Welcome everyone to the 2014 Tour Review Thread.  The upcoming year is going to be exciting with so many concerts scheduled already around the globe!!! Feel free to share the details of your concert adventures, photos, videos etc.  This is the best time to be a Bolton fan with so many concerts and the MBC Charity Event which will most likely be held later in the year too. Michael has multiple projects in the works so we never know what will happen next!!!! I appreciate the opportunity to start a new thread once again for 2014 to give us all a place to share the best part of being a fan--- experiencing Michael in person doing what he does best-SING!!!!!! 

I am looking forward to another fun year of posts and sharing great times by the best Michael Bolton fans in the world on this forum. I will post events to keep the thread moving along as the concerts come up as I have in the past. 

Happy Concert Time in 2014 to all of you!!!

Robin in MD USA :)

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I was referring to him getting a shot Robin CA for laryngitis, which is an infection, not the common cold, if your post is in reference to mine ???

Sylvia.  Your wee Scottish friend.


Hi Guys, just wanted to let you all know that Michael indeed showed up last night in Newberry SC. Lynn and I showed up early in the day and checked into the hotel across the street from the Opera House. The weather was freezing wet and terribly windy. Couldn't imagine Michael was up for that, but he did. Show started exactly on time. He was in his usual rare form. Never one mention of his illness, and he pushed forward so so well. I believe the songs set was similar to Robins 2/27 set. Like Robin S mentioned to you, we didn't think he was 100% himself, but, for those of us who know his songs that well, could tell he was pushing through it. He told his same ole same ole jokes, however, I noticed two, I never heard before, lol. Cameron did a wonderful sweet dedication to her mom who was in the audience with the rest of her family, which they also came from charleston, I assume. Anyway, I would say, the concert was a bit shorter than usual, understandably. Michael came back out for a encore with Go The Distance, but not before some friendly hecklers. Lol, this venue is quite small, that last banter from the audience felt like conversations going back and forth, it was neat until someone asked him to sing a really older song from his catalog,, made it uncomfortable, so she asked him for an autograph, and always on his toes, he told her he didn't know that song. He was a trooper and finished with Go the Distance. Yea, not sure his voice was 100% as far as laryngitis is concerned, but you could tell he was being careful with his instrument. God Bless Him. I wish him well, in hopes he is able to carry on with his future tours. Love this man, I hope he learns to start reaping the benefits he so deserves in life/retirement. He is our Legend, right? Seeing MB again in Jax FL on the 14th. PS Go The Distance, he belted out strong and beautiful. Thank You Mr B

Hi Karen, Thanks so much for sharing your review. I can picture the intimate setting and the banter back and forth with MB.  Sounds like he did the same show I saw in DE with GTD as the encore. Bless him for pushing through. I hope he continues to feel better and now that he's in FL he will be feeling good in the warmer weather..He is a real trooper.  Awww that's cool with Cameron doing a dedication to her mom, that's nice.. He is quick on  his feet with the combacks.!!LOL


Thanks again for sharing your good time with all of us Karen!! Have fun in Jacksonville!!!!

Robin in MD :)

Thank you for your review, Karen, and once again MB trying his best for his fans and I know it was not easy for him.....he may have had "Go The Distance" on his mind too to help him through the concert. MB deserves retirement for certain but he loves what he does and I think it helps to keep him going to accomplish his lifes goals (coming from one just a tad older than him here ;)). I admire his dedication in all he does....can't keep a great man down you know!! :).
Unfortunately I cannot go to the Biloxi concert afterall but I hope Lynn will come on with a review and by then MB has his voice and energy back in full form.
Have a great time in Jackson...I envy all of you getting to go to the FL concerts....one of my favorite places with some great memories too and God willing maybe a few more someday. HAVE A BLAST TO YOU, KAREN, AND ALL GOING and I am looking forward to everyone's reviews wherever your concerts are. Glad our MB is back....very glad :))). Florida salt air and warmth will be good for MB :))). Hugs,

Kathy T. :)

Thanks a lot for your review Karen. I think it's amazing that Michael still did "Go the distance", because he wouldn't want to mess that one up, God bless him. Anyway, thanks a lot Karen, take care. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie QC Canada :D

Thanks a million for your review Karen and so glad to hear you had a great time and that MB is back on his feet, even if still leaning like the Tower of Pisa a little bit but being back on stage and out on those golf courses, will do him the world of good !!:)   Thanks again Karen and have a wonderful, super time in Jacksonville !!! :)

Thanks too for your review Lynn and glad to hear you got that "dance"...way to go girl !!! lol   Have FUN and a "dance" in Jacksonville and Biloxi !!! :)

Sylvia.  Your wee Scottish friend.


Sylvia.  Your wee Scottish friend.


Just adding a couple of things about last night's concert. Great time, small venue, no bad seat in the house, but we were a little further back than we spoiled rotten BBs are used to lol. Couldn't move around enough to suit me for Sweet Home Chicago so I went up to the back of the venue and danced my heart out to the amusement of the ushers standing back there. But it worked for me! I just love that song and he blows me away every time he does it!! No Nessun Dorma, not a surprise. Absolutely freezing and windy, rainy, we tried hard to be troopers and go out back to wait for him but our southern girl blood is just too thin to tolerate it, there were a few young ladies out there waiting though! And I mean young! The audience was a lot more enthusiastic than I first thought they would be and he really seemed to enjoy them very much. He was looking FINE and I mean "whew, he is FINE" kinda fine, not as in "oh he was sick but now he's fine" :) He definitely took it easy vocally, but he is an awesome performer, a true professional and I have never, in my 24 years of seeing him in concert, been disappointed. Looking forward to Jax and Biloxi, and sincerely hope the weather is much more cooperative for his sake and mine!

Thanks Lyn for the added info. Glad you rocked out to your heart's content! lol I'm especially glad to hear Michael looked well and hopefully, by the time he gets to Biloxi, you'll get "Nessun dorma" and the full voice. Take care Lyn and thanks again. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie QC Canada :D

Lynn & Karen. Girls, thanks ever so much for your reviews. Good on you trying to stand out in that nasty weather. Don't want you girls to get sick either. Wonder if those young girls got to meet up with him afterwards. Your reviews were fantastic & thanks as I said. Neat Cameron's mom was there. Aw! Enjoy your next concert, please.

They had a short meet and greet afterwards, but Michael was out of there within an hr of the end of the show. I doubt very seriously he opened his window to that wind and freezing rain. They had the nazi watch dogs hovering as we passed that area on the way back to the hotel.

so, u didn't go to the meet&greet, Karen? How about Lynn. wow! I understand. :)

I agree Karen they would probably have gotten MB out of there and he would not have been able to sign anything from the car in that kind of weather....

Robin in MD:)


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