I've just managed to get hold of a copy of Michaels first 45 rpm single 'Bah, Bah Bah' that he recorded with his first band  Garage band 'Joy'.

I've been looking out for a copy for years now and finally managed to track a copy down.

The label on the single has a printed mis-spelling and lists the writing credits as 'Michael Bolotkin'.

Does anyone have any information on this single that they would be willing to share with me because I'd quite like to mount the single in a frame along with some information about it.

I know that 'Bah, Bah, Bah,' was the B' side with 'Joy' singing  the unknown Beatles composition  'It's for you' on the 'A' side, but thats all I know really.

I cant wait for it to arrive and when it does, I'll see if I can somehow, record it and post a clip of it on here.

Thank you in advance for your help.
Love Jennifer XXXXXXX


Still Michaels future wife though!!

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first single wa s going back to new  haven  writen by tom pollard  it was  demo only and  i have yet to see it but do have it  as  mp3

bah bah bah was  second I have a  couple of the demos of this


Do you have Going Back To New Haven? How does it sound Cookie man?



I'm sure I have 'Going back to New Haven' somewhere? I'm going to have to go and have a look in my collection.

I'll come back to you Florin if i have it. 


Hi there,

just in case you haven't seen this:

When MB promoted the "Soul Provider"-album he was on Jay Leno and they talked about "Bah Bah Bah" -  enjoy the funny conversation LOL

Greetings from Germany


Michael Bolton on Jay Part 1


Michael Bolton on Jay Part 2


How funny that Michael sings 'Bah Bah Bah' but sings it all wrong!! Hilarious.

Great to see that clip again Astrid Thank you.


Hi Andrew and welcome to the forum. I'm sorry but I'll have to disagree with you about the order of recording. Michael's brother Orrin told me himself that "The Bop Bah song" aka "Bah Bah Bah" was recorded first and Orrin was later asked to join on the recording of "Going back to New Haven" when he returned from Europe. If you only have the Tom Pollard version, you can find the Joy version here:


Also, when Michael talks about his first singles record deal with Epic, he only mentions “Bah bah bah”. May I ask where you got your info Andrew? Now, when you mention that you have a couple of demos, do you mean on 45's or mp3's and are they different? Just curious. Andrew, you sound like a fan of Michael’s early years. I strongly suggest you check out this thread:


It was started by my friend Jeremy, who posted the beginnings of a comprehensive history of Michael’s very early days, but fans have participated in adding to the early history and you’ll also find fascinating posts by Marc Friedland. If you know about Joy, I’m sure you know who he is. Well thanks for sharing Andrew and hope you stick around and share some more! Take care. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada

my family knows them - the info  on back to new ahve  was  from book new haven sound I can ask orrin details

demos  are 45s and few of the early pictures  and two platium -if possible check out  my photos  on face book

and tom pollard  is looking also to make sure he got credit for writing

Hi again Andrew, I only know what Orrin told me. As far as GBTNH,, according to what Marc Friedland said on the thread I've given you the link to, I don't think it was released because Marc said none of the boys ever heard the B side "Cookie man" song in it's finished form. Do check with OB. Take care. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada

Hi everyone,

Just weighing in on the latest contribution. Yes, I still browse the forum occasionally, but I must thank Sylvie for bringing this to my attention. As for the work on the history project, it's definitely still on the table; I simply haven't had the time to devote enough of my energy to it as of late. I've got lots to report on, but after I compile it all I want to run it by Marc for accuracy.

As for the timing of "Bop Bah Song" and "Going Back to New Haven," "Bop Bah" and "It's For You" were definitely recorded first (yes the book _The New Haven Sound_ lists them both as 1969, but the order should be reversed). "Bop Bah" and "It's For You" were both produced by Ken Cooper. By the time the 45 was released, Cooper was no longer affiliated with CBS/Epic. A few months later, CBS fulfilled their obligation of a second 45 ("GBTNH" and "Cookie Man") by having Joy record with producer Sandy Linzer, since Cooper was gone.

Personnel on "Bop Bah":

Michael Bolotin - lead & backing vocals, rhythm guitar
Fred Bova - lead guitar, backing vocals
Marc Friedland - bass guitar
Bob Brockway - drums

On "It's For You":

Michael Bolotin - lead and backing vocals
Fred Bova - lead & rhythm guitars
Marc Friedland - bass guitar
Bob Brockway - drums
Jeremy Steig - flute


Michael Bolotin - lead and backing vocals, lead guitar
Fred Bova - rhythm guitar (Marc: am I right here?)
Marc Friedland - bass guitar
Bob Brockway - drums (Marc: correct? Hilly didn't start with them until the 1970 apartment sessions, right?)
Orrin Bolotin - backing vocals
Tom Pollard - organ, backing vocals

Andrew - are you related to Tony, who worked at Sally's Pizza and drove the Oogy Ahhgy to California when Joy got the Pentagram deal?

Salut Jeremy, you beat me to the response sweetie. Marc confirmed that I was right. BTW, small correction: Michael played lead guitar on GBTNH. Thanks for coming in Jeremy, glad you’re still keeping an eye on things. :D Take care mon ami. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada

Is that how Michael makes reference to the wrong title apart from the wrong spelling of his name on "Bah Bah Bah" for should the title have been "Bop Bah" on the 45 ???  


Sylvia.   Your wee Scottish friend.


Hey Sylvia, you got it girl. Take care. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada


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