Sorry it has taken me a while to do a sticky of this link to the birthday calendar.  Thanks, Dianna, for the great job you did putting this together!

*****UPDATE -10/15/2015

I've added an updated calendar below for those who are asking. Thanks, Sylvie for updating it.  I have posted it in two formats so all should be able to get it.


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Hi Sylvie, good to be here.

Okay thank you I am just going to edit the old one and use it.

Thank you for your help on the Calender and hopefully I have updated all the events :)

I am down to 7 in the house now lol.

A full time job (which I might add was supposed to be a couple of hours a week )

I will try and keep this up to date though

Love to you my little friend Sylvie and sending hugs back

Dianna xx

Hi again Dianna,   my pleasure for the help sweetie, that’s the least I could do. Oh my, I’m afraid to ask who are the 7 you’re “down to”! lol I mean I’m not on FB, so at last count, I think you were up to a 4th grandchild on the way, am I close? :D I’m sure someone can double-check if you’ve missed any birthdates, but I intend to keep up my list if you need backup. :D Again, good to read you here sweetie, take good care. More big hugs, love, sincerely, Sylvie Qc Canada :D

Great to see you on here again Dianna and hope things going okay and all sorting themselves out !!! :) 

I gained access to the calendar through your link okay.   Can I just say Dylan's birthday is not today but was yesterday the 6th and I had forgotten that until Petra pointed out to me original blog we have where, although posted on 7th it does state he was born on 6th.  No matter what, it is unbelievable that a whole year has gone by....WHERE has it gone !!!! LOL

Did you happen to see and hear that Michael announced yesterday on Twitter that he will be touring Australia next year ????????   Start saving those pennies Dianna !!! :)

Sylvia.  Your wee Scottish friend.


Hi Sylvia,

I have adjusted little Dylan's Birthday so thank you :)

It just seems to have gone so fast

I haven't heard that, will go looking, I'm not much of a Twitter fan but maybe I should be

Isn't it strange how life goes Sylvia.

I will be waiting to hear the dates, that's for sure :)

Love and best wishes Sylvia

Dianna xx

Dylan's 1st Birthday already

Holly if you pop in here, I too would like to wish the little fellow

Blessings from across the sea's

Happy Birthday Dylan


Happy Birthday to little Dylan.  Time sure flies!!!!

Robin in MD :)

Welcome back Dianna. Sure do miss you. Also, happy birthday to Dylan. Wow! Time sure does fly as I can't believe Michael's grand daughters will be 3 & 4 this year. Whew.

Hi Robin,

I have missed the love that I have always felt come's from this forum

The people on here have and continue to be just beautiful and you Robin are one of them :)

Love to you Robin

Dianna xx

Nice to see you post again! Yes, we have missed you. Glad you are doing well, and just busy is the reason why we don't hear from you much. I know how you feel, I too can't be on as much as I used to. Life is very busy for me right now.
A Very Happy Birthday to Dylan and Tom. Life does seem busier these days,
ladies, I agree. Hello to you Joy and Diana !! :). Hugs,

Kathy T. :)

Hi everyone, I want to wish my fellow Virgo Kellie Brown a very happy birthday today, September 9. I hope you have a very special day Kellieand that you spend it surrounded by love. I wish you also an MB concert in the near future! :D Take care Kellie. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie Qc Canada :D

Hi Kelly Brown. Happy birthday to you girl & celebrate it good with many more returns.


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