HELLO EVERYONE, Since the 2011 Tour Review Thread is not playing nice and throwing us all back to the beginning lately, Gail asked if I would go ahead and start the 2012 thread. So here it is.. We can all share our excitement for Michael's upcoming touring and events in 2012 and chat and have fun here till the shows start in 2012.
Everyone is welcome to post and share their stories and pictures, videos from concerts and trips to see Michael do what he does best-SING!!! Michael will be touring in 2012 starting so far with some shows the end of January. There could be other events sooner too so if anyone attends a great Bolton event/concert, feel free to share your experience here. I hope to have a review after the Chester, PA show on January 28th along with some other fans that have gotten tickets for that show and the Atlantic City, NJ show on January 27th as well! After that there are shows in Australia so far listed for 2012. Following those shows we have the Concert for MBC and Traveler's Golf Event in June, 2012 and later on the MBC Gala in Sept.. We already have some exciting events to look forward to next year and I know there will be much more to come.
I am looking forward to another fun year of posts and sharing by the best Michael Bolton fans in the world on this forum.. I will post events to keep the thread moving along as the concerts come up as before.
Welcome everyone!!!!!
Robin in Maryland USA :)
Hopefully you are feeling better now Eileen and this weekend can stop by here and post your reviews for A City and Chester..We enjoy reading them all..Thanks!!
Robin in MD :)
HI EVERYONE!! So sorry I haven't been on at all but this illness was the worst! Thank goodness I'm feeling better. I have to say going to two concerts in a row is really a little tougher then at least having a day or two inbetween. Working all day Friday at school and driving 3hours after school was a challenge!! But drove all the way to Lees house with Michael singing to me AHHHHHHHH! Getting to the hotel and checking in was an adventure and getting dressed and ready, WOW!!! We had great seats Second row! Missed seeing Gail at Atlantic City(sad) but was excited to see Joyce again, exciting to Diane! A sweet lady sitting next to me turned out to be a friend of Robins! When Michael stepped out on that stage and Isaw him it made everything from that days tough times melt away!
As I'm sure everyone there will tell you Michael was amazing his voice fantastic as always!!!! He seemed to be relaxed and in great humor as always. He mentioned family in the audience celebrating 50 yrs of Marriage. Spoke so lovingly about his mom and all he owes her. He sang new and old songs and a few from duets With Kelly Levesque who has a beautiful voice! Everyone want crazy when he sang WAMLAW in the audience. We were not sure tat they would let us up to the stage since we've had some problems last year but I was going up. He took my hand and smiled at me! Seems he gets to know us!!!!!!!!!! He played for 2hours and his encore was amazing Hallelujah and Pride!! What a night sharing our love of this man and his musicwith Lee, Diane and Joyce! It is a night I will never forget!!!
Lee and I stayed at Harrahs that night so it was really nice to be able to not have to rush around and go home. I come from Jersey and spent alot of time at the shore I wanted to so badly go to the beach so we got up saturday and had breakfast and we went to the beach!! Thanks to Lee and it was so cold and windy. we went back to Lees house to change and relax for awhile before going to Harrahs in PA. then back on the road to Michael Day 2!
Robin gave a great review. We had 2 row seats in the middle! Perfect!!!! It was a smaller venue like the one I went to will Holly in Springfield MA. Which really worried me alittle as some of you know I had a hard time there with a guard!! It was another amazing show with a little less interaction. When he started to sing WAMLAW I saw! Robin motion to me questioning about going up to the stage cause there were guard around. Robin and I up and made our way up there and the guard was saying move back we stood our ground and everyone else came to the stage.Diane found us and we had a fantastic time! He came to the end of the stage saw me and smiles and took my hand!! Wow this was an amazing amazing weekend meeting with our forum family!! I can't wait for the next adventure but we hold on and dream of all our wonderful times we have had!
Leaving the concert was wow! I don't want this to end! Went back to Lees house we both crashed on her couchs and slept and dreamed wonderful dreamsall night!
To Lee I love you lady. You and your family were absolutely wonderful the boys and your husband made me feel so at home!! You for everything!!!!
Then it was a drive home ,which I really can't remember! An amazing weekend!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Love Eileen
Hey Eileen, thanks for writing.. What a great review of both shows. I enjoyed reading them both and reliving Chester all over again!!LOL Yes we had to do some quick teamwork to get to the stage and stay there didn't we!!LOL Was well worth it and MB really feeds of the crowd standing there.
My friend you sat beside in A City recognized you too and pointed you out to me in Chester.. I told her you were on the forum. She said MB saw her at the stage too in A City..
Hard to believe two weeks have flown by since already. Thanks for contributing your review. It's much appreciated as always.
Fun stuff till the next time around!!!!
Robin in MD :)
Eileen, thanks ever so much for you review. I felt like I was there. Awesome you got to hold Michael's hand @ both shows. Love it. I know. Can't wait until he's back on tour in the US& everywhere to read everyone's reviews. Thanks like I said. Neat spending times at Lee's though I don't know her. I wonder who Robin's friend is though I won't pry. Wonder if I know that person. :) Robin the boltonnut from L. A. CA
Hey Eileen, Glad you're feeling better....and Thanks for that Great Review, it really sounds like you girls had an Amazing Bolton Adventure:)!
So rest up, and stay comfy on that Cloud:)!
Mary (M&M's)!
Hey Eileen, thanks for sharing your review: sounded like a perfect weekend to me! Glad to hear you had such a great time and you're feeling better. Hope all is well with you, take care and thanks again. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada
Thanks a million for a wonderful review Eileen for you can feel the sheer pleasure you experienced that weekend coming through with your words and I can just see Michael taking your hand and smiling....what a guy !!! :) Stay up on that cloud and relive every moment over and over for that has got to make you feel better and roll on your next Bolton Adventure !!!! :) Thanks again Eileen for a terrific read and hope your health does keep on improving.....some of those little "bug***s" are so hard to get rid of !!!! lol.
Sylvia. Your wee Scottish friend.
Wow..Eileen thanks for your great review. I am catching up myself! Soooo glad you got to the stage without a scene!!! Of course that never stops us now does it???? LOL What a great encore in AC with Hallelujah and Pride!!! I LOVE the team effort getting to the stage because the more the merrier AND the more difficult it is to sit us down!!!! LOL Sounds like a wonderful weekend for you to remember always!!! Thanks again for sharing!
Kathy and LAFD Bob
Glad you enjoyed the two concerts Eileen!!! Thanks for sharing the pictures too!!!
Helena xx
Zippity doo dah zippity day I need a Michael fix right NOW today!!!!!!!!! LOL Maybe we should start reposting old reviews and re-live the great times we had!!!!!!!!!!! ROFL!!!!!!!!
Kathy and LAFD Bob
Well it won't' be too long till MB is in Australia and we will get to hear from Dianna and hopefully some other BB's from Down Under and their reviews and such...and who knows where he goes after that or even before, maybe stuff will come up.. Will be fun..I know nothing is going on right now to post about in here!!LOL
Robin in MD:)
I've forgotten all about this thread....seems years since we were in here !!! LOL. We have still to hear from Gail about that concert that was advertised in Jersey and which she believed was a private affair but there was the girl who came in and said she had bought tickets and also Pilar had found the advert for them and was that not for about the 9th March the date of the release of the new UK and Ireland CD ??? As I said then Michael is getting nearer to the UK !!! :)
Sylvia. Your wee Scottish friend.
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