Starting this thread so there is somewhere everyone can come and leave a birthday greeting for Michael for his 62nd birthday which is on 26th February.

Have spoken to Gail and she has given okay as well as saying she will make sure this is sent to Michael in plenty of time for his birthday. We have agreed to make the closing date for greetings 24th February at midnight EST. 

Please feel free to leave your own personal greeting to Michael in whatever shape, or form, you want, as long as it is respectful, clean and not too long.

Should also like to make a suggestion that, if anyone is thinking they would like to send a gift to Michael for his birthday why not consider making a donation to his beloved Michael Bolton Charities and here are details concerning exactly how to do that as well as showing Gail's message after contacting Andrena, at MBC, on our behalf........

Gail's post, after contacting Andrena at MBC on our behalf, with regard to making donations to MBC in honour of Michael's birthday.

"I have heard back from Andrena at MBC. She said absolutely send your donations for MB's birthday and she will keep track of them so he knows the total that came in for his birthday from his fans. IF you want to send a donation or a card as well as your wishes here, you can send it to:

Michael Bolton

C/O Michael Bolton Charities

P.O. Box 936

Branford, CT 06405

Please write in the card or a little note that the donation is to honor Michael's Birthday."

You can donate to MBC on-line at and please mark your donation as being in honour of Michael's 62nd Birthday....thanks !! :)

Thought would put a few little starters here to make it look birthday like and get us in the mood for a party !!! lol

Top photo on mug Michael was 19 at time but hope you'll give me that one !!! lol

For Sylvie and Robin and anyone else popping on who has visual problems, pictures I have put in are first one is a montage of five birthday greetings and I have placed balloons all over it to give colour and little bit of added stuff and I have put on it at the top, in green scroll writing: "Happy Birthday" and then down below first two pics in montage in the same green and scroll writing: "Michael !!!"  The pictures in the montage are: 1st one says "62, and aged to perfection" with a bottle and two glasses in the centre of the words and that lies to the right and then over to left is 2nd one which says: "It took 62 years to get this awesome!"  On bottom line which contains three pictures with the first of those being of a  badge and it says on it: "62" and then below that: "cleverly disguised as a responsible adult". The 2nd picture is of a golfer on a green standing pointing at a hole which has a golf ball balanced on the rim and the flag is in the hole and it shows hole #7 (appropriateness of that I couldn't resist) and above golfer are the words: "May the course be with you" and last picture shows on right hand side a bucket of popcorn with 2 tickets showing "adult one" and then to left hand side it says: "Just think, now you're one step closer to the senior citizen discount at the movies".  Second picture I have put in is of a mug which says on it: "!'m 18....with 62 years experience !" and I have placed two pictures of Michael on it with one above words being an "oldie" when he is 19 and other one below words taken last week when he was in Shanghai having his cup of tea and I have put a circular fancy abstract border round it  which contains in the left hand bottom corner a large turquoise daisy like flower.

Sylvia.  Your wee Scottish friend.


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My dear Michael

 Happy, Beautiful, Amazing, Wonderful Birthday.:) You are an exceptional man . Your experience makes you a unique artist in many areas !

I wish you all the best in the world, very happy moments with your family, friends, band,  and of course with your fans . Have a special day this February 26th and evidently even wish for all other days that follow .

Sincere wishes with all my heart from France . xoxo :) 

Françoise <3

 Dear Michael

What day is today ? Today is YOUR Birthday !!! This Is The Greatest Day of the year .

I wish you a very happy one and all the days that follow too. I hope all your hopes and dreams for the coming year come true.

Have a great day. HAPPY 62nd.!!

Sending you lots of love

from Maria xxx 

Dear Michael,
also from Berlin in Germany come congratulations for your birthday. I wish you all the best and a lot of health. Have a nice day with your family and friends.

Best regards from Berlin


Happy Birthday my dearest Michael. I hope u enjoy your day. Hopefully u will pamper yourself. U better because we need u around for many more years of great music and awesome concerts. Sending hugs and kisses for your birthday. Hope to see u in concert this year and give u a big birthday hug. Can always dream. Haha. Enjoy your day. U DESERVE it. Always a fan. Laura Roukas from Massachusetts.

Hi Michael....I want to wish you a very Happy Birthday!! Thanks so much for a fun concert at Table Mountain Casino in Friant on Feb. 17. It was fun chatting with you about Jack Sparrow and I can't wait for JS2 :) I happily and proudly donated to your MBC in honor of your birthday. Have a special day with your family and friends on Feb. 26! I will be patiently waiting for your return to California and especially SoCal...woohoo. Until then.....birthday love from....Kathy and LAFD Bob

Hello Michael 

My friend Valentina, one of your Italian fans, can't access the forum. She asked me to send you this message :

Dear Michael,

I wish you a fabulous birthday with family and friends .
Nothing is too sensational for you ! 

With all my love <3



Hi Michael

Wishing you a very special birthday wherever you may be!!!  All your dear fans are thinking of you - your music means so much to all of us.  Thank you for so many happy memories you have given me, you are my inspiration.  Look forward to many more concerts, you told us in the UK you would never stay away that long again and you dont fail......  Thank you Michael I look forward to all the new surprises ahead!!  Love always Clare xxx  


Dear Michael 

Wishing you a very special birthday wherever you may little daughter loves your music so like me.  Enclosed you will find a greeting video. :-)

Mery Garcia Pimentel

From Guatemala


hay hope u have a great birthday and get everything u dream off . my turn to throw something to u millions of kisses jo xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


Happy Birthday!  Wishing you a wonderful day with your family and friends.  Thank you so much for the gift of your music.  Be safe on the road and we'll see you very soon!

Kathy (PA)

Dear Michael:

Happy 62th birthday from Spain!!!

I wish you all the best for this new year in your life, and I hope to see you here in Spain (or Europe) soon.

The 60's are the new 40's! So... enjoy each second!!!

Lots of love as always!



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