Out of all of Michael's amazing songs he has ever sang/wrote

Which one is your favourite and why?

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It is so difficult to pick one because they are all so amazing but i think one of my favourites is Soul Provider because i love the way its sung and i like the lyrics. Thanks Michael for some truely brilliant songs.
My all time favorite by Michael has to be "I Promise you." Should I ever get married, that will be my wedding song&Now that I found you&Stand up for love are right up there as ultimate favorites.
Great post! It's very nice. Thank you so much for your post.

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Hi Kelly and welcome to the forum! Well, glad you enjoy this thread but would you care to share your choice for best song of all-time with us? It's one way to start conversation and make friends... Take care Kelly and hope you enjoy the forum as much as we do! Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada
Hi Chelsea

"Said I loved you but I lied"

Why-lots of reasons really but the lyrics are just beautiful
I even remember having an argument over the meaning of the lyrics with my brother in law lol

Love Dianna xxx
Yeah, Said I love You was kind of a controvercial topic when it first came out with its lyrics. It caught peoples' ears so to speak. Mine it sure did. It made me cry the first time I heard it.
My Favorite song that he wrote is 'Said I loved you, but I lied",but my favorite off all the songs he has recorded is 'To Love Sombody'. That is the song that I can listen to in any mood and get into. It dosn't especially touch me emotionally like a lot of his songs, but the song is just performed so amazingly that it is pure, 100% enjoyment. I've also found that everybody secretly likes this song as well. People I work with, and friends that don't care for his music love this song. They will all admit that his is the ultimate version too :). I work in a Birth Center in the OR and I always sneek this song onto the playlist during c-sections so the new baby will be introduced to the good stuff right away. :) Payten
Hi Chelsea, my absolute favorite song of all-time, all genres and singers combined is “When I’m back on my feet again”. I’ve been extremely fortunate that it never helped me through any life-shattering event, but the music, the lyrics and Michael’s passionate delivery of it made me fall in love with his voice. Further more, Michael said once that when Diane Warren showed him the song, he wanted to cut it as a demo and they recorded one take and embroidered around it and it became the song! If that does not make an ultimate song, I don’t know what does… It’s a beautiful, powerful song, to me it’s just the best. Now, I love the original version, without percussions, but the most moving for me is the live version on “This is Michael Bolton”. I showed it to my 12 year old son recently and he said it was breathtaking! My son! Lol Oh, there are tons of other ones he wrote himself but this’ll always be my favorite that he's sung. Thanks a lot for starting this thread! Take care. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada
Sylvie, When I'm Back On My Feet Again should be my favorite song. My son ask me to listen to this man sing as it was my first time hearing Michael sing in the early 90's and I've been hooked lol. My son was 15 at the time.

Hey Jimmy, well, you certainly raised your son right! J He showed you the song at 15 years old? I could only dream of such a thing today… My kids were raised on Michael and couldn’t tell a time he wasn’t playing on my stereo, except for my eldest. That’s a sensitive boy you had there! Does he still enjoy Michael’s music? Just curious. Thanks for sharing Jimmy, take care. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada

To Love Somebody has to be my all time favourite song sung by Michael. I love hearing this sung live than the album version!

"You don't know what it's like
Baby, you don't know what it's like
To love somebody, to love somebody
The way I love you"

Why? Because I know how that feels!

I'm sure you know Oz that the original version of To Love Somebody is by the Bee Gees. I love the way that Michael made it such a big hit for them. I remember in October 2003, I asked Michael to dedicate to love somebody to Maurice Gibb of the Bee Gees who died that year&he did&there were a couple seconds of silence. he's just such a loving person (Michael) that is.


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