I let you know  I have put in a festive message for everyone in "Off Topics" - didn`t know where else to put - have since found out about friends messages - but everybody would have to be a wee friend then for that to work - maybe by the time Christmas 2011 comes along I`ll REALLY know what I`m doing - I agree with you, Kathy, - no chance !!!!!  LOL.  Maybe I should start smoking something - might get inspiration - what do suggest - a nice Havana !!!!!!!!!!!!   LOL, LOL, LOL. 


Sylvia.    Wee Scottish friend.

At 7:44pm on December 19, 2010, Joy Arban said…


Thanks for accepting my invite.  I have met some great people on this site.

Maybe we will meet at the Oprah show next year!! (Let's hope!)


At 3:26pm on December 19, 2010, sylvia doughty said…

Hi Kathy,


In one of your notes you mention #27 (over here that is No. 27 - lol) - does that perchance make reference to my comment in "UK fan club reunion" (or, whatever it is called) where I mention the Constitution - have YOU been in LOOKING at that !!!!!   LOL.   Did you end up rofl.  k stay kl.  g2g.  cya.  Still lmao at your messages.  thnx.


"Baking", Kathy, what is that ?   I get my wee scones in the local supermarket for my wee cup of tea !


Sylvia.     Wee Scottish friend.  Glad I bring back fond memories - thanks for saying that !

At 12:25am on December 19, 2010, sylvia doughty said…

Hi Kathy,


You think I`m clever - was just shutting down my computer and decided to go into "my page" again - scrolled down your message - had a good laugh again - and then spotted "COMMENT BACK".  Hope you find where I put my first comment - GOOD LUCK !    LOL    LOL    LOL.


I was going to try and be "one hell of a clever" and add music to your page - but the set-up of your page isn`t the same as mine - the add music section was already on my page - I`ve also got a facility for adding "apps." to my page - not on yours  :   do you think system has, maybe, been updated?  Please feel free to go back into my page and check what I mean -  things I am talking about are down left hand side.  The music one, in particular, I had a little box : inside in capitals it said "add music" - you just pressed on that and it took you to another screen, where you started from!   IT IS FOR SURE :  Nighty, nighty now.!

At 5:04pm on December 11, 2010, Robin said…

Thank you again for the lovely posts on my wall about Dee.  I am so sorry about your mom which is a bigger thing than an animal, people are priority and I realize that too. it's so hard to lose your mom.  My mom is my friend and I dread that day coming.  I like your idea of your mantel in memory of her..not a thing wrong with that..She's looking down on your smiling and she's your Guardian Angel now.

THANKS a whole lot for your care and concern.. MB brings the best people together!

Robin in MD :)

At 3:49am on December 10, 2010, Helena said…

Wow Kathy, you have an interesting mix...very international!  Well, some of my best friends in school  when I was growing up are Puerto Rican.  Lots of Russian's in my area of Brooklyn and I have two male freinds who have scottish backgrounds too!!  I have a friend in Toronto Canada (need to call her soon..LOL) and now my wonderful friend Sylvie!!  Your maden name does not even sound russian....also sounds like it cound be italian...LOL!  Well, that is great!  Talk to you soon....Ciao!  Helena  :)

At 7:39pm on December 9, 2010, Robin said…
Hi Kathy, I am touched by your note on my wall and I appreciate it very much. I'm really not doing well at all. Its been a horrid week for my entire family. My parents live in walking-distance of me and his field was in between us, the barn was my grandmother's but now my mom and dad own it. We all kept an eye on him and he had 5.5 acres of pasture all his own. He was so much fun and as sweet as any horse could be.. He was like a person 100 years old so it was his age but it wasn't expected and I'm still partly in shock.. I cry every time I come home...it will take me alot of time to be better....

THANK YOU for your kind words...I do appreciate it very much.
Robin in MD :)
At 7:01pm on December 9, 2010, Helena said…
Oh Kathy, I noticed you have an italian last name....I'm also Italian, my parent's are from Italy. My mom is from Taranto and my Dad from Bari. Where is your family from?
At 6:59pm on December 9, 2010, Helena said…
LOL.....well you go girl...knock them all down if they get in your way!! I'm really enjoying the new friends I'v met on this site. It almost makes me feel guilty, that I have not been a die hard Bolton fan over the years like most of the people on this site. But I'm making up for lost time....LOL.
So jelous of the nice weather you are having out in California! My parents lived in LA for over a year before I was born, but then my father wanted to come back to NY....oh well. Catch you later!! Helena...xx....
At 1:00pm on December 9, 2010, sylvie boisvert said…
Hey Mrs Magoo, that was the idea: you need all your faculties! :D Oh, do report back about your party and how they all reacted… lol Ah sweetie, trust me, Sylvia and you are not the only ones that get frustrated with computers… You should see me when I try to access articles and Jaws stops talking to me or I’m trying to type stuff and it just dies on me for no reason or my shortcut keys go haywire: it’s not pretty! The world isn’t made for the blind, so it’s very gratifying for me when I can help someone. :D We’ll probably cross paths until then but I’ll wait to hear from you next week. Have a great party! Take care sweetie. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada
At 1:34am on December 9, 2010, sylvie boisvert said…
Hey Kathy, you’re giving a party girl? Well, good luck with that sweetie. Hmm, maybe you should wait a couple of days after the party to test the instructions, to make sure all your brain is with you! :D I’m almost done decorating myself, I just need finishing touches and then I need to get busy with the Xmas cards. About the concert, you still got lucky Kathy, because I get E-mail updates when new dates are put on by the admin and I didn’t get one, you know what that means? That means God bless Gail Atkinson! Besides, as you said, you’ve got isle seats and it’s only 2 hours away! I’m sure Sylvia appreciated to know she wasn’t alone! Lol Anna said it was a problem with OB’s site so it should be fixed momentarily. Take care sweetie and do let me know how the copy/paste instructions work. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada
At 6:55pm on December 8, 2010, Helena said…
Hi Kathy, Nice to hear you got tickets to see Michael! Love reading that you have an asile seat and will be running up to the stage.....you go girl!! It's too bad I can't make the AC show in March, but hoping Michael will make a New York appearance another time in the future. Gotta hope for something!! Helena...xx...
At 4:38pm on December 6, 2010, sylvie boisvert said…
Hey Kathy, my pleasure sweetie, don’t mention it. To find out if your picture is on her page, just go to it silly! lol I’m catching up from a day off the forum but I know who I can ask to help you through the process of copying a link, that might be less complicated for you than my way. Keep you posted. Take care Kathy and have a great week sweetie. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada
At 2:10pm on November 27, 2010, sylvie boisvert said…
Good morning Kathy, well, if you had been confused, I would have forgiven you, because I pat on the back anyone who read each and every message that was posted on the 2010 review thread yesterday and made heads or tails of them! :D No sweetie, you weren’t confused, I did say that, but I’ve been doing this since the very beginning and I’ve found over time that with the message traffic, it’s the logical way. I was simply supporting your theory because I agree and to help the poor unfortunate souls who disabled their E-mail alerts because they felt so many messages were too overwhelming! Lol I don’t know how anyone can keep up any other way, frankly… Uhm, no I didn’t think it was very technical but you should still pat yourself on the back for realizing it before a lot of other people! Well, thank goodness it’s quiet again for now. :D Have a great weekend sweetie, take care. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada
At 3:41am on November 27, 2010, sylvie boisvert said…
Hey Kathy, uhm, I’m sorry sweetie, did I miss something about the technical hint? :D Has the review thread been crazy today or what? Well girl, if you succeed in something, you not only get to the front of the class, you get a little shiny bear sticker! :D Aww, I’m glad you felt my bear hug: that’s what you’ll need my friend, some time, love and tenderness… :D Oh I love bears too, my favorite being Winnie the Pooh, I’m very much in touch with the little 7 year-old in me… :D My pleasure Kathy, I’ve been there. Take good care of yourself sweetie and remember there are a lot more bear hugs where the first one came from! And here’s another one just your size: (((Kathy))) sincerely, Sylvie from Canada
At 1:44am on November 27, 2010, Phil Parrott said…
As for the profile, mine is fairly basic too. I know how to do the simple things, but nothing flash!

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