Suggestions for songs to be included in Michael's Set List for 2015

This thread has been started because of an idea a few of us had and which some of us, such as myself, Kathy LAFD and Petra decided to go a stage further with and come on here and ask you to post FIVE songs that Michael has not sung on stage, rarely sings on stage or, has not sung for a number of years, which you would love to hear him singing at a concert. We know and understand, everyone has their own favourites and some are probably those that Michael has in his set list at present, like Steel Bars, When A Man Loves A Woman, but we ask you to think carefully about your FIVE songs and to try and pick those that he seldom sings but which YOU love.

What we hope to achieve is a list, of the TOP 10 songs that YOU will have chosen, which we can present to Michael and ask him to give consideration to possibly including, at least, one of the songs on his set list during 2015 as it being a song voted on by his fans. We have asked Gail, moderator of the forum, for permission to do this and also if she would be willing to pass our list to Michael and she believes a good idea and has agreed to pass to Michael on our behalf. Have to make it very clear, whilst list will be passed to Michael, it gives no guarantee you will hear one of your songs at a concert you go to, nor does it guarantee, Michael will feel it relevant, to include any of the songs voted on, in his 2015 set list.

We hope it lets Michael see how much we care about his music and how much we love it all. Also how much we appreciate the way Michael involves his audience, US, so much in all of his shows and how much we all thank him for doing so. Have also to say hope it lets him see how much fun we all have coming together on this forum which is a part of Michael's website and for those that do not know, this was something Michael himself asked be included when this website was set up. The facility of a forum is available on these sites but the great majority of celebrities do not give this to their fans i.e they don't pay for it, as Michael does, for us.

We are asking that you have your FIVE songs posted on this thread by 1st December so, before the Christmas rush starts, we are able to draw up the TOP 10 list. It will also give Gail the opportunity to send to Michael before 2015 arrives. Only one post, containing five songs, is allowed per person.

In advance, we want to thank everyone who comes onto this thread, for your support is more than appreciated and we also hope you have FUN in thinking up your FIVE songs. We also hope, during 2015, Michael sings all your favourites and each and everyone of you has a concert, as near your doorstep as can be, so that you get to a show next year

Picture was taken on 20th May, 2014 at Cliff's Pavilion, Southend-on-Sea, UK and please feel free to use if you wish to. 

Sylvia, Kathy LAFD and Petra.

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Sorry I haven't been on here in a while.  I've had stuff going on and haven't been able to get on here but I was so excited to see this!  Here are my Top 5 that I love love love to hear him sing!!!!


1.  How Am I Suppose to Live Without You

2.  Time, Love, and Tenderness

3.  Georgia

4.  When A Man Loves A Woman

5.  Said I Loved You But I Lied

What I wouldn't give to hear him singing this in the Western portion of Kentucky!!!!!  *Sigh*  A dream is a wish your heart makes.....

Thanks a lot for coming in Joy B and just want to point out that what we are trying to get are votes for songs that Michael doesn't sing regularly on stage so that we are hoping we have a list of the Top 10 for him to consider maybe adding one, or two, NEW songs onto his set list for 2015.  I understand why you have chosen those you have as being those favourites from his set list just now but possibly you would like to submit another five of your favourites that he DOES NOT sing or hasn't sung, on stage, for years.

Yes folks, I am making a decision that Joy can have another 5 votes so please don't shoot me down in flames.  I am also going to take a look at description I have placed with this thread to see if can improve wording and make it clearer what are hoping to achieve.  Petra and Kathy I will be onto you for approval of any changes....okay ??? LOL  

Sylvia.  Your wee Scottish friend.


O.k. Sylvia, I'll Joy's voting not yet to register!!

Petra (Germany)

Hi Kathy T, good to read you here sweetie. I'm with you on agonizing over only 5 songs! I have to say though, you've even got me stumped on "because of you", because I know this as a Kelly Clarkson song... I'm sure it's just a slip-up, but have no idea what it could be. In any case, I knew there'd be something from OAWLY... :D You take care my friend. Big hugs, sincerely, Sylvie Qc Canada <3

Thanks very much for picking up mistake I've made Sylvie in saying to Kathy T her votes are registered when it is obvious she has chosen a wrong song.....thanks again !!! :)

Sylvia.  Your wee Scottish friend.


Hi again Kathy T, I know what you mean about OAWLY and I  adore that album too: I would have voted for "Simply" myself.  The thing is, I just don't know how that type of songs would sound in a concert hall, because they're so intimate, know what I mean? I know nothing... :D Take care sweetie. Big hugs, sincerely, Sylvie Qc Canada xxx

Yes Sylvie I know what you mean ;). Thanks :). Hugs,

Kathy T. :)

For OAWLY, I would have chosen "Love You with my eyes closed" but didn't. Toooooooo many songs but I'm loving this.

Thanks for coming back in Kathy T but can I ask you to delete your wrong voting list and replace it with correct one just so that all votes placed are readily and easily seen by everyone for verification that myself, Petra and Kathy LAFD are completely correct when final list is drawn up.

Thanks Kathy !!! :)

Sylvia. Your wee Scottish friend.


Hey Sylvia,

I corrected it. Sorry for the mixup :(. Hugs,

Kathy T. :)

At least I know he does sing them on stage now haha!  I haven't never gotten to go to a concert of his personally, I picked those 5 songs because there's meaning behind them personally for me.  I'll have to think on the 5 he hasn't done......that's quite a bit and it's so hard to decide.

Thanks for coming back in Joy B and appreciate that if you haven't been to a show how could you know his set list and it possibly would have been easier if we had drawn up a list of songs for everyone to choose from and we did consider that but thought way we have done was best, as believe, and truly do think someone's favourite would and could have been, left of such a list.

Hope you don't mind choosing another 5 Joy for it really is that we don't want to see your votes going to waste especially if Michael does pick one of the songs on our, eventual, Top 10 to add to his set list.    In saying, we obviously do not know what Michael's set list will be for next year for, if he has a new CD out by that time, then set list will change and possibly a lot of the classics, that we all love, will have to be ditched to make way for new ones.   Hopefully, just hopefully, one of the new ones might be one we have picked....hopefully !!! lol 

Sylvia.  Your wee Scottish friend.



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