HELLO EVERYONE, Since the 2011 Tour Review Thread is not playing nice and throwing us all back to the beginning lately, Gail asked if I would go ahead and start the 2012 thread. So here it is.. We can all share our excitement for Michael's upcoming touring and events in 2012 and chat and have fun here till the shows start in 2012.
Everyone is welcome to post and share their stories and pictures, videos from concerts and trips to see Michael do what he does best-SING!!! Michael will be touring in 2012 starting so far with some shows the end of January. There could be other events sooner too so if anyone attends a great Bolton event/concert, feel free to share your experience here. I hope to have a review after the Chester, PA show on January 28th along with some other fans that have gotten tickets for that show and the Atlantic City, NJ show on January 27th as well! After that there are shows in Australia so far listed for 2012. Following those shows we have the Concert for MBC and Traveler's Golf Event in June, 2012 and later on the MBC Gala in Sept.. We already have some exciting events to look forward to next year and I know there will be much more to come.
I am looking forward to another fun year of posts and sharing by the best Michael Bolton fans in the world on this forum.. I will post events to keep the thread moving along as the concerts come up as before.
Welcome everyone!!!!!
Robin in Maryland USA :)
Thanks Joy...that was a wonderful interview!! :)
Kathy and LAFD Bob
Hi everybody third times a charm. This is my third attempt to writing this.
The first time the internet went down the second time the power went out and I though ok that's it because we are surposed to lose out power today from 9:30 to 3:30 so I started writing at 8am thinking all was well and the power went out at 8:30 oh boy now it's back on because it has started to rain so hopefully it will stay on long enough to do this review.
We have been having alot of personal problems these last few weeks with the father of my grandchildren and I have to say I went to this concert probably not in the right frame of mind because I was worried for the stafty of my grandchildren but that is another story and one that need not be aired here on a public forum so let me start :)
As most of you know I purchased tickets for Bill (hubby) Myself and our 3 daughters Shelli (28) Deanna 27) and Jayme (25) all of my daughters NOT fans ok although Jayme doesn't mind a few of his songs :)
Any way we left home at about 5:30 arrived there about 10 mins to 7 the traffic going to Jupiters was just horrible and finding a carpark a nightmare LOL!
But we got there all ok made our way to the theatre lined up the line was so long lucky we stood in line early they should have just let us in at a pace instead we were hearded like cattle not very well done JUPITERS!
So we find our seats now lets go back and when I purchased these tickets they went on sale THAT day I was told the theatre was being renovated but I was assured we were 2nd row from stage what a joke I was lucky to be able to see Michael I felt sorry for the people further up the back I couldn't even see large screens so I don't know what they thought of it all poor buggers :(
Lets remember I have had alot on my mind and we actually thought about not going but we decided that would just let him win (father to the grandchildren)
So Michael comes out to a packed house not a seat to spare, he said the seats there sold very quickly so he was happy about that and I might add so was I that means he'll be back :)
He was so great honestly throwing out the jokes talking about captain Jack sparrow but to be honest my mind really wasn't there until he started to sing oh boy THANKYOU Michael for I needed that :)
Songs were a little different this time alot I hadn't heard him sing live here is the ones I remember
Soul Provider
To love somebody
Sweet Home Chicago
That's life
Make you feel my love with Kelly Levette???
Somewhere over the rainbow also with Kelly
HAISTLWY also duet with Kelly
The prayer also with Kelly ( I heard the lady 2 seats up (not a fan) say (dont stuff it up I love this song) rude thing she was, she had bought her mother along she was the fan nice old lady the daughter you could tell didn't want to be there ! Anyway Michael blew it out of the ballpark and I heard her say "Good Job" so that was nice.
Nessun Dorma (tears oin my eyes love Michael singing this)
WAMLAW Michael came out to the crowd in the middle of the room but he couldn't go to the front of the stage he had to go thought to the other door on the other side NO going to the front to the stage although some people did I just couldn't be bothered arguing with the idiot that had told me to put the camera away ! Michael did say take all the pictures you want so I gave him (the usher) a look and started clicking but there not that good will post some later we were too far back :(
How can we be lovers was next
The 2 encore's were
Go the distance and
Pride in the name of love
Now the daughters loved the show and gave Michael a 10 out of 10 so all in all a great night
and I am pleased to say the grandchildren are safe :)
Can't wait for Sydney Opera House where it is just Bill and I and a couple of days away from all this
Thankyou Michael for letting me escape for a little while
I was going to try and stay after the show but with all that was going on I just wanted to get home
Thank you to all my friends here who have sent me well wishes etc I apprieciated those wishes so much and they helped me get though the night you all know who you are kisses to you all
Love Dianna xxx
Hey there Dianna!! I am so glad to hear from you.. I am glad the show was able to take you away from your worries for a while....I hope your seats are where they are supposed to be at the other two concerts and that you and Bill have a wonderful time at them..
Thanks for the pic, MB in the audience....cool shot of him..
Thanks for taking the time to write with you having alot going on right now at home..I'm hoping you have a fantastic time at the other two shows..Thinking of you..Sending good vibes your way!!!!!!
Robin in MD :)
Thank you Robin
Bolton Buddies forever
Dianna x
Aw! Dianne. Thanks for your review. Despite the seats & where they were & though it was hard for you to see, @ least you were able to hear. I do understand. Hope your mind eases soon from your troubles. Boltonnut from L. A. CA USA & thanks for your review. I was thinking of you.
Hey Dianna, thank you so much for your review and trying so hard to get it to us! :D I know I miss out on a lot by not being on FB, but I’m really glad to hear your grandkids are safe: one day at a time sweetie... I’m also really glad you decided on going because I’m sure that’s just what the doctor ordered. Dianna, you’re so very fortunate to be able to bring all your girls to an MB concert, glad they enjoyed it! :D Thanks for the detailed account and setlist too. Dianna, all things considered, the important thing is that you and yours enjoyed the show and you’ll have more opportunities for all the planets to line up perfectly for the concert experience you wished for and I wish it for yougirl! Thanks a lot for taking us out of the review drout and we’ll all look forward to the next one. :DTake care. Big hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada :D
Thanks for the review Dianna! So glad you still had a great time even though the seats weren't great!! You will turn your kids into MB fans someday! LOL!! Nice pic and looking forward to your other two concerts and reviews, have a wonderful time and enjoy the shows!!!
Hi Dianna,
Thanks for your review, thanks for taking the time to write it! I'm glad you had a wonderful evening. I'm not on Facebook so I do not know about your worries. I'm so sorry for you, I wish you all the best, thinking of you!!
Take care Dianna!
Hugs, Nicolette xx
Hey Dianna, Thanks for the Details girl...Sorry to hear you have been having troubles..."It'll get better, soon! Be Patient my friend, and I'll say a prayer for you all:)!
So I'd say that it really didn't matter where your seats were...You were there for Michael, and he was good for your soul...he has healing powers in his Music, I think! So I'm really glad you all went & had a great time...I just wish he would have came over to you & your girls..Now that would have really done it for you All! OMG...and I'm so glad it was a Sell-Out show, for Michael! He deserves that, because he truly does Go The Distance for Us all! Now go and Enjoy floating on that Big Fluffy Cloud MB puts Us on when he comes to see Us:)!
Mary (Meg's mom)!
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