Here's something new I thought we could try
As many of you know I love music of all sorts and have a wide variety of different types I enjoy
Usually if I am on the computer I am also listening to my music as well
It just so happens that right now Ready for you- Michael playing
It doesn't have to be Michael Bolton it can be anybody by the time I finish typing Anne Murray and Kenny Rogers are singing If I ever
fall in Love again
Happy new year
Hi everyone, a friend of mine introduced me recently to a 2010 Phil Collins album called “Going back”. The Amazon samples sounded good so I borrowed it from my library. I have to say it’s one of the best non MB cover albums I’ve heard in years! I bought it even before it was time to return the one I borrowed, so that should tell you something! :D Here is my favourite song from it, it’s called “Do I love you”:
It was originally sung by the Ronettes, with the fabulous Phil spector sound. I seriously can not say enough good things about this album and could go on and on, but will only mention that Phil is backed up by 3 members of the Funk Brothers, so if you know anything about Motown, you’ll know it’s a big deal. Anyway, do enjoy the song! Take care and hugs to all, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada
Hi Sylvie,
I just got a notification you'd posted on here and thought I'd have a nosey whilst it's quiet and before heading for bed. Thank you so much for the link!! I'm listening to it now, it's brilliant isn't it?! I love Phil Collins' sound but only heard him sing a few Motown.
When I have time I'll go on Amazon, see if the album's available as a little Christmas pressie to me :D
Right, better be off, but thanks again Sylvie.
Sending hugs,
di xxx
Hi Diane, so good to hear from you sweetie, I hope you’re doing well! :D I’ll tell you Diane, I’ve always liked Phil Collins and still have some old 45’s, though I love several of his songs, but this album is brilliant! In the video on, Phil said he wanted to make an old record and that’s exactly what it feels like. I was sold the minute he said “Funk Brothers”, but it really hit home when I heard of the respect and the care Phil took in recreating the Motown sound, which is the main feature of this album. The one I bought was the extended 25 song version with bonus DVD and way worth the price: I recommend it to everyone. Well, you know, while we’re waiting for the Motown album to end all Motown albums from our Michael... ;D Take care Diane, again, great to hear from you! Big hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada xxx
Hi Kathy, good choice of song! I was listening to a couple of Christmas CD’s tonight and these are 2 of my favourites:
Stevie Wonder “what Xmas means to me”: his Xmas CD and this one:
U2 - Christmas (Baby Please Come Home)
I was actually listening to the Phil Spector Xmas CD with the Darleen Love version, but the U2 version is by far my favourite. My goodness, I could start a thread about Xmas music and still keep buying some... :D Hope you enjoy, take care Kathy and thanks for sharing. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada
Hi everyone, I was listening to this song today:
It’s called “Til I hear you sing again” by Ramin Karimloo and it’s from the Andrew Lloyd Webber musical “Love never dies”. For those who don’t know, it’s Andrew’s sequel to “Phantom of the opera”. I’m a huge fan of “Phantom” and decided to borrow LND from my local library and I'm learning to appreciate it, because it wasn’t love at first listen like Phantom was. Hope you enjoy it none the less. Take care and hugs to all, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada
Listening to "Drift Away" Michael's "Timeless" cd:)! Celebrating his Big Day!
Mary (M&M's)!
Don't Look Down (The Sequel) by Go West.
Audrey (aka the quiet one)
Hi Audrey, wow, nice song to workout to, thanks! For those interested to hear it:
That’s the kind of music I actually put on while scrubbing my bathroom... :D While I’m at it, I had this one in my head this morning:
It’s one of those rock classics I keep pushing on my son, “The Mexican” by Babe Ruth, enjoy! Thanks for posting Audrey, I really enjoyed that, take care. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie Qc Canada
Listening to Michael's new cd "Hitsvillle" it is Beautiful:)! Got the stereo cranked up...Lovin IT:)!
Mary (meg's mom)!
Hi everyone, I want to share an artist I discovered sometime last year. I was switching radio stations and landed on this song called “Pack up” by Eliza Doolittle, off her selftitled CD:
She’s a British singer and I thought her voice sounded a lot like Corinne Bailey Rae and I love Corinne. The song and sound are throwback, bouncy and a lot of fun. I was finally able to borrow her CD from my local library this week and love the entire album: it’s sweet and cheery and just what I needed, staring into another upcoming snowstorm tomorrow, just before spring arrives... :D It was a lot of fun and I’ll get the CD now the first chance I get! BTW, here’s another taste:
This song is called “Missing” and it has a sampling of the 1959 classic “Come softly to me” by the Fleetwoods and that sample’s been stuck in my head all day! Lol I love it by the Fleetwoods:
...but my favourite version is by Percy sledge:
OMG, I love this version so much I can’t see straight! Lol I have it on an “Ultimate Percy sledge” compilation:Percy brings a beautiful soulful depth to this song in the delivery: ear candy! Well that’s it for now. Hope you guys enjoy these as much as I did. Take care and hugs to all, sincerely, Sylvie Qc Canada
Hi everyone, I wanted to share something a little different with you all today. My sister told me about this. This is a clip from the Quebec version of the American show "The voice". I don't watch either show, but my sister told me about this performance. Both guys sounded great, but you have to listen to this! I know the second guy obviously has no classical training, but OMG the potential! BTW, they're singing the U2/Pavarotti song "Miss Sarajevo". Anyway, hope you enjoy it. Take care and hugs to all, sincerely, Sylvie Qc Canada
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