Following a request and suggestion from a very dear friend of all of ours on this forum, Sylvie from Canada, I’ve agreed to set up this thread on behalf of both of us and hope that you’ll join in the fun .
Sylvie's idea came from the age old New Year resolution pledges that we’ve all made and have often all broken, throughout the years, and hoped that by trying a "new sauce" on that "old turkey" it could feel easier for us all and give us a chance to be able to "pat ourselves on the back" and proudly say we achieved our goal of following to the end our... "New Month"... resolution instead........ what do you think?
We both agreed that the month of January would be a "freeby" so we can share suggestions if any of our usual active forum members are interested in this project which, we both hope, will turn into something worthwhile and a lot of fun too. So guys, if you’d like to take part, please feel free to share your ideas of what you think would be useful and fun resolutions for all of us to follow each month.
Obviously this January is, apart from a "freeby" month, a trial month too so that Sylvie and I can see your interest in this and figure out what the majority think so that we can start February with a very firm idea of what our 1st Resolution will be. Each one, thereafter, will be clearly displayed before the month begins and will be advertised with an MB calendar as is shown below for our "freeby" month of January. We hope that each month we can all share stories, tips and cheer each other on.
If you’re interested please join in and give us your thoughts and let’s make this great forum even more of a fun place to visit where we can all come together as friends, thanks to our love and admiration for our Michael.
Sylvie from Canada and Sylvia, your wee Scottish friend.
Am not ignoring this thread Sylvie but I must admit a few little things in life have made me "divert" away from that path I had hoped to follow BUT I will get back on to get up to those 30 press-ups/push-ups, just have to, for when I set a goal like that I like to get there and as I say, by hook or by crook, I generally do.....not always, but generally !!! lol.
Will be back on here but I am glad to hear about you and that bike .....that your keeping up your side of the bargain and glad too that soon it will be time for those beautiful walks when you will be able to smell all the changes that spring can bring especially when the grass starts getting cut and that wonderful smell of new mown lawns fills the air....I love that smell and too with the lighter nights when the kids get back out to play and you hear all the little voices .....the little boy, who has just come to stay up the stairs from me, Luca, when he got home from school yesterday he had a little friend with him and it was wonderful to hear them out in the garden running about and giggling and laughing....always puts a smile on my face when I hear kids enjoying themselves like that and maybe too because you know it is the start of moving out of the dreary winter months.....roll on summer !!!! :)
Sylvia. Your wee Scottish friend.
Hey Sylvia, that’s what this thread is for mademoiselle: keeping track and being on track. We’ve had a fairly mild winter here and my boys are ready to throw off their winter jackets, but I keep telling them we’re only in March. Girl, I don’t know about Scotland, but grass cutting is still a bit of a way off here. However, taking walks and feeling the warm breeze and hearing my neighbourhood awaken from the winter sleep is just wonderful. They said on the radio that our bear family from the Eco-Museum have come out of hibernation close to here so that’s good news! Now you keep up with those exercizes and keep away from that ice cream! :D Take care Sylvia. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada
To go back a month and resurrect that BOLTON SOUP RECIPE for Michael was asked in a radio interview this morning what his most favourite bowl of soup is and although he didn't say specifically, the interviewer hinted at tomato soup and Michael said he likes tomatoes and anything tomato based.....Helena get that blender going !!!!! LOL Wonder too if we should go for shark or red mullet, mullet far more appropriate me thinks, for the decoration on the top.....only trouble is that would be meat jumping onto MB's plate and he might not enjoy the tomato soup then.....could we maybe get a plastic red mullet ?????? LOL.
Sylvia. Your wee Scottish friend and for this week a "wee weporter" !!!!!!!! LOL
Well Wee One, I was planning on making broccoli cheese soup either this weekend or next....will see!!! No plans on Tomato Soup for now, not unless Michael plans to visit me!!! :)
Helena xxx
OMG that could be problemo Helena just let him know a date that would suit you and then we are all flying into Brooklyn !!! LOL. Good luck with your broccoli cheese soup !!! :)
Can I take opportunity to wish everyone that visits this thread a Happy St. Patrick's Day......
Sylvie and if Robin CA pops in I have put a picture of a greetings card in and it has the words on it of "Top O' The Mornin'" and various little pictures of birds and squirrels hanging off of the letters plus of course a little know what I mean, can't spell it at this time of the morning.....playing his little flute and Helena might just recognize it for it got here to Scotland last year via Brooklyn !!! LOL
Sylvia. Your wee Scottish friend.
Hey Sylvia, what a cute picture:)! And "Happy St'Patrick's Day to you, too! Don't 4-get to wear Green, or else you may get Pinched:)! LOL! Although I have to wear a Red shirt & & Black pants! You can bet I have something Green to wear:)! Go get a Lottery ticket, this could be your Lucky Day!
And to the Rest of You, I also wish you All a Happy St' Patty's Day!
Here in Lou. Ky. at the "YUM' center is where some of those Basketball Games are being played! So we are a happening town, especially Today!
Mary (Meg's mom)!
Hi girls, a happy St-Patty’s day to you all too. It seems to be a big deal in Montreal since we have a parade and pubs serve green beer etc. That reminds me of this song by this Quebec comedy duo called Bowser & Blue. The song is called “Everybody’s Irish... on St-Patty’s day”:
:D Hope you enjoy it. Take care and hugs to all, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada still have that card Sylvia?!?! LOL!!!!
Well Happy St. Patrick's Day to all of you!!!!
Helena xx
Yes Helena I still have that card although that is the picture I took of it last year.....I have kept every card you have sent me for don't you know I am an "obsessive hoarder" and unlike some, I do not just hoard stuff of MB's, I hoard stuff that means a lot to me !!! LOL.
Sylvie I have to thank you for that "jig" was beautiful and all I had yesterday to drink was tea, unlike apparently some, and too the weather here was not freezing it was like summer and I cut all my grass....first cut of the year....and so did just about everybody else in Largs for that was all you could hear was little motors going...... although my mower has a nice old fashioned manual push it !!!!! :) It is another beautiful day here, crystal blue skies, so working in garden again and this time going to get my hands all nice and dirty and muddy .....well I am only 6 so why shouldn't I enjoy making mud pies ..... at least I am still keeping on the "food" theme !!!!!! LOL. BTW do you think we should send that video to MB; maybe give him an idea for his next collaboration ???? ROFL
Sylvia. Your wee Scottish friend.
Hey Sylvia,my daughter calls me an “emotional packrat”... :D I’m glad you enjoyed the video. My husband really enjoys Bowser & Blue and they do have some funny songs. As far as a collaboration, all I have to say is yikes! Lol Well enjoy your warm weather girl. We had warm weather yesterday too but I was too busy to enjoy it. I hear it’ll be something like 22 here today but the yard is still too muddy and we still have snow on the North side. I hope your mud pies turnout well! :D Take care sweetie and have a great Sunday. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada
As we have gone on in this thread about food and our wanting to, at times, include Mr. Bolton I thought as he has mentioned food on FB I would put a copy of his little post over here and ask why don't we put some answers to his question on here......why just keep it on FB !!! LOL I know there probably will be a blog brought over by admin but thought a little bit of fun to have on this thread too where some truths could maybe be told in more detail than one would like to post in a blog !! :)
Michael's post is : "My favorite dish: Eggplant Parmesan and fresh bruschetta. What's yours?"
In my comment on FB I put : "Bolton Tomato Soup because it is cooked with time, love and tenderness and it is a once in a lifetime taste and forever isn't long enough to savour the flavour !"
Now, on here, I am going to say Neapolitan ice cream, simply because I do love it and always leave the strawberry flavour to the last and also because, tonight 22nd March, Mr. Bolton is in Naples as is proved by this photo, very obviously taken in the Bay of Naples, which he has sent us on FB and where he has said he is sitting outside eating his favourite food, "Italian" ....lucky little devil !!!!! :)
Sylvia Your wee Scottish friend.
Hope everyone who is following this thread and for this month of March have been attempting to follow a good exercise and diet regime have been, in their opinion, successful with it and nothing but darn pleased with themselves for what they have achieved because I, for one, am !!!!! LOL. I have managed to get my exercise quota up to 35 press ups - going for the 40 tonight - with 60 stomach crunches and a darn sight more besides.....have even managed to introduce again some of my yoga positions and holding for about five minutes at a time.....I am thrilled to little bits !!!!! :) There is a down side though for I haven't lost any more weight.....I haven't put on but I haven't lost.......need to definitely cut down on those 10 chocolate biscuits a day and the 6 sirloin steaks need to get back to the "rabbit" food of lettuce and tomatoes !!! LOL. Little aside here for you all know how I have a penchant for winding people up well whenever I used to make a salad I used to pile my mother's plate full of lettuce and she fell for it everytime.....she just about hated lettuce and she used to shout at me; "do you think I am b****y rabbit or something ???" and I used to be standing behind her killing myself laughing and then when she realized she had fallen for it again I can't even start to print on here what she used to call me before she would dissolve into tears of laughter I miss those days ..................................... ??? Seriously though folks I do hope you have been successful in whatever you have tried to achieve during March and still two days to go, therefore, still time to try and achieve what you haven't.......never say never !!!! :)
Sylvia. Your wee Scottish friend who promises you April's picture of MB is going to make you go .....WOW !!!!! :)))))))))))))))))))))))))
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