I was having trouble with the MB Dates Added thread going to the last page so I'm thinking it is at it's limit so starting this new thread.

5/14/13 Updated*


You are going to find a number of things on the web and on band member's websites before I announce, or they end up in the Tour section here, or MB's official Facebook and I want to explain why.  Michael's management and tour people start setting things up and working with promoters and venues most times a long time before we hear about them. There are logistics that have to be worked out as well as schedules, deposits, agreements, etc that are all signed and ok'd before Michael's people consider them confirmed.  The band member's may put them on their websites also before we do because they are given the dates while they are being worked on, so they will hold those dates in their busy schedules as well. A lot of the band do other gigs when they aren't with Michael so they are asking them to hold those dates.  Promoters and venues sometimes post before all is confirmed on Michael's end as well because they want to get the word out and tickets sold but sometimes that works against them and most of us have seen that happen when a concert doesn't work out and tickets have to be refunded or taken down with no explanation. Most of the times the ones you find on websites of the venues or band member's sites do work out but because there is the chance they might not until all i's are dotted we don't post on the main page until it is!!

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IHi Joy, I know my friends told me about that lady and how MB did that!!! I remember that story from them. I know it wasn't this way last year but they are offering up something different this go round I guess.  Good luck!!!

Robin in MD :)


Thank you for your concern, it helps a little. So now I know this is what happens at casinos. Last year we got 2nd row without any problems so I wasn't expecting this.



Just confirmed and added:


April 2nd
San Jose, Costa RicaHotel REal International


Ticket Sales :

Pre sale Feb 10th,2014 9:00 AM til March 10th,2014 9:00 AM

Ticket Sales March 10th, 2014 9:00 AM til April 2nd, 2014.

Ticket sales www.etickets.cr



I just bought tickets to see Michael at The Music Hall in Portsmouth, NH in June 2014.  A friend of mine told me he was going to appear there so I checked it out, and he's listed to perform there on June 1, 2014.  I got tickets in the 6th row orchestra, right side.  The really good seats were sold to the venue's members first, and the seats to the public went on sale on the 18th of Dec.  Thought I'd better post this in case there are any fans who don't know about it and would like to go. 

                   Diane  :)


Congrats Diane!!! That's great you found out about it and were able to get tickets..  I wonder if we will get more USA dates during the summer in 2014? Hmmmm :)

Robin in MD:)

Thanks Robin!  Now I have 2 concerts to look forward to...the one in RI and now NH, and who knows, maybe they'll be more in the New England area.  Hey, I can dream, right!!! 

Diane  :)

Hey Diane, Sorry I just saw this..Been busy with NY's stuff and then I got sick over this past weekend..still recuperating.  Yeah never know with MB where he will pop up next!! Happy New Year to you.

Robin in MD:)

Ok, I have no idea where to post this, but this seemed like the best spot!!!  I can't make any of the shows this year due to prior travel plans and locations.  HOWEVER  I am SO excited to see that Micheal is playing at the Royal Albert Hall in Loundon.  WHY?  Because the 16 year old in me is squealing about the fact that I once was on the stage as part of our High school band travels.  Cheesy, I know but a girl can dream about these things :-)  Enjoy the concerts this year everyone!

Hey Jessie, it's been a while, good to read you here! How have you been? Sorry you can't make any of this year's concerts, that's a shame. Well, Michael said in a recent interview that he had no intention of stopping what he's doing, so I'm sure he'll come back your way soon enough! :D Thanks for sharing your story sweetie, take care. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie QC Canada

I was too excited when I saw it to not share my story :-)  I've been busy with my now 2 year old son.  Life changes when you have a kid, whew!  I love it though!  So glad to re connect! :-)

Hi again Jessie, yes I know what you mean: I have 4 kids of my own. Ah, your son is at the "fun" age... ;D Enjoy sweetie, they grow up too fast. Take care Jessie and hope to read you more on here. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie QC Canada

Picked up on Twitter and then went into site and found where it says Michael will be playing at the Sands Event Center, Bethlehem, PA on 30th May with tickets going on sale this Friday at 10.00 a.m.


Sylvia.  Your wee Scottish friend.



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