Hi everyone,


I’ve been meaning to start this thread for a while now. I’ve been reading since the beginning of this forum, many discussions started by fans who simply wanted to share their joy of being a Michael Bolton fan. We have threads to share concert reviews, some to share news, videos etc, but not exactly what I have in mind. I would like for this thread not to be about meeting Michael, but about MB related moments in our daily lives, that anyone can take part in. I’m sure we all have tons of fun stories about how the existence of our Michael made us smile today.


For example: I remember once working on the computer and being stressed out to finish a job, then I took a break and turned on the radio, SILYBIL was on and I felt like I’d been given a big hug! Also, I remember once reading on one of the old message boards, someone had gone to a thrift shop and found an MB T-shirt and it made her day! Another story of mine has to do with my husband driving with “The one thing” on, stopping at a light and the guy in the next car asked him who that was and said this was great music! Your anecdotes can also be about how you've converted a "non believer" or your child’s discovery of Michael and sometimes we have as many stories as we have kids! Anyway, I guess I’d like this thread to be kind of a Michael Bolton  “Vegetable soup for the soul”. :D I have a few stories in my own life like these and even started my own personal document  a while back and I thought: why not share our stories together? So there you go MB fans: share away! Take care and hugs to all, sincerely, Sylvie Qc Canada :D

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Hey Mary maybe it is because as this little song says ........

Sylvia.  Your wee Scottish friend.


Thanks Sylvia for bringing this over, wonderful video.

Thanks Sylvia! Very nice video & one of The Greatest songs ever:)!

Mary (meg's mom)!

Mary, I know exactly how you feel "Soul of my Soul" just touches my heart for his "little" girls back then. I have a 30yr old that is married with two children and one on the way and I still feel like I should still be responsible for her such as : does she have enough maternity clothes etc.etc. (I have already bought bed and changer) I have a 9 yr old to go through this with, I don't even like her to go to Girl Scout camp! So. Soul of my soul is very dear to me to. And as for the other song, he just sounds downright sexy when he sing "My bags are all packed"

I started to like Michaels music when he sang When A Man Loves a Woman on a talk show. But I didn't realize it went back further as I had always loved How Am I Supposed to Live Without You. I think that is probably my favorite song. When ever we'd see Michael leave for his limo, or whatever, she was in the habit of saying Debbie from Delaware hoping he'd remember her by that. Anyway, one time he asked us if we lived near Rehoboth. LOL!!! Debbie jumped on that! Why, do you know someone that lives there? He told her his friend Doug James. Of course I had to look Doug up. Come to find out, he knows some relatives of mine, or he might not have ever talked to me.  He did a tremendous favor for me, he sang for a benefit event we were doing at my work and was a big hit. He is the nicest man.

Hey Sally, thanks for sharing about Doug James, that was interesting. Take care. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie Qc Canada

Hey Sally, I love your and Debbie's connection to Doug James. I think that's also what the DE show last year was meant for you two.

It was perfect like I told you...Just perfect.. :)

I cannot imagine how difficult losing her mom has been to Danielle.. Debbie was so devoted to her..In all ways a mom is devoted to a daughter..She talked about her with such love. She's her Guardian Angel now from Heaven.


Robin in MD :)

I first heard MB's music on the radio commuting alone to work back in the fall of 1991.. Kept hearing Soul Provider and TLT and How Can We Be Lover. Loved them and was like who is this Michael Bolton guy...I've always liked different music but his voice just grabbed me.......Then I saw him on a TV show back then and was totally hooked....got all the cassettes then I could (no cd player here yet!! LOL)...and joined the Gold Club a few years later and the rest is history.

I don't have one moment that MB's music has meant the most to me, just any time things get a bit tough or difficult I can listen to his songs and the love and message gets me thru most anything. Or just going in the car and driving and blasting some of his music just takes me away from whatever the problem is.. Going to shows and events have been just a general joy all these years meeting so many fun people and getting to go to so many places I never would have traveled to otherwise.. Mom told MB that because of him I can now drive almost anywhere!!LOL

I have some dear friends now that MB brought into my life and I thank him for them..:)

During good and bad times MB's music has been there since that fall of 1991.. I don't have a major story to share, just that MB's music has added such joy and fun to my life ever since I discovered him and his wonderful voice!!!

Robin in MD:)

Hi Robin, you don’t need to have a major heartbreaking story to post here. The main idea I had to start this thread was: I smiled today thanks to Michael... :D You’re talking about driving while listening to Michael and it reminded me of a drive from last year. It was one of those obligatory rush hour drive to a medical appointment. It was a wet, cool and dreary day on top of that. My husband and I got in the car and he put on “Bolton swings Sinatra” and suddenly, the drive turned into a smooth, breezy and warm summer afternoon drive: it could have taken an hour and I wouldn’t have cared...  :D Thanks a lot for sharing Robin, take care. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie Qc Canada :D

Thanks Sally, Robin MD and Sylvie for sharing ALL those precious moments for again, because of Michael, I've been smiling over breakfast....so there is my wee, wee story about Michael for today !!!! lol   Obviously couldn't smile at hearing about Danielle, especially her just being 15 for she has got a long road to travel but hope and believe when she gets through it her loss will have made her a stronger, more compassionate and understanding person and that is sometimes the good, if there ever can be, I believe, comes from death.


Sylvia.  Your wee Scottish friend.


I couldn't have said it any better, Robin. Love how you wrote your story there. Michael & this other group brought me out of my shell. I used to be leary oftraveling, meeting people out of my home State but they brought me out of that. Love it. Because of Michael, we all became friends&many BB'S I've met & hope to meet more. I'll be only the lonely in Anaheim but it's all good because, I won't be alone. Michael, his band,&other fans will be there. :))))

Hey Robin,

   You have your memories as well! And you tell great reviews and take Us All w/you on your adventures, and it is much appreciated! I was in The Gold Club as well! Still have all of the stuff that went with it! I use to call the 800# just to talk about Michael to someone! LOL!

Mary (M&M's)!


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