Hi Everybody,


Its been a while since l posted, although l do check in every week to see what is happening and l have to say..... the forum ain't like it use to be! probably more lookers now than contributors, such a shame.... l remember the good aol days! and the alt.fan days..... they were fun....! getting off my soap box now......and really just thinking aloud!


Best wishes

Carol (London)

you know .... the one that use to do the Bolton On-line Updates! (they were the days!)


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they may, just may come back at some stage!!!


I hope so :)

Love Dianna xxx

Me, me, me ,me and me!! I have my hand up in the air here waving it around wildly. I loved the online updates. 

Yes, it would be great if they were brought back.

Jennifer :) XXX

I would love to see some of the early monthly newsletters if anyone still has them, if they can be scanned and saved as PDF that would be great, I never was a part of the original MB Fanclub, years ago (before the internet) i used to search through music magazines for any little info I could get !


Hi Ozlem

I sent all the ones I had to Jennifer on Cd a while ago, I will have a look and see if I can find some of them.I have a fair few in files somewhere but later they were done in PDF files which were just great and I know I have them somewhere :)

I joined the fan club as soon as I had internet access and use to look forword to the little things I would get in the mail it always felt like a birthday present very special I still have them put up somewhere.

It would be so great to have them all here though from the first one I would just love that.

Will see if I can find them Ozlem and put a couple here :)

Love Dianna xxx

It would be interesting to see how much Michael's career has changed and tastes/style have evolved over the years. Who'd have thought in 1972 that Michael would not only have to wait so long to get global recognition but be an established opera tenor, blues artist and actor among numerous other things!

Very true Catherine, he's amazing in the variety of his music and his talent..My friend that went with me to two shows in the last 2 years just likes music and she loved the variety in his concerts and she said how well he did every type of music. Yes he's come a long way and his career has gone in many directions hasn't it.

Robin in MD :)

If there was a way to collate all of the updates in it's own topic it would be a great way for new comers to learn more about Michael and his roots :) maybe that's one way to get more people to speak on here. Those who shared experiences that were written about can do a little reminiscing whilst others can share their views on how things have changed and what they think the future might hold.

Oh WOW that would be brilliant Dianna, I would so love to see what I missed back then!

thank you, oz.xx

I have found them on my lap top :) now I dont have them all but this is what they were like

Love Dianna xxx

Awesome :) cheers.x.

I will put what I have here for you to have a look at people without pulling my whole art studio apart that is :)

Like I said I have a FEW on my laptop and will share with you all it will be nice to have a look at them again

Love Dianna xxx


Perhaps I should start a thread and put them there and then others who have them might share as well :)))))

I think I will go do that now xx



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