I will post new concerts in this thread. Hopefully I have set it correctly to be at the top.




We've gotta find a way to trust

The very best in all of us

Let there be love, let there be love


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That wonderful news Gail! Thanks for letting us know!

Love Eileen xoxo
There is a another concert not on the website but I've asked them to add it since the tickets went on sale:

March 13, 2011
Louisville, KY
Kentucky Center - Brown Theater

Just got this news release regarding a charity concert on September 20th. This concert is at 7 p.m. and I believe DWTS starts that night but they do the live performance at 5 p.m. PST....so he will have to be doing some running.

OMG Gail he will have to really be doing some running. Here we go....LORDY!!! Good for him to be a part of a wonderful charity event like this but wow!!! Bad timing with it also being his first night on Dancing!
Oh wow our Michael will be one busy man LOL
Love Dianna xxx
Hi Gail...

According to the invitation, the Gala's on Sunday, the 26th......

Love ya, Anna
Yes it is Anna...this other is another charity event the Monday before and right after he does DWTS. I'm told the studio where they do Dancing is across the street from The Grove where this other event will be and all of the other dancers will probably go over with him. The concert is free to the public as well. Gail
How cool is that Gail. They will all go over too and have fun after the first show.. That's great, Michael won't have far to go!!! Thanks for sharing.
Robin :)
Sorry about that, Gail! I didn't realize he was doing another charity event. Wouldn't that be a cool event to attend!!

How is that, I tell you I believe in what's meant to be will be.
Michael is meant to be right where he is in his life at the moment!

Right across the street from DWTS it is cool isn't it!
Thanks Gail
Love Dianna xxx
Hi Gail,
Sounds like Michael better pack his running shoes, along with his dancing shoes!

I don't know if you have all seen this post on the main site. Sometimes I forget to check there but this is info left there regarding the September charity event:



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