Here we go with the New 2011 Concert Tour Review Thread. Michael's tour begins again in the USA in Florida on January 13, 2011!!!!!!!! I hope Michael is well rested and ready to get back out on the road!
Please share your concert experiences, pictures, video links etc. with us here. We love hearing about the concerts and the great times had by the fans.
You all have made these threads fun in the past and I look forward to more adventures and fun this year!!
I look forward to reading everyone's reviews once again and also contributing some of my own in 2011!
Have fun everyone!! Not much longer till Michael and the band hit the road again!
Robin in Maryland, USA
Replies are closed for this discussion.
Hi everybody,
Several month's ago my husband booked a short holiday of a few day's, leaving on the 26th of june. My husband knows how much I love Michael's music and when he knew Michael was coming to Belgium he called the hotel and asked if it was OK for them to postpone with one day, so I could go to Michael's concert. Isn't that sweet :-))
Michael's concert in Antwerp was FANTASTIC! Such great music, great musicians. And Michael's voice ... WAW!!!! I enjoyed every song. The way he sings them -> so much feelings, so much power. The audience was very quiet when he performed Nessum Dorma. What a powerful voice!! 'Hallelulah' the way he performed that song almost made me cry. So so beautiful.
I had a great seat -> first row in the middle. I think, reading the reviews, I sat next to Janaa (woman from Finland in the pink t-shirt).
The venue was not sold out. But I hope this won't keep him away from Belgium. I want to see more of this ... I LOVED it!!!!!!!!!!
Greetings from Belgium
Oh Hilde you should have let the girls know your were going to Antwerp and it probably was Jaana you were sitting beside - oh Jaana is famous for her Finnish flag for if you have seen the RAH DVD Concert from 2009 that is Jaana you see waving her flag and she did get to give it to Michael !! :)
I am so pleased to hear you had such a wonderful show and that it was a very nice surprise for you as well from your husband and thank you too Hilde for the pictures you have given the links too - they are beautiful !! :) Thanks again Hilde !! :)
Sylvia. Your wee Scottish friend.
Heh, Yes Sylvia, It's mee, lol! I was in Antwerpen too...with 'my Flag'...offcourse! Soon Michael need's a room of all of those flags and other stafs...from Finland!! And all Finnish fans are so, so much waiting for Michael, to give us a concert here too!! I hope that dream of us comes true soon...Michael comes back to Europe in January!!
Jaana...from Finland xx
Hallo Hilde,
War jammer dat ik niet met je heb kunnen kennis maken! Ik zat tweede rij schuin achter Helen uit Engeland (met lang zwart haar) en haar zoon. Naast haar zat Jaana met het roze t-shirt, ballon en lamplje!! Misschien heb je ons zien praten? Ik had een donkerblauw gebloemd tuniekje aan (was samen met mijn man) Ik wist niet hoe je er uit zag anders was ik zeker naar je toegekomen!!
Leuke review en goede fotos! Mijn review staat er iets boven met twee van mijn vele fotos, ik maak altijd te veel! ;-)
Wat was het leuk en wat hebben we genoten!! a.s. maandag ga ik naar het concert in Stuttgart en zie ik Helen weer en de Duitse meisjes!
Leuk verheug me erop! Heb je de nieuwe CD ook al? Leuk dat hij daar ook iets van zong!
Hoop van je te horen!
Groetjes, Nicolette.
Het was een super avond! Heb er met volle teugen van genoten! Ik hoop dat het deze keer geen 20 jaar duurt vooraleer ik hem nog eens live mag bewonderen. Wat een stem!!! Ik ga alvast op zoek naar een DVD waarop hij live nummers brengt en GEMS schaf ik me zeker ook aan.
Heb je review gelezen. Bij Hallelujah heb ik ook eens moeten slikken. Zo mooi, zo mooi :-))
Hallo Hilde, well how nice of your husband to do that for you! I loved your review, from the point of view of someone who just went to the concert to “inhale” it! lol I’m very glad you’ve had such a great time and thank you so much for sharing your beautiful review, take care. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada
thanks Hilde
beautiful photos! brava
greetings from Switzerland
Hilde thanks for a great review and sharing your pictures with us
and welcome to the forum
Love Dianna xxx
Thanks Sylvie :)
Love Dianna xxx
Hello Dianna,
Thank you! :-))
It is not easy for me to post a message because I don't see Michael as often as you all do. When I read all the messages on the forum it seems like you are all a big family and that's nice.
It was so great last sunday! It's almost a week ago that I went to the concert in Antwerp. When I think about it ... . It was magical!!! :-))))))
When I drive in my car I listen to Michael, at work I put on a CD, in my kitchen I play his music, when I iron my laundry, ... . I just can't get enough of his music.
I will check the tour calendar regulary and hope .... :-))
Greetings from Belgium
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