As we are now into 2015 thought would start a new thread for our resolutions/hopes and dreams/desires and needs or, whatever we want to share with each other, each week on here. Hopefully we will be able to give each other the support we might seek in trying to get all those little "wants" done whether we intend to take a week, a month, or even, the whole year, to achieve whatever it is but that we can be assured of support from each other as well as, without doubt, a laugh along the way.....what would life be without some of that good stuff that costs nothing but is worth much more than a pot of gold !!!

Picture above is one Michael sent us on New Year's Day of himself surrounded by falling balloons of all different colours and with his arms outstretched as though welcoming in the New Year.

Sylvie in Canada      and

Sylvia in Scotland.

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Hallo Petra, I wish you well with your son sweetie, been there, done that. How old is your son now? I wish for you that it's just a phase he's going through. My youngest has passed that phase last year, thank God. Good luck Petra, take care. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie Qc Canada :D

Thank you for your words, Sylvie! My son is 12 years old. He thinks he knows everything. He thinks he's the greatest. He thinks he is the best.

I think it will be better again in the spring. Stefan missed his hobby, the Kart race. I think if he can again pursue his hobby, his mood is again better! I hope!! I wish you a wonderful week, Sylvie!

Petra (Germany)

Hi Petra, oh my, you're getting into another fun age: the teens! All I can say Petra is keep talking to him every day, even if it's at meal time. My son and I have music in common so it's a little easier, but you never know what's in their head at that age, so keep talking. Good luck sweetie. Big hugs, sincerely, Sylvie Qc Canada xxx

Thought would pop on here and give little report as one thing I am thrilled about is that I have lost 2 lbs. in weight.....yipeeee !!! lol  I am so darn pleased because I haven't really started a diet yet for I am still cutting back on all the rubbish and am well aware there is more rubbish to be cut back on so that is what this week will be composed of.  I have been given a life saver of being able to cut back because I have become slightly addicted to ice cream cones but on Saturday night, my freezer gave out, so I have no where to keep ice cream cones at this moment in time so what an opportunity to try and break that bad, bad habit !!!! LOL   In actual fact I had just stocked up so I ate a few extra on Saturday night and then Sunday before the rest were just mush and found their way into the bin.   Have had a little bit of a run of bad luck on kitchen appliances but hopefully, as that is the third one to go, it will be the end of had better be !!! lol    A little while ago I had to buy a new microwave and then about a week ago my kettle started playing up in that it was cutting out before reaching boiling point because of a short in the base so, just got a new kettle couple of days ago, then freezer conks out.  It was pretty awful for, in it conking out, it took down all my electricity and OMG if you had seen me trying to work out where the fault was in my electrical system in candle light and with two (I'll miss out the swear words) cats who were so concerned because they for sure knew something was wrong and wanted to stay with me and look after me but when a near black cat starts walking round your feet and is one you nearly fall over on a constant basis, even when you have broad daylight, what chance did I have......believe the title of "farce" could have been applied to it and sure, if someone had been able to video some sequences in it, it would have gone viral on YouTube....LOL  Eventually narrowed it down to kitchen and then freezer and was hoping it was maybe just fuse in plug that had gone but no such luck so I am on the search now for a freezer but have to admit the internet isn't half a wonderful thing for helping you find all these goodies.  Have to say though that if anything else goes wonky in this house I don't know what I'll do, pulling hair out comes to mind, for certainly my kitchen fund is depleted and I am having now to put my little fingers into my Bolton Fund and as far as I am concerned that, is just, NOT on.....but.....needs must !!!! LOL 

Hope nobody else has had appliance melt down like mine and if you have, boy, do I sympathize with you, YES !!!! lol    Hope everyone else has had a not too bad a week and are looking forward to this new one.

Sylvia.  Your wee Scottish friend.


Hey Sylvia, well there you go: every little bit helps so congratulations!  Heehee, What a lucky break on your freezer for your diet! :D Oh girl, I hear you about the falling over cats, which is one reason I don’t have one. I’m thinking your weight loss might have had to do with all your running around! Lol Well on my side, I’ve done better on computer filing and have kept up with my logs. I’ve even made an effort to start on a new resolution: to get more sleep. I don’t get to bed at a decent hour every night, but if it’s only a couple of nights a week for starters, it’s a small step in the right direction. Break a leg on both  functional appliances and diet Sylvia, take care and have a great week. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie Qc Canada :D

Hi Sylvia, hi Sylvie,

I've often told by my first concert in Munich (on 28 April 2014). I remember: I stood in front of the building after the concert and I watched the man how removed the tour posters. Until many days later I annoyed me that I had not asked whether I could keep one.
Now, I've finally found a tour poster on eBay! I'm now missing only the space on a wall; but I am unspeakably happy to call this poster my own!
Petra (Germany)

lol lucky you Petra: getting a poster from your first concert, congratulations! :D You know Petra, I had started a thread to share stuff like that a while back:

Well anyway, thanks a lot for sharing sweetie, take care. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie Qc Canada XD 

Hi Petra and thanks for sharing that with us and sorry I didn't find it earlier just wading through my e-mails and discovered.  That I would say is certainly a "WISH" come true, if not a dream as well, to have something so precious as a reminder of a super time.  Thanks for sharing and glad you managed to get.

Seeing it is Monday here already I might as well put in my little post for today for not much to report except that I have lost another I am definitely pleased as that has gone with just the cutting out of the ice cream cones and they are going to remain, cut out.  Will start today cutting out more rubbish and see what happens by next week.   Got my new freezer delivered yesterday and got that all set up and installed and old one out at front gate for collection tomorrow morning.  Have to admit had a little bit of trouble getting the plug wired up in as much as not much room to work in inside a cupboard and don't know how many times I dropped screwdriver but got there in the end.  Now I just have job of flattening all the packing to get it inside my bin....that should be a laugh and a bit of jumping up and down on it needed !!! lol

Sylvia.  Your wee Scottish friend.


Hey Sylvia, my you’re early today! Glad to hear you’ve lost another pound, congratulations! It’s pretty incredible to realize how much it helps to cut unnecessary calories. Hey, I’m glad you found a way to exercize! Lol Oh how I remember the kids having fun with empty appliance boxes… You probably still have a small recycling bin… In my area, they’ve upgraded us to  bins as big as hotel food carts. Not sure if it’s supposed to cut collecting cost in any way, but it’s practical. Well on my side, I seem to have my logs on cruise control, managing to update them on a regular basis. Still trying to get a handle on sleep schedule: I should probably put that in my log too… :D Anyway, I’m really happy for you that it seems fairly easy for now to lose that weight by doing nothing but suffering the loss of sweets Sylvia. :D Break a leg on continuity and have a great week, take care. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie Qc Canada :D

Couldn't sleep that was what was wrong as had just heard another cousin had died very suddenly.

We actually have three bins or what we refer to them as being is "wheelie bins" and just as well they are on wheels because when they are full they are some weight and even sometimes with the aid of wheels you really have to push them.  We have one for garden refuse and food with another for paper, plastic and glass and then the third is for anything that doesn't fit into the category for the other two...LOL  If they introduce a fourth for anything I will have no where to keep them except on the middle of the lawn for that is the way it is going...only joking of course but I am lucky I do have space outside my back door and a little path that runs along part of back of my house into garden and it gives me the room to have the three there, kind of out of the road, if you like.  Certainly don't need another one nor anything any bigger !!! LOL

Glad to hear you feel everything going your way and you had better get that sleep schedule worked out for we definitely all need a good sleep and I don't care what they say about when you get older you don't need as much.....load of rubbish for I definitely need that 8 hours or I am worse than useless.   Just a BTW I have managed to cut down on things yesterday and today and I don't feel the loss of so, here is hoping, by Sunday, more will be off.

Good luck everyone with everything you are trying and hoping to achieve....good luck !!! :)

Sylvia.  Your wee Scottish friend.


Hi Sylvia, very cool about your 3 bins. Composting is not mandatory here, though we do have special see-through bags for garden waste. Well I hope your week was as fruitful as it was promising. On my side, I've been keeping up with the logs and actually did very well with the computer filing. The sleep schedule was doing okay on average, when I messed up my average by almost going on Bolton schedule one night... XD I have been keeping tabs for reference, but there's room for improvement. I think it's just that bad habits die hard. Wish me luck getting better habits! :D I hope Sylvia and anyone else trying for goals and/or better habits  is at least inching along: do feel free to share! Take care and hugs to all, sincerely, Sylvie Qc Canada  :D

Definitely wishing you getting better habits Sylvie and especially where your sleeping habits are concerned for everyone needs those forty winks, or however long is necessary, to keep body and soul in good shape and my forty winks are 8 hours minimum.....LOL.

I didn't bother with the weigh-in this weekend as yesterday had a little birthday party for my brother who turned 85 on Thursday so what with the champagne, savouries and birthday cake thought I would give the scales a well deserved rest !!!!! LOL.   Just to say I did send him a Michael Bolton greetings card and he had a good laugh at that and I also had the party hats and whistles and I thought I might have been told where to go with it all but he joined in and those party hats were worn and the whistles blown.....he did try to imitate Michael but it didn't quite work out !!! LOL   We had a good laugh for sure but only thing was the cats were not too sure of those whistles at all, in fact, think they hated them.  Back on the diet today so will get back in swing for next

I did start going out for walks by taking my first one, for a long time, on Saturday for it was a beautiful day here although absolutely freezing and I mean, freezing and although it has still to be cold we are to have sun shine so will be striding out in the days to come and hopefully that might make a wee bit of a difference to the weight.  

Hope everyone else getting in the swing of things and to try and help out here is the calendar picture for February which we have just come into..........

I've laid the calendar page in amongst a vase of red and white carnations I have and the picture of Michael is the one that is used a lot for it is the one on the CD cover "One World, One Love" where Michael is sitting on the couch playing the guitar.

Good luck everyone with all your hoping and wishing to do.....good luck !!! :)

Sylvia.  Your wee Scottish friend.



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