2010 Concert Tour Reviews-Please share your reviews with us here!

Hi everyone, I thought it might be nice to have a thread for everyone to post their concert reviews in again like we've done in the past. It's such fun hearing about all the shows and everyone's experiences and see their photos. 


Anyone attending, please post your review.  Its exciting that Michael and his band are hitting the road again and traveling the world!


I hope you all don't mind I started this thread for concert reviews.  I'm looking forward to reading about everyone's experiences!



Robin :)


P.S.  Update-Nov, 2010-I wish them well and cannot wait to see the show again in 2011!!! MB totally rocked it at NJ PAC 11/3/2010!!! Thanks Michael!!!!!


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Jan good to hear from you and thanks for the review
and the smile quote At the insistence of the audience, they danced a little turn. I'm afraid I have to say that Michael needs to keep practicing! LOL!

Thanks for the picture as usual you have some great ones there
Love Dianna xxx
Great Pictures!!!!!
Thanks for sharing, looking forward to tomorrow night!!!!
Hiya Jan, good to read you here! I’m so glad you enjoyed the show! Out of curiosity, what song did Michael sing from the new album? Also, dumb question but, why don’t you put your pics on your own michaelboltonphotos.com site? Just curious. Take care sweetie and don’t be a stranger! Big hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada
Hi Sylvie,
He sang "Hope It's Too Late" from the new album. It's what he sang from it at Tuacahn as well. I'm surprised he doesn't do more from it. No, I take that back. With all the electronics on the new album, it probably would be hard to recreate the sound onstage. He did two or three from the Sinatra stuff - with the two horns onstage plus the backing tracks.

Why didn't I put the photos on MichaelBoltonPhotos.com? LOL! I haven't maintained that site since I retired! What, you want me to work now?? LOL! But there doesn't seem to be any need for the site now since everyone has digital cameras now and there's all kinds of places for people to post their pictures. At the end of the term for my domain, I'm going to take down the site. Bye-bye to all those years of history! And those thousands of Michael photos! :)

Hugs to you too, Sylvie! When do you expect your first snow up there in the Great White North? ;')
Aww Janice, amazing, amazing photographs!! (as per usual!!)

I see you're still using your Canon? Ha Ha!! I'm not taking mine the the RAH this year as I've bought a slightly smaller Olympus with a 26x zoom lense, so from my front row seat, I 'should' get some great shots.

I'm really sad to hear about your site closing. Aww, I know you've not had time to work on it honey and totally understand that. You'd be quite surprised a thow many hits your still getting though and how many fans come on here all excited telling us that they've found this great site with amazing photos and we see that its your site!! Ha Ha!!

Thank you again for sharing your pictures with us. It's always a pure delight to see your work.

Hey, dont be so much of a stranger eh?

Love Jennifer XX
Hi Jennifer, good to hear from you! I've only been taking my big Canons to venues where I know I won't get hassled. My favorite venue is South Point! I wish Michael would play there! What a great room and they let in any kind of still camera. I hadn't been to Sunset Station's venue before and the tickets said no cameras, video, or audio, so I brought my little Canon G9 P&S. It's got a 10x zoom and shoots in raw, which I love! I hid the camera -- tee hee -- in my bra! LMAO! Hey, I haven't been built that well ever!! Heehee!! Turns out they didn't do purse searches and were picture friendly at this show, even flashes were ok -- thanks to Michael, I'm sure -- and only enforced no video or audio. Have you tried your Olympus at any shows yet? Are they going to be camera friendly to that one? I had a couple of Olympus P&S over they years and got some good pictures with them!

My biggest complaint about P&S is the huge lag time between pressing the shutter button, and the actual picture being taken. Miss a lot of good shots because of that :( . At least my G9 has a viewfinder. I don't like to use those little screens because they emit light (which attracts attention) and I can't see them clearly without reading glasses! It's hard to find a point and shoot with a viewfinder any more! Does yours have one or just a screen?

I didn't really know that my web site was still getting hits. I haven't checked the stats on it in a very, very long time. I hate to take it down but feel bad that new material is not being added. I'm afraid it might make it look like Michael isn't touring any more, and we know that's not true. But it costs me money to keep it up and running and I have to count my pennies, being retired now. :( I appreciate your sending fans to the site though. Maybe if I find it's still getting enough hits, maybe I'll reconsider taking it down. Maybe hold a Michael bake sale to pay for it! LOL!!

Take care and BFN!
Hey Jan, thanks for letting me know about the song. Well, he did “Murder my heart” and “Just one love” in the U.K. so clearly, the songs are doable. With such a great album, I just don’t understand why he isn’t including more. I do understand all the genres he’s showcasing are appreciated but don’t understand why there’s only 1 new song. During the OAWLY tour, he had 3 from the new album, although I know he didn’t have the Sinatra songs back then and I love them too. I just think it’s a shame about the new ones, that’s all. Well I knew that you hadn’t upkept the “sound and video” section since 2006, but obviously had no idea about the photo section… So when’s the end of the term? Girl, you don’t know how many people I’ve refered to your site! I wish your “sound and video” page was saved somewhere… What? Snow? Shhhhhh! It’s not because we had to turn on the heat earlier this week and that they,re expecting ground frost this week in the Laurentians that we’re expecting snow! lolWhy? Would you like me to FedEx you a snowball? Do you miss it since you’ve moved?  Wish you’d post more often girlfriend, miss you! Take care. Big hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada
Hi Sylvie,
Maybe Michael didn't like how Murder and Just One Love sounded live? I don't know, but seems like every tour when a new album was out, he'd only do one song from it, so it's nothing new. And remember the Best of Love tour? He usually didn't do ANY from that album on that tour! Go figure! LOL!!

About my "Sound and Video" section on the web site, I actually have saved up quite a few things for that -- mostly due to YOUR diligence in finding them, thank you! -- I've just never gotten around to posting them. Shame on me!! I really should! I do appreciate you sending people to the site though.

Well, keep your snow shovel dusted off and the wood piled near the fireplace, girlfriend! I don't envy your winters one bit!! We have had several dustings of snow since we've lived here - enough to look pretty for a few hours, and also remind me why we moved away from it! LOL!

Well, back to my video work and my soap operas! Ain't retirement life great?!!
Big Hugs,
Thanks for your review and your amazing pics!!!


Thanks Jan for your review and your wonderful photos as usual!

"Thank you again for sharing your pictures with us. It's always a pure delight to see your work!" - it's also what I think!

Silvy XX
Thank you, Manoli! :)
Hey Jan, THANKS for coming over here and sharing your review and great pics like the old days. I thought I saw a little of Robin at the stage in one of your pics with her hand up. I hope MB saw her and held her hand.. Glad you had a great time. I think Chelsie is adorable and he's still in the beginning stages so hopefully every week he will improve!! Cannot wait to see him tonight on the show.

YES-I STILL MISS THE OLD BAND!!! Nothing against these folks he has now, I remember Brian and Nelson too and that's about it....I really feel same as you after all my years seeing MB and over 90 shows now too. I am not putting down the new people but it's just not the same or wasn't anyway in March. I am sure these guys are great too, just not the faces we are used to all these years.. But change happens. Us old -timers will always remember the band we saw up there for so long.....
I bet these guys are more in a groove as a group now tho than when they started in the spring.

Thanks for sharing and I enjoyed seeing your pics as always!!!!!!
Robin in MD :)


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