Welcome everyone to the 2014 Tour Review Thread.  The upcoming year is going to be exciting with so many concerts scheduled already around the globe!!! Feel free to share the details of your concert adventures, photos, videos etc.  This is the best time to be a Bolton fan with so many concerts and the MBC Charity Event which will most likely be held later in the year too. Michael has multiple projects in the works so we never know what will happen next!!!! I appreciate the opportunity to start a new thread once again for 2014 to give us all a place to share the best part of being a fan--- experiencing Michael in person doing what he does best-SING!!!!!! 

I am looking forward to another fun year of posts and sharing great times by the best Michael Bolton fans in the world on this forum. I will post events to keep the thread moving along as the concerts come up as I have in the past. 

Happy Concert Time in 2014 to all of you!!!

Robin in MD USA :)

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Danke für den Hinweis
Hi Petra, where from you come then, actually? Pressure to you and all the others for today evening quite firmly the thumbs!!! For a coffee the way is too wide certainly, but in hope that Michael is healthy today again and the concert takes place no way is too wide certainly. We have also driven 600 km to Berlin to see him.To Essen on Friday, however, it is only one Katzensprung:-) / ( Catjump)
Wishes to you a good journey!!! To reports has run like it you are determined!!!

Hi Petra, woher kommst du denn eigentlich? Drücke dir und all den anderen für heute abend gaaaaanz fest die Daumen!!! Fürn Kaffee ist der Weg bestimmt zu weit, aber in der Hoffnung, dass Michael heute wieder gesund ist und das Konzert stattfindet ist bestimmt kein Weg zu weit. Wir sind auch 600km nach Berlin gefahren um ihn zu sehen. Nach Essen am Freitag hingegen ist es nur ein Katzensprung:-)
Wünsche dir eine gute Fahrt!!! Berichten wie es gelaufen ist wirst du ja bestimmt!!!

I am so sorry, Petra. Believe me, I can imagine how it feels, as my dear friend Christine = Pink Lady and I were standing in front of the concert hall in Stuttgart some years ago and the concert was cancelled too. Anyway, I was succesful at talking to his band and giving them my gift for Michael. I was told later, he indeed got it whilst lying in bed in the hotel room.

So, hopefully he will be getting well soon to be able to give a concert in Munich as it is sold out and all of us are waiting for him.

For Steven: I have just watched "Germany is looking for a super star" too and the song was horrible! I still prefer to hear it by "the right Michael" :-))

P.S. I do not like "How am I supposed to live without you" as a duet, I mean, it is a song just for Michael and his audience.


Ivana, du hast Recht ich glaub ich trage ne Menge Enttäuschung noch in mir... jetzt weniger wegen dem Geld sondern für das schöne Gefühl was man nach einem tollen Konzert hat. 

 Hallo Michael, wenn du das liest...DU SCHULDEST MIR WAS !


I hope Michael doens't read that one !

Posso capire come si rimane dopo aver atteso per tanto tempo il concerto, a me è successo a gennaio del 2010, ero andata a Mantova ma purtroppo arrivata sul luogo del concerto ci hanno detto che era stato annullato.

Unica cosa importante è che MB si rimetta al più presto e che possa nuovamente deliziarci con la sua fantastica voce.

ciao a tutti claudia 

I am so sorry for everyone at this concert.  I had not gotten anything beforehand so it must have been a last minute decision.  He didn't want to disappoint by cancelling and he also doesn't want to disappoint as some of you are talking in Berlin.  It is a tightrope he walks when this happens.  If I hear anything more I will let you know.  Gail

Many thanks Gail! Please let us know if it something new gives to report. Above all, Munich concerning!

Petra (Germany)

That's a great way of putting it Gail. He has to be so torn but his health comes first.  We were disappointed here in MD and you guys were I am sure in VA too in early March but his health comes first.. I do not want to go to a concert and watch him struggle to sing or perform. That would kill me inside to see him not at his best.  For his sake most of all.  :(

Sending prayers to MB to feel better very soon.  He loves to tour and sing for his fans most of all, this has to be just killing him.

Robin in MD :)

I so sorry to hear that Michael is not feeliing well and had to cancel the concert! Im sure everyone in disappointed we all know that feeling! But like Robin said its very difficult for him to have to cancel he hates disappointing his fans.  Most important is his health! So lets all sent positive thought, best wishes and prayers that he gets well soon!!

Eileen from Upstate NYxxxx

thank you Gail.... it is clear to us....I get more worried than disappointed for the cancellation today.....I hope of course for Munich but I wish him above all a full recovery....

Take care,

kindly, Chris

Petra I am hoping Michael can perform some of his other concerts and that definitely you catch him on your next concert!! Sending lots of healing thoughts to Michael and Germany for a quick recovery!! He clearly needs more rest and fewer concerts. 

Kathy and LAFD

Oh je, das tut mir für Euch, Petra und Christine, und all die anderen so leid.

Aber vielleicht hat er die Entscheidung auch in Anbetracht der schlechten Meinungsäußerungen im Internet getroffen. Und er wollte nicht noch einmal so ein Konzert wie in Berlin durchführen.

Ich drücke Euch ganz fest die Daumen, dass es dann am Montag in München klappt und er mit so viel Elan das Konzert geben kann, wie gestern in Rostock. Ich denke an Euch.

Katrin aus Berlin


I'm so sorry for you, Petra and Christine, and all the others.

but perhaps he has also made considering the poor expression of opinion on the internet the decision. And he did not want to again perform as a concert such as in Berlin.

I keep my thumbs crossed that it'll work out in Munich on Monday and he can give the concert with as much vigor as yesterday in Rostock. I think of you.

Katrin from Berlin


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