Have got the okay from Gail to run a competition which I hope many will take part in and enjoy. There will be a prize of a poster, "Michael Bolton Greatest Hits 1985 - 1995" and picture of it is included after this notice. I'm donating the poster and will mail to winner so, before you enter, please consider you will have to share with me an address to which it can be sent if you win. If you do not want to share those details please, please, do not enter competition proper but consider submitting your entry under "FUN" section and marking it as such. For "FUN" section it will still be same list of lyrics.
Format for competition:
1 Submit application to be entrant by noon GMT, 22nd October.
2 List of all entrants published.
3 Actual competition from noon GMT, 27th October until noon GMT, 29th October.
4 Announcement of results by 5th November i.e. competition proper and fun section.
5 Publication of all entries
6 Disputes, on result, accepted until 9th November (?).
7 Prize will be mailed to winner.
Rules of Competition:
Over next three weeks, until noon GMT, on Thursday, 22nd October, you can enter to take part in competition. To enter, you will be required to be a member of this website, www.michaelbolton.com, for you will have to let me know, on here, you want to take part. You will also have to "friend" me in order to submit actual competition entry, in secret, via a personal message. Once closing date is passed, i.e. 22nd October, I will publish a list of those who wish to enter so each entrant can verify their name is registered and also to ensure I cannot add a name after closing date. Names of those wishing to enter can be posted on this thread, posted to wall on my page, or, by PM to me. Here is link to my page .... http://www.michaelbolton.com/profile/sylviadoughty346?xg_source=pro...
On Tuesday, 27th October, at noon GMT, I will post 27 lines of lyrics from songs, by Michael, which he will have recorded onto CD's. You will have 48 hours in which to submit, through a PM, your entry, telling me which songs the lyrics come from. Closing date, therefore, for all entries will be, noon GMT, Thursday, 29th October. The lyrics will be numbered and you MUST number your respective song title to correspond with the lyrics you think belong to it and I must ask that you try to keep your answers in numerical order, please !!! Hopefully, I will be able to announce the winner, which will be the one who has answered highest number of lyrics to songs correctly, by Thursday, 5th November. If there is a draw, another list of lyrics will be published, for those who have come equal first. Rest assured if such a situation arises, of there being draws, it will not be dragged out by lists upon lists but please, let's agree to deal with that, if and when, it does arise. I do propose taking note of time each correct entry is received and if it proves to be the case that there is a large number of correct entries, only those received in the quickest time will go forward to a further "lyrics/song off". Rest assured time differences within regions and countries will be taken into account.
After having received all entries and have named winner will, before posting any prize to anyone, publish each and every entry received in order that:
(a) all those who have entered can see their entry was taken into account;
(b) each and every entrant can verify that correct winner has been arrived at.
Only when no dispute is received, as to who is winner, will prize then be mailed. Will say Monday, 9th November, as date by which any dispute will have to be received but let's not lay that down in stone and leave as, could be subject to change. Will also post a list of correct song titles to lyrics.
Hope you will see and understand, as far as rules for entries being sent privately and only allowing 48 hours to answer, is because I'm trying, as far as possible, to get the winner to be a person who really knows Michael's songs which, I hope everyone will agree, is the fairest outcome in such a competition. Should add, you do not have to answer all 27 but only those that you are sure of. Always keep in mind, no one might know the 27, therefore, even if you only know 17, please, please submit your entry for, your's might still be the highest number, answered correctly.
Any questions, PLEASE ask !!!
Lastly, I have a HUGE THANK YOU to extend to one, Rob Bortkiewicz, who gave me the idea for this competition when he posted a tweet suggesting, for a bit of fun and in honour of Michael's new CD, we guess song lyrics so, if you like the idea for this competition, you must extend your thanks to Rob and I certainly do ...... thanks Rob !!! :)
Size of poster is 22 inches x 29 inches.
ADDENDUM to actual competition:
Alongside actual competition am going to run a "FUN" section within it and it is for anyone who does not wish to win poster and possibly feels, as they do not know me would not want to share their address details with me. Same rules will apply as far as submitting your entry in secret except to mark it "FUN" along with same time schedule for entries and also I will draw up and publish details of entrants and entries in exactly the same way but, no prize will be given, in "FUN" competition. Same set of lyrics will also apply. Have incorporated this section into rules above.
Yes Lisa, you are now !!! lol Thank goodness you found your way here !!! :) Tomorrow I'll publish a list of all the entrants and it is on 27th that I will post the 27 lines of lyrics. Any questions just shout !!! :)
Sylvia YWSF 27
Hi Sylvia
thank you for the competition, but it's a bit complicated for me. I'm not in but anyway it's a great idea :-)
Silvy from CH x
Thanks Silvy and maybe if run another competition make easier to follow and have been thinking of a "true or false". Might do early next year, lift the blues after the New Year .... got to keep looking ahead !!! lol
Sylvia Your wee Scottish friend
oh, yes, great!
"true or false" would be easier ..... something like that ... till next competition :-))
Silvy from CH x
Yes it is Gwen and how lovely to see you here...glad you made it !!! lol Your name is definitely on the list !!! :) Thanks for your support Gwen !! :)
Sylvia Your wee Scottish friend
List of entrants to Competition:
Joy Baxter
Marie Rusova
Sylvie Boisvert
Margaret Kathleen Hill
Rob Bortkiewicz
Adam Mirenda
Sylvia Mitchell
Ellen Elaine McLoughlin
Lisa Mirenda
Lynne Shirley MacLean
Marianne Jud
Kathy Rosario
Usha Ramadhar
Lisa Blythe
Jimmy Carnley
Diane McKane
Gwendoline Richards
Brenda Lee Keeler
If you believe you have entered and your name does not appear on list, please let me know.
Will post 27 lines of lyrics on 27th October at noon GMT, to this thread, and will also notify you individually, by PM, when I have done this.
Thanks to all of you for entering and giving your support.....thanks !!! :)
Sylvia Your wee Scottish friend
You are welcome Sylvia!!!
Petra (Germany)
Well maybe with 27 I stand a lucky chance!! ;)
Kathy and LAFD Bob
Competition day has arrived !!! Please remember to send your entries in before noon, GMT, on Thursday, 29th October.
When sending in answers please put number that is beside lyrics with your song title so that I know which one your answer relates to, thanks !!! :) Please also remember to send your answers privately to me through PM or on my wall for, as I have comments modified, no one will see what you post on there.
1 "...... and your love is like a rainbow
in a world that is black and white ....."
2 "..... so I beg and plead, I'm on my knees
gonna show you how long I can wait ..."
3 "..... other arms reach out to me
other eyes smile tenderly ...."
4 "..... when we finally kiss goodnight
how I hate going out in the storm ...."
5 ".... there you sit inside your fortress
that you fixed to keep the rapids out ...."
6 ".... soon these tears will all be dryin'
soon these eyes will see the sun ...."
7 ".... later on we'll conspire
as we dream by the fire ....."
8 ".... a hundred ways you have captured my soul
I can't hold on but I can't let go ..."
9 ".... oh, someday I'll wish upon a star
and wake up where the clouds are far behind me....."
10 "..... but I do know that I love you
and I know that if you love me too ...."
11 "..... we were young and deep in our love
and we never needed lies ....."
12 ".... and who was I always asking so much of you
to make you prove your love time after time ...."
13 "... I'll keep you far from harm
here in the arms of love ...."
14 ".... I need to reach the very deepest part of you
oh, let me be the one to show you ...."
15 ".... we'll be together our whole life through
there's nothin' that I would rather do ...."
16 ".... God you're killing me inside
the way you move is much too sexy baby ..."
17 ".... to love every moment
from sunrise to sunset ...."
18 "... but you won't do it any more
no darlin' I don't have to tell you
where I heard that line before ...."
19 ".... with all my soul I've tried in vain
how can mere words my heart explain ..."
20 ".... when you need someone to run to
the shelter of my love is always near ...."
21 ".... I'll be your light in the dark
your shield from the storm
your shelter from the rain ...."
22 ".... down deep inside these kinda things never satisfy
oh love is the precious thing ...."
23 ".... all alone with you makes the butterflies in me arise
slowly we make love and the earth rotates to our
dictates ...."
24 ".... there's something different about you
there's a look in your eyes ...."
25 ".... her eyes like fire, they reached into my heart
but my soul was her target, I didn't know it yet ..."
26 "... the only thing a river knows
is running to the sea ...."
27 ".... for I never knew the art of making love
though my heart aches with love for you ..."
GOOD LUCK everyone !!! :)
Sylvia Your wee Scottish friend