Some of you have seen mention of Michael's mother on other people's social media.  I wanted to let you know that Helen passed away at home last Sunday surrounded by family and friends.  A private ceremony was held and if Michael feels he wants to make a statement to everyone it will be posted here on the main page as well as his other media sites.  He and his family thank all of you for your sensitivity and understanding.  Gail

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Dear michael im so sorry for your loss,i know what that mean,it's an huge pain!
Helen R.I.P

It will be a memories that will last forever in your life,im close to you in this pain.

My thoughts are with you and your family at this very sad time Michael.
R.I.P Helen.


Quando si perde una persona cara non ci sono parole per esprimere la nostra solidarietà. Per un figlio perdere la mamma è come perdere una parte di se stessi. Un abbraccio a tutta la famiglia 


So sorry to hear this. Praying for you and your family. Gwenda
So sorry for your loss. I as have many experienced the loss of our precious Mom. Just know that we all are thinking about and praying for you and your entire family and friends at this most sorrowful time. With all due respect for Ms Helen, Sandra Brooks

so very sad bless her my love to her family xxx

I wish I had the right words, just know I care Michael

Extending my most heartfelt sympathy to you and your family

Rest In Peace, beautiful lady Helen Bolotin


My condolences on the loss of your mother, Michael.  I'm very sorry to hear of your loss.  Take care. 

Michael, I have the most wonderful fond memories of Ms. Helen Bolotin. Including the times she has made me laugh. What a wonderful woman I have come to meet & know. As you treasured & cherished every moment you had with her. I enjoyed every moment meeting your mom during your concerts & events in CT! Sending much love & prayers to you & the entire Bolotin Families. May you all be comfort In God's Love. I miss your mom Helen already! God bless Ms. Helen Bolotin!


V. Christmas,  New Jersey, USA

What a wonderful lady and mom. Always so gracious . I met her years ago at a concert and I said to her "I love your son" she said me to and thanked me for being his fan. I couldn't believe that she spoke with me but that was just her. So warm and loving. To all of the Bolton family I am so sorry for your loss. The world has lost such a gracious and classy woman. Please take care of each other . Know how PROUD she was of u all. Thank you for sharing her with us. We are very lucky fans. You will be in my prayers

So sorry to hear about your loss! I know this is a very hard time for you Michael, because I know I can't stand the thought of ever losing my Mom! Just know that you were her Shooting Star, and she loved you very much, as well as the rest of her children! She loved your Spirit:)! I will keep you all in my prayers!!!

Mary (meg's mom)!

So sorry to hear of this news Michael. My condolences in this difficult time, I understand what you are going through. We are all behind you 100% and have our support unconditionally. 

Heartfelt sympathies and love to you, Orrin, Sandra, Taryn, Isa, Holly and your Mum's Great Grandchildren, Amelia Rose, Millie and Dylan. 


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