I've taken my wife to see MB at the Beau Rivage in Biloxi for the past six years and due to their policy of reserving all the floor seats for their VIPs and High-Rollers, we've never gotten good seats even on the day they went on sale. However, this year Michael has changed venues to the Hard Rock Casino and the minute the tickets went on sale, I got front row, seats 5 & 6! My wife is literally going to die when she finds out! My only problem now is that the December concert date is so far away. The suspense is going to kill me! :-)

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Oh my, I’ll second that OMG! I don’t know how you did it Chip, but congratulations for keeping the surprise under wraps for so long: I hope your wife’s heart is strong! :D I’m sure that if you succeed in surprising her, that you’ll have a lot to tell. We have a tour review thread on here:


Fans post their reviews, pictures and video links on there and I know we’d all love to hear your story. I’m sure you’ll score high points with our group, since you’ve taken so much care in making your wife’s birthday so special... :D Well anyway, you’ve come so far Chip, I’m sure you’ll be able to last until the day of the 8th, I’ll wish you the best of luck and we’ll all look forward to hear back from you. Take care. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada

Thanks Sylvie, I'm really starting to get excited. I've been listening to MB's Swingin' Christmas CD to get in the mood and I'm hoping with it being so close to Christmas that maybe he'll sing a couple songs off the album. :-)

Hey Chip, good to hear from you! Well, from fan reports so far, Michael has been singing "Aint' no mountain high enough" from the new CD due for release in February, but he's also sung "Silent night". This was during a concert last week so who knows. Break a leg for the surprise for your wife and the concert surprises too! Please keep us posted, take care Chip. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada :D

Have a great time Chip. Your wife is going to be so excited..Please come over to the Tour Review thread after the show and share with us your amazing good time!!! :)

Robin in MD :)

Glad to hear you are still holding out Chip.....don't know how you are doing it but I bet the next couple of days are going to be the worst especially Saturday for it must be feeling like torture now; it has just got to be and of course, I love pointing out the obvious....yeah, rub it in, why don't I:   of course I suppose too there are those that love torture.....maybe I should re-evaluate at this point, or just shut-up and wish you and your wife an absolutely fantastic, fandabidose, fantabulistic show....in other words;  have a great time !!!!!!! LOL.


Sylvia.   Your wee Scottish friend.


Haha, thanks for all the well-wishes. As I mentioned at the start of this thread, this will be the sixth consecutive year I have taken my wife to see Michael Bolton, and I feel that with the front-row seats this will be the pinnacle of our concert experience!

Hey Chip,

   I just gotta put my 2 cents in here before the show....Your wife is gonna Love you even more for this Gift:)! Are you sure you want to make her wait til you get to the casino? Just sayin' since you have these great seats, she may want to give him something herself! We woman are crazy for that kind of thing!

And maybe she may want to make a patch  to send to the lady"Amie" who is making mb the Wall-hanging for his b-day! Just a thought since you 2 are his fans!

Check it out when you get a chance! She's a lucky girl to have a sweet hubby that wants to see her Smile on her B-Day:)!

Have loads of Fun! Then come back the 2 of you & tell All of Us about your adventure, please:)!

Mary (meg's mom)!

PS. Don't 4-get the Sharpie!!!

Hello Mary, I've considered having her buy him a rose since we've seen other women present him with roses at previous concerts. And as for making her wait, I don't think she will be able to enjoy our expensive dinner if she is too excited about the seats. I'm going to intentionally downplay it as much as possible so it will be that much more of a surprise when we are seated on the front row. Finally, I'm having a bit of fun telling her I'm taking her to a Jason Aldean concert. Neither of us like him, so it makes it all the more enjoyable! LOL!

Oh, just saw this, Chip, so cute about another concert, lol....., and definitely take the rose. If you are lucky a nice security person will tell you when you can give the rose to MB, happened to me that way. Just ask before the concert starts and good luck.

Kathy T. :-)

Hey Chip,

    On no you didn't say you don't like Jason Aldean....OMG...he's one of my favs...I forgive you but you about gave me a heart attack:)! LOL!

He does put on one heck of a show, but MB is The Best:)! So just buy her a "Rose" then she will be prepared! Especially when you tell her it's for her to give our Michael! Have a Great Night out! I do hope you 2 get to meet him in person! He's sooooo nice:)!

Mary (meg's mom)!

Have fun Saturday night, Chip, with your wife at the concert however you decide to go with this surprise. I know you will both have a fantastic time.

Kathy T. :-)

Thanks, Kathy. With the perfect seats, I can honestly say I'm looking forward to this Michael Bolton concert more than any other one. I guess we've come full circle since we first saw Michael in 1998. He was on tour with Wynonna Judd and a friend won free tickets from a radio station. She gave them to us so we could go and they were the worst possible seats in the nosebleed section! LOL, he was so far away he looked like an ant and that was before the big projection screens!


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