From Facebook:

Studio time in LA recording the new album. Details to come in the following weeks, but I'm loving it already and I hope you will too!


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Hi Meggy...Smokey is DEFINTELY Motown!!! Oh how we used to sing that song!!! lol

So many of the Motown songs are love forlorn but with such great hooks and melodies to get you through the 

Kathy and LAFD Bob

Hey Mary, Smokey Robinson is definitely Motown girl! If you have a little time, check out the Lamont Dozier site link Pilar gave us so you have a better idea. They even have sound samples to help your memory. I personally enjoyed it very much. Take care sweetie and have a great day. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada

LOL Never got into 8 tracks, good thing they died out fairly fast..Had a bunch of cassettes too back in the day!!LOL  How times have changed..Us kids would dance to alot of 45's of Motown music at my best friend's house..good times rolled!!!

Robin in MD:)


Yes, the Motown sounds bring back lots of good old memories for me also.  I had 45's mostly back then.  I remember parties in my basement when I was in 9th & 10th grade playing lots of Motown music. Smokey Robinson, The Temptations, Martha Reeves, Marvin Gaye, Supremes.....good stuff!!


The Temptations were one of my favorites :) I guess it will be Michael Motown as my new fav

Kathy and LAFD Bob

Isn't it funny how M & M has cropped up again.....MB can't get away from them/it !!! LOL.


Sylvia.   Your wee Scottish friend.


Thanks for the info, Pilar! I know we're all looking forward to this new album!


Anna (in MO)

Thanks Pilar, Always nice to know what our Michael is up to...and that pix. was Nice...great Smile:)!

Mary (meg's mom)!

Not posted before Pilar so thanks a million for and like you I have been kind of away from here for few days so this is a warning getting posted now for Matthew is away back home folks....can't annoy him anymore, so have a guess what ?????? LOL.    Wonder if this is the start of the "Michael Tease Factor"; forget the X Factor for MB has one of his own, MTF; and I certainly would love to think that it is the start of MTF and more will tumble out over next wee while !! :)

Thanks again Pilar for information !! :)


Sylvia.   Your wee Scottish friend.

Hi, Pilar

Good news and nice pic !!!!

Thank you so much!!!

Take care


Firstly......huge, huge apologies to Rocio but I am just so darn excited and I want to share this news with the world !! :))))   Rocio tweeted Michael about new CD and got a tweet back with a SNEAK PREVIEW of him in rehearsals for the CD ......AND......have a guess what is a photo and it contains Michael, with mic up at mouth and him singing away......BUT..... there is someone else in the photo and...... it is VALERIE SIMPSON singing and playing a keyboard.....oh little bit of heaven is coming to earth with "Ain't No Mountain High Enough".....WOW, WOW, WOW !!!! LOL. I hope !!!!!!! lol.


Teasers starting.......yipeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee !! :)     Thanks a million again to Rocio ....THANKS !! :)


Sylvia.   Your wee Scottish friend.



P.S.    First post I had to delete as, believe it or not, I got my facts all mixed I had put in Pilar instead of Rocio and I apologize to both girls, unreservedly !! :)




Hi Sylvia, thanks for the update. Well, we know about one of the 2 duets and you had to know Michael wouldn't do things halfway for this one: singing a duet with the woman who wrote it! I'm glad that he's got at least 1 Marvin song and I'm sure Michael feels singing with Valerie must be such an honor... Of course, that also means the CD is still in the works too and I just can't imagine how busy Michael is, so he probably needs a little "dance break" once in a while... . :D Well thanks again for this bit of news sweetie, the most we've had in a while! BTW, you know you can edit your post for 15 minutes after you've posted it, right? Even if you've pressed: "add reply", there should be something you can click on that says "edit" so you can correct your typos or change your text or whatever, i've done it many times. My Jaws says: "edit", but I assume there should be something around where it says you have 15 minutes to edit your post. Good luck if you try that sweetie, take care. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada


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