Welcome everyone to the 2013 Tour Review Thread!!!!!!!  It is hard to believe another year is soon upon all of us and it should be a fantastic Michael Bolton year full of fun and adventures for Michael's fans around the world!

Feel free to post  your stories and pictures, any videos from concerts and trips to see Michael do what he does best-SING!!!   Michael will be touring in 2013 starting in Jamaica in January.  There could be other events  too so if anyone attends a great Bolton event/concert come on in and share your experience here. We also have shows scheduled in the USA for February and one is on MB’s birthday which will be extra special!! This should be a very exciting year for all of us with MB’s new book coming out as well as a new CD and possibly his TV show starting later in the year too? We never know with MB as he’s got so many things going on at once!!LOL   We can report here if there are any book signings as well if you all want to. Also, later in the year the Michael Bolton Charities will schedule their events to raise funds for the MBC.

I am looking forward to another fun year of posts and sharing great times by the best Michael Bolton fans in the world on this forum. I will post events to keep the thread moving along as the concerts come up as I have in the past. 


Again welcome everyone!!!!!


Robin in Maryland USA :)




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I'm so glad you had fun Pam and Steel Bars is one of my concert favs too...Glad you had such a great time!!!

YES he's addicting, been hooked here for years too!!LOL

Robin in MD:)

Merci pour le lien Françoise, très apprécié!Prends soin de toi. Câlins, sincèrement, Sylvie Qc Canada :D

Robin or anyone who might know...which Twitter account is actually Michael's...where he posts.  I searched yesterday and saw quite a few bearing his name....Thank you !

Hi Pamela and Michael's official Twitter address/handle is @mbsings

Sylvia.  Your wee Scottish friend.


Hello everyone,

What a great night it was at the Lancaster Ohio Fanfestival.

I drove alone 5 hours to get to the show and at first thought I wasn't going to find a hotel to stay overnight in, because along with the festival events there was also a lady's softball tournament in town. I got lucky the Relax inn had 1 room left. It was already 4:20 pm and immediately I started getting ready. It was raining, so I opted not to do the table decorations as I had planned. I knew I wasn't too far from the destination according to the mapquest directions. Or so I thought. The directions led me to a corporate office for the event and was closed. There was a Sheriff's office nearby and I quickly pulled in there and a very handsome Officer came out from behind the mirrored glass and I told him what had happened and he said "You must be going to the Michael Bolton Concert." What a relief! He directed me to the College and I arrived just minutes before Michael came out on stage. There was a long walk from where I parked, to the table where I sat, all uneven ground, grassy and muddy. On the way I asked a couple at one of the beginning tables what number there table was and they said 5, so I had 35 more tables still to go and my leg was starting to get tired, they offered me a Strawberry Rita for my long walk. That was the start of a very nice evening to follow. The people at my table already had decorated and had food spread out. The table next to us won the contest with a theme of "Wine Love and Tenderness" the women all dressed in Flapper attire with headdresses made of black and white feathers and the men all wore Tuxedo t-shirts. They got first prize. The second prize went to a table that someone made the Starburst trees and I couldn't see what else they had, nor could I see the 3rd place winners. The people I had the pleasure of sitting with were all very nice. One gentleman sitting beside me was a performer himself, he played piano and sang along to several of Michael's songs. I remembered to bring the "Soul of it All" and ANMHE and the Gems CD's in hopes of a signing. I shared them around the table with everyone and they started asking questions. Like "How long have you been following Michael?" "How many times have you met him?" I said a long time and I couldn't count the times we had met. So on with the show. Michael came out to the interlude to "Go the Distance". Then went right into singing "Soul Provider". After that I can't tell you any order. But he did "You Don't Know Me" "Nessun  Dorma " and told the audience they could pick up where he left off and held out the microphone and no one sang. "When a Man Loves a Woman" and he didn't go through the audience this time. He did "Sweet Home Chicago" and Kelly gave him a break to change his clothes. She sang the songs Michael wrote for Cher, Barbara and Kiss. They sang the "Prayer" together so beautifully. Kelly really got the men in the audience cheering with all her beauty and soulful voice. I think he did "Steel Bars". Michael told the audience that Jason was going to talk to us for a bit. Jason played his solo on the sax and I remember that "Georgia" was the an choir. There may be songs I missed. After they finished there was a huge fireworks show and the Orchestra played during it and they were "Awesome". The Announcer said there would be a signing afterwards. YIPEE so I hurried to the back where the mixing boards were to ask where and the fellow told me over at a tent across the way. There where about 30 people in line and while waiting for Michael to be there, I look up in the sky and there was a bunch of little glowing lanterns just floating around in the sky. I told the ladies behind me and we watched them for quite a while before Michael drove up in a Silver SUV. He is looking so fine lady's... When I got to the front of the line, Joe was there and said "I remember you." I said hello to him and he gave Michael the book and CD's as Michael was sitting at a table with a rope in front of it so no one could get too close. It was everything I had in me not to try to lean over that rope and steel a kiss!!! When Michael looked at the piece of paper with my name on it his eyes got as big as golf balls and he looked up and said "Hi Kellie" with the cutest smile, I said "hello Michael how are you?" He replied "doing quite well thank you." I told him to come back to Indianapolis and he said he wanted to. After he signed all three items he handed them back to me and I turned to walk away so the next in line could move forward, and he called out my name again and said "Kellie you have a great night."  I looked back at him and told him to do the same and he smiled again with that gorgeous smile and then my knees went weak. I went over to get a drink and talked with some of the Orchestra and they were saying help yourself to the free food and drinks. So I stood around until Michael was done with all the signings and had a chance to walk up to him again and congratulated him on his recent Ischia award, He said "That was last week, but thank you it is a very prestige's award and I am grateful to have received it." He said something else after that but I didn't hear what he said as other people were talking too. I saw that he was leaving and so I hopped into a cart that was taking people back to their cars. I don't think my legs would have been able to walk all that way back. But on the way I heard a band playing,and thought Michael might have been doing an impromptu jam afterwards. Maybe Gail can confirm or find out who was playing on the stage. It was late and I had to try to find my way back to the hotel or I would have made the golf cart gentleman turn around. All in all it was a great night! I got a little lost on the way back to Indy but eventually made it back in sort of one piece. Still trying to make my heart go on...


P.S. I somehow lost all my pictures trying to transfer them from the camera onto the computer, it's a new camera and I did something wrong and they are all gone! Sorry and mad at myself. Michael will just have to come to Indianapolis so I can get some. 


Aw! Kelly. Thanks for such an awesome review. Loved it. What you went through to get there. What we all go through, right? Loved how you described everything. I felt like I was there watching everything going on&I couldn't move to be there. :) Loved your conversation with Michael&like you, I've gone back a second time to speak with him @ CD signings. :) Loved what you both said to one another. Now. How cool is that? I'm glad for  you Kelly&thanks once again for such an awesome review. Not to get preachy, but girl, God was watching over all of you. :)

Hi everyone, I've had a busy week and look forward to catching up on here on the weekend. Keep the posts and reviews coming in.   The next two shows coming up are:

July 28, 2013 at Castello di barletta, Barletta, Italy

July 29, 2013 Castel Sant’ Elmo, Napoli, Italy


Have a great time everyone going..I hope to see more reviews coming in afterwards!!

Robin in MD USA :)

Not sure why there is a box in the  above post.. I have no time to fiddle with it...Sorry gang!!LOL

Robin in MD :)

Thanks a million for your review Kellie and what a wonderful review it is too and so glad that everything worked out okay and that you were with a nice bunch of people at your table.  Thanks too for letting us know the little bit about the competition for the best dressed table and the ideas certainly sound pretty terrific and think there probably should have been far more than just one winner.

Just a little bit on Jason for he seems to be back with Michael right now for he has just posted on FB that he is on his way to Italy and Chiara is going to both shows so maybe she will pop in with a review.....need to get onto her and ask her and another couple of girls I know going but they are just not too sure about their English....need to get them to write their reviews in Italian and we will translate them but hey Kellie thanks very much indeed for coming in with yours.....thanks !!!!! :)


Sylvia.  Your wee Scottish friend.


Thanks for your terrific review, Kelly. I was right there with you, imagining your entire evening. I needed your review this evening, brought a smile to my face. Great you were able to talk with MB and cute that his eyes got big when he saw it was you. So glad you had a wonderful evening, Kelly, and hope you get the chance very soon to take photos again but thanks for trying anyway.

Kathy T. :)

Hi Kellie, first of all, let me thank you for your wonderful and detailed report. Second, girl, you are a brave one to drive all that way and not have lodging reservations! The table decorating sounded like a lot of fun: it’s great when people get into the spirit of things...  I’m guessing you were in the festival-goers section? Thanks for completing the setlist: another fan  gave us an almost complete one from memory. Aww, very cool exchange with Michael, lucky you! I’m glad to hear you had a great time and a great night Kellie, thanks for sharing it all with us, take care. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie Qc Canada :D

Awesome about the concerts coming up in Italy. Hope to read some reviews. Wow! :))))


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