I was sitting around in my room, when the song "How Will I Know" by Whitney Houston came to mind, and for some odd reason I visualized Michael Bolton singing it, and now it's all I can think about! I wish he would cover it!

What songs do you think he should cover?

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Hi Brady T and WELCOME to the forum !!! :)  

The question of what songs you would like to hear MB cover was discussed in a previous thread and funnily enough just the other day we were trying to "resurrect" that thread for those that hadn't placed comments in so that they could do so but, unfortunately, the thread would not allow you to place new comments and eventually a message came up denying access as problems were being encountered.....do not know what had happened but did notice that quite a few people had deleted replies they had previously put in so whether that had anything to do with upsetting the mechanics of the thread or not, do not know BUT am glad you have started another one for us and my little contribution is that I would love MB to cover Jacques Brel's "If You Go Away" and I would also love him to do a CD of Andrew Lloyd Weber's music !! :)

Thanks again Brady T for starting this thread !!! :)


Sylvia.   Your wee Scottish friend.


Well in that respect, I am happy that I started this thread! I had never knew that Jacques Brel was the one who did If You Go Away and I was so happy to listen to it just a moment ago. I think that MB would do that song SO MUCH justice! :)

Hi Brady and welcome to the forum. As Sylvia said, the previous thread we had on this subject is not functional, but if you’d like to take a look at it, here it is:


Now to be honest, Michael might be able to handle “How will I know” vocally, but have you listened to the lyrics? I fully agree with Sylvia about the Andrew Lloyd Webber or Broadway album. Now, one of Michael’s backups mentioned on a blog that Michael’s next CD was supposed to be a Motown album and I, for one, would love to hear him sing “Distant lover” or almost any other Marvin Gaye song or Stevie Wonder song for that matter. I was also thinking of “ooh baby baby” or "Being with you" by Smokey Robinson the other day, phew, love those songs! I must say it would be nice to have a mix of old and new though. Well, if I think of anything else, I’ll be sure to add it. Now Brady, may I ask how long you’ve been a fan? I’m simply asking because it’s easier to assess what albums you may know. Well anyway, look around the forum and if you have any questions about Michael or the forum, don’t hesitate to ask. :D Take care Brady. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada

Thank you! I re-read the lyrics and I think if he changed all the he's to she's and the boy to girl, it would be amazing! I think his voice would sound amazing on it and also I feel he would be able to pull off the vulnerability of the song :) As for Michael Bolton I've been a fan for a while, but I sadly have not listened or bought many of his albums, I will say though my favorite songs from him would be Go The Distance & Said I Loved You But I Lied. I think my homework now is to do some research and listen to various other songs of his on YouTube :)

Hi again  Brady, nice choice of favorite songs! :D Michael has said that SILYBIL is his favorite song he’s written. If you need a little help to find song titles and what album they’re from, you might want to take a look at his discography here:


It doesn’t include everything, because there  are some albums that are out of print and the discography doesn’t list all compilations or contributions Michael has done on other albums, but this is a good overview with links to music-selling web sites and lyrics, if you need them. So you’ve mentioned you’ve listened to “Georgia” for the first time, was that the studio or live version? As fabulous as Michael’s CD’s are, it truly is an experience to hear him live. OMG, if you’re gonna be doing some homework on songs you don’t know, search for “When I’m back on my feet again”, first studio and then live. Michael hasn’t sung it live since the early 90’s, but that’s a song and a half my friend! Now strictly out of curiosity, may I ask what brought you here since you enjoy Michael but haven’t listened that much to him? Well in any case, I hope the link helps. Take care Brady. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada

Hey Sylvie! I can already tell you that I've always liked his voice and his songs whenever I heard them, but as I posted here when I did this thread the sudden interest came back when I imagined him in my head singing "How Will I Know" It made my interest peak and so I figured I would post that on a forum and start to see if I could find some good music by him. :) I am listening to When I'm Back on my Feet Again and it truly is an inspired song! So beautiful! I can't wait to hear the live version next! I will say I just heard the duet he did with Lady Gaga which was pretty great


I also listened to him singing Steel Bars earlier today from the Duets album. I have a feeling I shall be getting that album as soon as I get the chance :)

Hi again Brady, well good to know you’re still searching... :D I hope you’ve found the live version of WIBOMFA. Yeah baby, “Murder my heart” is one of my faves on “One world one love”. You may enjoy “The best” with Ne-Yo too, off the same album. Yes, “Gems, the duets collection” is a fabulous album, but then again, they all are! Lol If you go to a Michael concert, you’ll find that he’s very versatile in the genres he sings in. He doesn’t sing the rock songs any more, but in the 80’s, he sang great rock tunes like “Fool’s game”, “Hometown hero”, “Everybody’s crazy” and “The hunger”, but also already great ballads like “How am I supposed to live without you”, “That’s what love is all about” and “Walk away”. In the 90’s, he did keep  the edge on some songs but became very popular with ballads like “When a man loves a woman”, “Missing you now” and “Said I loved you but I lied” and he moved more towards soul/pop. There are signature songs like “Soul provider”, “How can we be lovers”, "Time love and tenderness" and “Can I touch you there”, plus his versions of “Dock of the bay”, “To love somebody”, Lean on me”  and “Sexual healing” you should also check out. Michael also covered the great standards like “Smile”, “Summertime” and “When I fall in love” as well as “That’s life” and even “New York New York” from Frank Sinatra. In ’02, he also did an awesome album on Jive called “Only a woman like you”, which he sang  in English, French,Italian and Spanish, with great uptempo songs like “Love with my eyes closed” and “Dance with me” and even an opera CD in ’98 that was a best seller on the classical chart back then. Well I could give you a ton of other titles but you should have plenty to listen to with those without me mentioning his Bolotin and Blackjack years in the 70’s! :D Wow, I’m sorry for the novel... No wait, one more: the song “Don’t make me wait for love” on the “Kenny G live” CD. It’s not on any of Michael’s CD’s, but if you love Michael’s voice, it’s a must! All right Brady, I’m out. Thanks for indulging me and hope you find something you like in there. Take care. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada

Hi Brady and welcome,

I agree with Andrew Llyod webber's music would love to hear Michael do those, especially the Phantom :)

We do often bring this up thoughtout the threads just the other day i was talking about Michael doing a Bob Seger song "Shame on the Moon"

Again Welcome

Dianna xxx

Thanks Dianna for that response! I had never heard that song before, but I gave it a listen and I think MB could do an incredible cover of it!

Also I LOVE that picture with MB & CD in Phantom of the Opera :)

Hello, and welcome to the forum Brady.
In my opinion Michael could sing anything and he can only improve certain songs.
Do not worry if you do not have all his albums there is no age to listen to Michael and appreciate his voice.
Michael is great!
Have you ever been to a concert? Listening to him live is a whole other thing.
Luckily there are the CD, but listen to live is a treat for the ears and heart.
I renew again Welcome! I hope you have fun with us.
I am sending you a hug. Take care of yourself.

Thank you Erika! I've never been to one of his live concerts yet, but that sounds like something I would love to experience. I listened to him singing Georgia on my Mind yesterday for the first time, and it was simply incredible!


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