Welcome everyone to the 2017 Tour Review Thread! The upcoming year is going to be exciting with concerts scheduled already for 2017!! MB has some USA shows starting off the year in January and more shows through early April so far and I’m sure many more to come around the globe as the year unfolds! Also exciting for 2017 is the February 10th release of Songs of Cinema and I am betting a few more songs from the CD will make it in the tour setlist! Woo Hoo! This is the best time to be a fan with MB’s concerts and we may have a Michael Bolton Charities event later in the year, we never know. Michael has multiple projects in the works and he is good at keeping us guessing. I appreciate the opportunity to start a new thread once again for 2017 to give us all a place to share the best part of being a fan--- experiencing Michael in person doing what he does best-SING!!!!!!
I am looking forward to another fun year of posts and sharing great times by the best Michael Bolton fans in the world on this forum. I will post events to keep the thread moving along as the concerts come up as I have in the past.
Let the year long concert party begin and I wish concerts for all of you in 2017!! I know many fans are on other social media sites but I do hope we can continue with the exciting tour reviews here in 2017! You all make the thread fun.
Happy Concert Time again in 2017!!
I am behind. Thanks for all descriptions girls. I felt like I was back there at the Cannery again. Well, I'm proud to say that I've been to a couple MB events with Sylvie QC Canada. Love being with her. If my memory serves me, it was a concert & 2 MB Galas. :) I'm wishing for an MB concert for Sylvie QC Canada & others as well. :) MB is such a babe. His kindness, respect, gentleness Need I go on???? :)
Well, I can remember being with Sylvie QC in Jones Beach in NJ in 2002, & with her at 2 galas in 2002 & 2004. Loved it. I'd love it, (if I had a lot of dough) if I could be with Sylvie at a V I P whether it be here or there. :) Sylvie & I've known one another since 2001 & I love it though we've met twice. :)
Hi Sylvia
Now wouldn't you really like to know why Michael was down so long, oh lord thought he was gonna fall from the stage!!!! I enjoyed every second of him getting low but unfortunately,,,,
Gonna give my review a go now!!!
Ann (from Newcastle)
Right, what ELSE happened Ann Yale ???????????? LOL Michael sure did get down low and if wasn't actually on one knee was as near as damn to it and then bending forward at same time and can appreciate being right beside him might have looked as though he could have toppled over but know if he had, you girls would have caught him .....yeah, after he landed on top of you and flattened you all !!!! lol It was so lovely seeing him taking your gift and especially too when you see him saying "thank you" to you which you recognise because of his mannerism when he does that of nodding his head as he says it and I still just love that little skip he does after he straightens up and I think he was feeling that knee he bent down on.....don't tell him I said that !!! lol
Waiting patiently for your review Ann and glad you are starting to feel back to UK time and that the jet lag is disappearing.
Sylvia Your wee Scottish friend
Now that would be telling!!!!! Lol
I'm laughing so much as I type, but I like the idea of a proposal you think he may of got down for!!! ROFL
He's the sweetest, as he could've just walked on by. Maybe he wished he had after getting back up lol....
My feet had heat exhaustion, I never go in flats to a show but did!! Urgh....
Great to see vid clip Sylvia, as tbh at the time it was over in a flash, wonderful to watch how it really happend.....Of course we'd of caught him if he'd toppled off, but he does do his gym workouts and so therfore has probably invented a new technique in recieving gifts from us little ones!!! LOL
Review is done, enjoy!
Ann ( from Newcastle)
Lol Ann....oh WE would certainly have caught him Sylvia and then of course Ann and I would make sure he was alright after carrying him away and getting him some water etc!!!!! LOL I tell you that would stop all further hand shakes and gift receiving from the stage!!!! Such great memories!! Off to read your review now Ann!!
Kathy and LAFD Bob
Not so sure we would've been able to catch him Kathy' but I certainly wouldn't of minded MB landing on top of us!!!! LOL
I've always wanted to get on stage with Michael, but definately not be responsible for him falling off !!!!! No more hand shakes or gifts accepted if that Ann Yale's at the stage, bet he has noted that!!! ROFL
Lets just say next show I'll be wearing the heels as usual.....Ann
Great review Kathy, can't help but chuckle at some parts as so much fun. Going to try and review the show, but not sure how I follow this wonderful description!! Lol
I'll give it my best shot though, and see what my jet lagged brain can produce. Think I'm back on U.K time after Vegas, saying that I've been doing some funny things since I got back 5 days ago!!! Looking for my arm that's missing haha, no need to apologise even though yes you nearly pulled it out of it's socket!! Lol
We had the time of our lives that night, and the memories oh my so many to treasure forever!!!!!
Ann (from Newcastle)
LOL...oh Ann I bet I nearly did yank your arm out of its socket!!! At least I got an A+ for effort!!! Omg....I am sorry for you do NEED 2 arms at Michael's next concert!!! LOL It was such fun and the day after enjoying our day trip was great also!! Here's to more adventures somewhere sometime my friend!! Germany for sure...woohoo!!
Kathy and LAFD Bob
Hi everyone!
Home from Las Vegas just 5 days ago and still getting over the journey, been sleeoing !0 hours a night and getting the old body clock used to being back on British time!
This adventure to Las Vegas wasn't supposed to be happening until the beginning of October for my birthday, but someone mentioned to me that MB had a show in Vegas September 3rd, Right away I thought Noooo I,m missing this show by a few weeks, and I couldn't wouldn't let it drop.So I said to my hubby lets do Vegas in September instead, he replied,,,You won't be there for your birthday if we do that, I told him I didn't care as would rather see Michael Bolton at the Cannery Casino and move my birthday forward. Now I know that's really not something we can do, but me being me when I decide to do something that's it wild horses couldn't stop me from pulling this off!!
I purchased a single ticket that was still available for centre 4th row, unfortunately Graham is no fan of Michael Bolton haven't managed to convert him yet haha,,,We discussed the concert night and he said he'd be fine playing the slots at the casino, and waiting on me in the lounge area.So to cut a long story short, Vegas was booked and the icing on the cake would be seeing MB's show whilst on holiday there. Last few days leading up to this jam packed adventure I became increasingly excited, I just couldn't wait to board that aircraft, and land at Mccarran airport. When we landed and stepped off the plane the heat hit you in the face, 104 degrees of heat and having come from U.K what a contrast.
Sunday arrived! Concert day and the temperature was 106 degrees!!! Kathy Rosario and her lovely husband Bob were driving down to Vegas from California, we,d previously arranged to meet up and have a meal together prior to the show. Kathy had a spare ticket and said I do hope Graham will come along and use it, otherwise it would be wasted, So omg after offering to buy the ticket off her, hubby found himself going along to his very first MB show!! We all got to Cannery Casino and would like to thank Bob at this piont for chauffeuring us about, as we didn't know Vegas quite like they did.
Kathy and I decided to sit together, and let the husbands take the other two seats apart, 2nd row to the right. Looked behind me and spotted Robin Rehder and her friend Elaine, it was so good to meet after only chatting on social media. Also Leesa, Lynn and Kim were there, so had a brief meet up with them too, Now settled in our seats it was showtime!!! YAY
MB's band walked out on stage followed by Michael, he took position and started with Stand By Me,,,I got up to clap and dance but noticed no one else was on their feet and sat back down a bit puzzled, I asked Kathy why? Apparently they just don't do that in the states unlike U.K !!! Lol
Next up To Love Somebody, followed by Dock Of The Bay woohoo Jason on saxaphone. He spotted Kathy and pointed to her with a smile, and then much to his surprise saw me and did exactly the same to me. I couldn't keep still and was dancing in my seat, so was Kathy. MB went on to sing SILYBIL,You Don't Know Me, and then I've Got A Woman Sweet Home Chicago and Old Time Rock And Roll....Always enjoy watching MB play guitar, him and the band had the place rockin' alright and what with the heat too we were on fire!!!! LOL
At this point we realised the young woman infront of us was practically drunk and kept shouting out to them on stage, said to Kathy hope they don't think it's us as she was clearly makimg a nuisance of herself and very off putting for MB and the band. J.P actually stayed futher back than normal on stage as she was just OTT and why i dislike alcohol being served during shows,,,
Sam Fly came out and sang the duets with MB beautifally, followed by Jason's sax meledy which I totally love as he's so talented, Then it was time for WAMLAW which MB decided to do at the back, so Kathy gave me the sign to move out from our seats to get to front of stage. Next up oh my HCWBL, I was stood holding a gift for Michael and was hoping for a chance to hand it to him at some point. He came along the front of stage touching hands, I reached up but in the flat sandals I'd decided to wear instead of heels just could not reach highj enough. Kathy began pulling at my arm like it was elastic or something, too funny as no way could I reach up to MB unless he'd loaned me his WAMLAW box that he stands on!!! Lol - As he worked his way through the song I found him back infront of me, so shouted out his name holding up the gift bag. Luckily I caught his attention and he bent forward to take it but found we both coudn't make contact. Next thing I knew he was stretching down so low that we were face to face, he said Thank You and smiled and took gift over to piano, I felt fantastic of course, and proved where's there a will there's a way haha...Can't help but wonder if he had a bad back the next day, saying that he's fit and can still come close to like it was in the 90's!!!!!!
MB really is the best as also whilst he was touching hands, Robin who was stood next to me recieved a kiss on the hand so sweet of him to do that for her.
After the show Jason came out to talk, also Drew and I was really pleased to get a hug fom Holly just before the show started, Michael had his family there with him, so we didn't wait at cars or anything afterwards just respected that fact,,,
Also I was delighted to learn that Sylvia had picked up on an Instagram account, and al girl called Stacey had taken two vid clips of HCWBL and Steel Bars and it fabulously contained the footage of me trying to get that gift to Michael !!! Can't stop watching the clip now, so you're a star as I'm over the moon with it,,,,Stacey and Sylvia!!!! Yesssss
It was just amazing to sit with Kathy at the Vegas show ( we'd met at RAH London) previously, then for her and Bob to take me and Graham to Fremont Street afterwards was so generous of them as they showed us many sights to see in old town Las Vegas!! What a wonderful evening full of fun and excitement, It'll be marked down as one of my most favourite Michael Bolton shows ever!!!!
Hope I haven't missed anything or anyone out, and all I can say is Viva Las Vegas!!! MB and his band gave another superb show, so roll on the next Bolton adventure wherever that may take me!! Can't wait!!!!
Ann (from Newcastle)
Hey Ann, I loved your review. I felt like I was there along side you the whole night! You go girls with the gifts at the stage etc. MB is so sweet and he was determined I'm sure to take your gift! LOL
I am so glad it all worked out and you had such an amazing Vegas time, early birthday and all. I don't blame you a bit!!!
Robin in MD :)
Hi Robin
Thank you so much, I'm so pleased you enjoyed reading it, Just proves us Bolton fans can move mountains for MB and yes he is just incredible with his fans!!! I could not believe how he bent so far down to reach it, guess with his good sense of humor it made him laugh too with me being so petite. It certainly was worth it, to go and I really don't mind about my birthday being brought forward, I had the time of my life at the show and in Vegas!!;)))
Ann (from Newcastle)
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