I apologize if this come up twice..blame in on the technical difficulties I have been experiencing with my computer..I saw an item on Yahoo Trending that Michael is in negotiations to be on Dancing With The Stars! Can anyone confirm this? I hadn't seen that before, so if it is old stuff, I am sorry...its news to me, and I only hope it is true! How awesome that would be!

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Thanks Gail for posting, I know you must be worn out. We are doing our best to keep them on one more week to give MB that chance!!!! We love him for doing this and doing something he's never done before! Glad you got to see Chelsie in person! Cannot wait to hear more when you can post pics and are rested up!!!

Robin :)
If Michael dosn't advance tomorrow, at least we will see him again on Jimmy Kimmel. Kimmel always has the cast-off on after the show.....we all remember how awesome Michaels last visit on that show was. It would be awesome to see another sklt......maybe with Chelsie in it too :). He said that he and Jimmy had ideas for more skits in the future.

I think we all also remember the whole Grammy incident with the press booing and Michaels comments back stage, it wouldn't supprise me if he says somthing about Bruno. Bruno was on the Kimmel show last week and commented on the stars and said somthing mean about Michael then too :(....but Jimmy made some nice comments about Michael being a great singer :)

ok, just popped over to the tour section and there is a concert Tuesday so I'm not sure that he would be able to be on Kimmel if he gets voted off. :( I don't know my CA geography very well, but can he make the show for the live taping....at 5 I believe it is, and be there in time for the concert after?

Hope he sticks around, but there has got to be a bright side too ;) aside from Michael having a very cut figure now :)
You can sign off the abc and sign back on with a fake email address and keep voting. They let you do that about 12 times before they stop you. Everyone can give him about 130 votes online. You don't have to verify an email address so its just too easy.
you don't even need to really have other email addresses.....thats the beauty of it. Once you go back to sign in, then sign up, you can enter all fake info. I kinda get a kick out of putting in email address like BrunoIsAnAss@gmail.com (the mean judge) or MBisBetterthenU@yahoo.com :) just to make me feel better. Once you max out on your computer, you can use other household computers and start over :). I have too much time on my hands :p
Got all my votes in so fingers crossed Michael stays in again this week.

I haven't seen the dance yet but having read everyone's comment's I'm not liking the sound of the doghouse.

Doesn't sound too good and not something Michael would be comfortable doing.

Will go and watch the show.

Love Deb xx
I am very proud of Michael, in everything he does, I absolutely adore him and his music and have done for many years. He is a beautiful,caring person inside and out. He deserves all the support of his fans. I,ve not watched this week,s DWTS yet as it,s not shown in UK until Thursday, but from what I,ve read it seems like the judges were very harsh on him. Bless him, he,s been ill with his throat and he,s tired,not just from all the rehearsing but he,s also in the middle of a long tour. I will always support him no matter what.


Ok, I wasn't able to watch it live last night, but is on Youtube now, and I have watched the whole video 5 times before saying something. First, I have been sick for the last 2 days, and wasn't able to move the body, and he has been rehearsing with laryngitis and concerts, and the MBC events. Second, the dog house. Ok, maybe was not the best idea on earth, but he was brave enough to take it and do it with grace. Third, he was a bit more relaxed than a week ago, smiling... and is true that he will need to be so much rigid in some of the moves... but has done it much better than a week ago. And the Jive is not a easy dance for someone who, as he said, has avoid dancing for all his life.
Said this, I am completely proud of him... he has dance the best he was able to do, and he is facing this with elegance, style, courage, work, sense of humour, perseverance, dedication, confidence... what more can add? Giving his best.
I have voted and have pledged to all my friends to vote here.
Let's see what happens, but thank God, we follow Michael and not a guy named Bruno.
Watched the dance and Michael was awesome!! Looking gorgeous as ever :)
Not too sure about the dog house bit at the start but his dancing was fab.
Smiling and looking like he was enjoying it all.
Think he did a fantastic job considering he has had a tough week with not being well.

Love Deb xx
The whole video from last night Michael's part:




Chelsie's last twitts:
(read from the bottom to the top):

# Through tomorrow. Also I am astounded by the love and support from everyone! Thank you!! You're all amazing! Xoxo
# Michael and the effort he puts in the become better. Even with laryngitis! He's a fighter and no doubt will come back fighting if we make it
# Well, some things don't go as planned. In an attempt to loosen up and show our lighter side things took an opposite turn. I am proud of
# The show has begun!! Our voting number is 1-800-vote4-02! Muchas Amor!!
I thought the judges comments were wholly unfair and very rude. That Bruno needs to remember who he is talking to. Constructive critisism is ok, but to be as rude and degrading as his comments were is totally unessessary and only prove what a complete 'a***' he is!!

Michael and Chelsie were having fun and were entertaining and to me, thats all that matters!!

I thought that Michael looked more relaxed this week and the fact that he agreed to crawl out of a dog kennel for effect, proves how determined and gutsy he really is.

Michael you will always be the Fred to my Ginger!! WE LOVE YOU!!!!!!!

Right I'm off to vote!!! Back in a couple of hours when I've used up all my e-mail accounts!!!

Love Jennifer XXXX
I know Bruno was way out of line and Len got on him thank goodness. Hopefully it will backfire on them and give MB many more votes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We can take lemons and make lemonaide out of it for MB if he gets the votes!!!!

Robin :)
Robin he was very rude to Michael and I am so pleased Len said something.
Love Dianna xxx


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