Sorry it has taken me a while to do a sticky of this link to the birthday calendar.  Thanks, Dianna, for the great job you did putting this together!

*****UPDATE -10/15/2015

I've added an updated calendar below for those who are asking. Thanks, Sylvie for updating it.  I have posted it in two formats so all should be able to get it.


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Happy Belated Birthday Nicolette. I hope it was a great day!!!

Robin in MD :)

Hey Nicolette, Sorry I didn't get to that b-day calendar, but I definitely want to give a Shout Out to you for your Birthday:)! I hope it was fantastic...and continues. for the rest of the week:)!

Mary (meg's mom)!

Thank you Joy for the birthday wishes and thank you so much for my cloud (I'm still ont it)!!! LOL

Thank you Kathy T for my "birthday song"!!! ;) 

and thank you Robin and Mary for thinking of me!

Sending you big hugs,

Nicolette xx

A Happy, Happy Belated Birthday Nicolette and am so glad you were able to celebrate such a special occasion with the man himself and especially too at the RAH....what a birthday treat and here for you is little card that contains picture of MB on the stage of the RAH on 22nd May.....enjoy all the wonderful memories and hope they stay with you forever !!! :)

Sylvia.  Your wee Scottish friend.


Thank you dear Sylvia for the beautiful card!! Indeed a concert I will cherish and never forget!!!  A wonderful birthday present!!! :)

Take care Sylvia, big hug!

Nicolette xx

Lieve Nicolette heb ik je helemaal vergeten.....stom..

Nog van harte gefeliciteerd met je verjaardag en nog heel veel gelukkige maar vooral gezonde jaren toegewenst.

Heel veel liefs jacqueline xxxx

Dank je wel Jacqueline! Hoe gaat het met jou op het moment, ik hoop een beetje goed?

Jammer dat je niet bij een van de concerten kon zijn, misschien een volgende keer ok!!

Liefs Nicolette xx

Lieve Nicolette. Ja het was idd jammer geen concert voor mij dit jaar. Maar ja de hernia operatie is gelukkig mega goed verlopen dus ja dat is toch ook wel belangrijk. Dus hopen voor het volgend jaar of wie weet komt hij nog je weet maar nooit. Ik ben gelukkig weer blij dat ik normaal kan zitten haha...Ja de normale dingen zijn dan in eens niet meer normaal.

Maar gaat goed hoop met jou ook. liefs Jacq xxx ps en gelukkig van de morfine af

Dear Nicolette, yes It was a pitty that I was not able to see a concert this year. But my Hernia Operation was done so well and that was at that time more important. So lets hope next year ore who knows he still comes you never know.

But I am happy that I can sit normale again lol...Yes the most normale things are than in one time not normale anymore.

But for now I am doing well. love Jacq xxx and thank god also no more morfine

my late but heartfelt wishes Joy, Nicolette, Sandy. I hope for an exceptional year, happiness and lots of concerts MB. Thoughts and big hugs from France .

Thank you Francoise, I had a wonderful birthday weekend.  Happy Belated Birthday to you as well. I am just know getting on computer to catch up

Sandy in MS XOXO

Thank you Francoise, so sorry we did not meet in RAH. I hope next time!! ;)

Bisous, Nicolette xx

Happy, Happy Belated Birthday to you Sandy and hope you had a fantastic concert with your hubby. Hopefully we will be seeing MB back south very soon. Hugs,

Kathy T. :)


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