One of my favourite




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belle queste foto di Michael che si riposa al sole di Napoli, queste invece solo le foto che ho fatto al concerto del 29 luglio a NAPOLI - tutte le volte che MB viene in Italia cerco di andare a vederlo anche se è lontano dalla mia città

queste foto sono per tutti quelli a cui piace MB come contante e come persona

ciao a tutti claudia 

Claudia grazie molto molto per condividere le foto belle con noi. Sono bella e grande da vedere e spero che non sarà troppo lungo prima di Michael sarà grazia nuovamente le coste dell'Italia e lo vedrete in concerto. Grazie ancora Claudia!!!
Claudia thanks very much for sharing your lovely photos with us. They are beautiful and great to see and I hope it won't be too long before Michael will again grace the shores of Italy and you will see him in concert. Thank you again Claudia!!!
Claudia's photos were taken in Naples on 29th July when she attended the concert Michael did there.
Sylvia.  Your wee Scottish friend.

Si Sylvia spero di vedere un concerto anche nel 2014 e mi piacerebbe tanto che lui potesse cantare nella mia città.

RAVENNA è una città d'arte ma anche di musica, abbiamo in estate un bellissimo evento "RAVENNA FESTIVAL" con tanti concerti nelle serate estive, sarebbe bellissimo avere Michael, chissà come si può fare.

Ma se non sarà la mia città spero di poterlo raggiungere in qualche altra bella città italiana

ciao claudia 

Translation of what Claudia has posted above........

"You Sylvia I hope to see a concert in 2014 and I'd so much that he could sing in my city.
RAVENNA is a city of art and music, we have a beautiful summer event "RAVENNA FESTIVAL" with many concerts in the summer evenings, it would be nice to have Michael, who knows how it can be done.
But if it is not my city I hope to be able to reach some other beautiful Italian city
Hi Claudia"
Sono sicuro che Michael arriverà in Italia durante il 2014 e spero di che arrivare a andare al concerto...Spero così Claudia!!!
I have said to Claudia that I am sure Michael will be in Italy during 2014 and that she can get to a show if he does concerts.
Sylvia.  Your wee Scottish friend.
Good luck to you, Claudia, hope a concert comes soon for you and thanks for the translation, Sylvia. I enjoyed looking back through the photos here, they are all so good as always. :)). Hugs,

Kathy T. :)

 Michael In Los Angeles - July 24, 2013 ciao cristina

Grazie Cristina !!! :)

Sylvia.  Your wee Scottish friend.


another one that i found a while ago, enjoy everyone & have a nice day !!


Thank you so much! Lovely photo, I have never seen that one before!

Joy ;)


Thanks for bringing that one over Marwen and if you are responsible for the "cutting" out of "someone else" who is also in the picture then thank you ......that is the reason I have never posted it on here !!! LOL

Thanks again Marwen for MB looks FANTASTIC !!! :)


Sylvia.  Your wee Scottish friend.


From The Hotel Puente Romano in Marbella  8/1/2013
These are such good shots, I had to bring these over here.
They are from the article Sylvia Wee One had posted in the      
2013 Tour Review Thread.
Michael Bolton Plays The Hotel Puente Romano

Thanks Joy and yes they are terrific pictures and plenty from this tour keeping popping up......great to see them all !!! :)


Sylvia.  Your wee Scottish friend.