I apologize if this come up twice..blame in on the technical difficulties I have been experiencing with my computer..I saw an item on Yahoo Trending that Michael is in negotiations to be on Dancing With The Stars! Can anyone confirm this? I hadn't seen that before, so if it is old stuff, I am sorry...its news to me, and I only hope it is true! How awesome that would be!

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Thanks for sharing the videos Pilar! Take care. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada
Ok first off thanks Pilar for the youtube links :)

My Opinion honestly I didn't like the dog house honestly I just didn't!
But gosh what was wrong with the rest of it I thought they did a great job on the rest of it. Bruno was very rude and I think it was totally uncalled for.

But I so agree with Florin, Michael needs us so vote vote vote!!!!!

As for the little disagreement I'm sure Michael wasn't feeling too well probably didn't really want to be there but the trooper that he is, he was there, it all was a bit much and one thing lead to the other Chelsie is a young lady we know that we can get emotional and Michael also knows that young ladies do get emotional and knew when to draw the line I didn't read too much into that at all.
The hug said it all :)

Love Dianna xxx
I hope we can get them though :)
We sure will try!
It has to be difficult for Michael .Im sure it is very stressful under normal circumstances but he is touring ,ill and doing the benefit this week.Im sure Chelsie is frustrated that he is not picking things up easily but he was never a dancer and said that from the begining. I think frustrations will start to show but they are both propfessionals and will deal with it and move on.I dont think either will take it personal and will just put it behind them and move forward.
I agree completly that although Chelsie may have thought the doghouse was fun that it was in poor taste but i thought the dancing had improved and he had loosened up a little .Hopefully he can get through with our votes and next week will be better for him.xx
I watched utube over again a few times and honestly I don't think the dance was bad at all and it certainly didn't warrant the comments or the scores. I've been watching the show since it's been on the air and there has been much worse dancing. I thought Michael did a pretty good job this week. He was more relaxed and I thought he's improved a lot. Keeping my fingers crossed that he stays on the show so he can keep improving.
Watching the show last night made me realize why I haven't watched it before now. I hate the judges and their arrogance!! But I was able to put in 209 votes so hopefully together we will help MB and Chelsie stay on.

you got it Lynn; their arragance. I HATE THAT SHOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I only watch it because of Michael. I felt down last night&if he doesn't win, he still has my support. Someone told me of a bad review on the radio. WHO LISTENS TO THE RADIO? I don't. I HATE THE RADIO. THEY NEVER PLAY PEOPLES' REQUESTS. THEY'RE TOO PROGRAMMED. I listen to satelite only&my CD'S. Sorry everyone. I'm just angry. I hate when people treat&talk about Michael the way they do. Ok. Folks can have their opinions but when they put him down. I GET ANGRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He's human; a man&one heck of a doll. He's ever so kind.

Let me get out of here. I'll tape it but I don't know if I'll watch it. I just have it on tape because of his voice.

Robin the boltonnut from L. A. CA
You are not alone. Im so sick of this show. Dancing with the star should not have anyone with Dancing experience PERIOD!!!!!!!! If you look at all the past season almost everyone of them had some experience in there back round example last season the Nicole girl. Please she dances with what ever those pussycats people are ..but she wins. Look I have had 14 years of dancing experience. I know he did not do as bad as they made it out. They did that because the votes blew the hell out of the others they had to find something. yes he is learning thats the purpose. they were toooo critical and that did not help anyone that is trying to gain confidence that way let the voters but to tripple team him....screw them all of they should be up there singing and let michael or us judge them. I left a nasty message on there web site. I will be done with this show not just because of MB but because they are getting just like the bachelor and all those stupid reality show.

Very Pissed Tina
Let's not give up on DWTS until they get rid of Micheal, WHEN he stays, he will need our votes more than ever!!! I don't like DWTS much either as I have never liked how rude the judges can be, but I will support it as long as Michael is performing and giving it all he has..In my earlier days I used to dance and I know how hard it is, and I feel like Michael did not do as bad as the judges gave him, Not one of the stars hardly ever deserve lower than a 5 as long as they can see they are really trying and working so hard to try and learn.They are suppose to be there to critique them, not to put them down for trying...I was so happy when Lyn tried to correct Bruno and to tell him to keep some comments to himself!!! Lyn is usually the bad guy!!!! To me he did try, he loosen up some, seemed to have fun and smiled a whole lot more this week and he took their criticism like a gentleman with grace....WHEN he returns next week, he will be even better....Let's just hope our votes keep him on and others that voted for him because they were pissed at Bruno!!! Like he says, you can only go up from here!!! Looking forward to see what happens tonite!!
Kerie, Amen to everything you said girl! As I’ve said to Silvy in another thread, Michael knew what he was getting into when he signed on, because he had seen the show. Whether he wins or not, he’s giving it his all and God bless him for it. I personally think he shows a lot of guts doing this and given the chance, he’ll show that for lack of dancetraining, he has a lot of heart. This is something Michael wanted to do, to conquer his fear and probably prove to himself he could do it so I say let’s support him to the end. Now who’s with me? Lol Take care Kerie. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada
I'm done with DWTS, but not giving up on Michael if he makes it to next week I'll still vote for him. But I'm not gonna watch whle Bruno or anyone else is mean and just downright nasty to him. I was angry last night and still angry today actually can't remember the last time I so mad. I also thought that Michael did a great job and was better than last week. Didn't like the doghouse at all actually though she was joking. As for the stuff at rehearsal I don't know what the big deal is the DTWS people need to get over it.

robin I totally agree with you, I also get VERY ANGRY when people criticise dear Michael. I,ve just watched DWTS on Youtube and I am appalled with the way Bruno spoke to Michael, It was degrading and very insulting. He was so rude to him. Michael looked so hurt, and he,s looking thin I,m not sure he,s eating properly. I want to give him a big hug and could cry for him, he,s under so much pressure.
Michael dosen,t get anywhere near the credit he deserves, he,s got a heart of gold. I,ll always love him.

Sandra x
@ChelsieKayH @mbsings Hang in there guys any of us could have been in your shoes we know how hard you two worked this week while being ill!!

Sent by Rick Fox... is good to see how the other participants are with them too.


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