2010 Concert Tour Reviews-Please share your reviews with us here!

Hi everyone, I thought it might be nice to have a thread for everyone to post their concert reviews in again like we've done in the past. It's such fun hearing about all the shows and everyone's experiences and see their photos. 


Anyone attending, please post your review.  Its exciting that Michael and his band are hitting the road again and traveling the world!


I hope you all don't mind I started this thread for concert reviews.  I'm looking forward to reading about everyone's experiences!



Robin :)


P.S.  Update-Nov, 2010-I wish them well and cannot wait to see the show again in 2011!!! MB totally rocked it at NJ PAC 11/3/2010!!! Thanks Michael!!!!!


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I really think my next BIG vacation ought to involve going someplace like Italy and including a concert stop. What do you all think? Based on these reviews I'm thinking you would agree. :-D Nonetheless, I'm entirely looking forward to seeing MB in a few months!!!! Very excited!
Wow! Such great views from everyone. Piler. You live in Spain, right? How far was italy from you? I'm not good with geography.

I'm glad everyone enjoyed their shows. I have 2 more to go.

Robin the boltonnut from L. A. CA USA :)
Yep, in Spain. Is very close to us, is our neighbour in the Mediterranean sea, two hours away by plane and two more by car for the concert.
Thanks Gail for the pics link. Thanks for sharing everyone!!!
Robin :)
Robin, you started a neat thread a few days ago for people to share their concert experiences. Just the ones for 2010? That's awesome. Thanks again for starting this thread. I'm enjoying, as I said, everyone's reviews of their concerts.

Robin the boltonnut from L. A. CA
Gail, Pilar and Massimo

Thanks a lot jor sharing beautiful pics, and reviews

Take care
Mariu, it's awesome seeing you up here. I've seen you so many times in the yahoo group. Hope it's ok to mention it. :)

Robin the boltonnut from L. A. CA
I think it's awesome folks are sending videos&photos. Now, the videos, I can hear but cannot see but still can enjoy in my own way. Not to be exploiting my blindness&all that but it's true. i can't see them but can imagine. :)

Robin the boltonnut from L. A. CA USA
Wow Reading peoples reviews is making me so excited about going to see Michael in December. Can't wait!!

I agree Chelsea makes me so excited to see him in November!!!!! Thanks Gail for sharing the pictures! Can't wait!!!

Love Eileen!!!!!
Eileen, where will you see Michael in November? I don't have the tour list on hand. :)

Robin the boltonnut from L. A. CA
Chelsea, where will you see Michael in December? enjoy. :) No doubt you will.

Robin the boltonnut from L. A. CA


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