Welcome everyone to the 2017 Tour Review Thread!   The upcoming year is going to be exciting with concerts scheduled already for 2017!!  MB has some USA shows starting off the year in January and more shows through early April so far and I’m sure many more to come around the globe as the year unfolds!  Also exciting for 2017 is the February 10th release of Songs of Cinema and I am betting a few more songs from the CD will make it in the tour setlist!  Woo Hoo!  This is the best time to be a fan with MB’s concerts and we may have a Michael Bolton Charities event later in the year, we never know. Michael has multiple projects in the works and he is good at keeping us guessing. I appreciate the opportunity to start a new thread once again for 2017 to give us all a place to share the best part of being a fan--- experiencing Michael in person doing what he does best-SING!!!!!! 

I am looking forward to another fun year of posts and sharing great times by the best Michael Bolton fans in the world on this forum. I will post events to keep the thread moving along as the concerts come up as I have in the past.  

Let the year long concert party begin and I wish concerts for all of you in 2017!! I know many fans are on other social media sites but I do hope we can continue with the exciting tour reviews here in 2017!  You all make the thread fun.  

Happy Concert Time again in 2017!!

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Ann, I was ever so happy to meet you & I loved it that you & Kathy sat in front of Elaine & me. Oh! Wow! What a night. I'm glad you had the opportunity to go to Fremont. Though I can't appreciate the lighting, I understand it's all beautiful there. I'm glad Graham got to go as well & he sat with Bob. Yeah, man, Bob gave me a hug as well. I didn't get to see Holly nor did I meet Kim. I've met Lynn & Leesa numerous times but did meet some folks afterwards. Oh! Thanks for almost a whole setlist there. Awesome though a little trial & tribulations that you got to present Michael your gift. He must be a good acrobat (pardon spelling) It always is a thrill when he holds my hand but when he kissed it, I was OVER THE MOON!!!!!!!!!! Loved it. So, was that on any of the videos I may ask? :) But once again, Ann, thanks for your awesome review & I was so glad to meet you as I love meeting folks from the UK & other places.

Hi Robin
It was certainly a great night for all of us, what a blast!! Happy to meet you and the other fans, as on here it's just a name and a face. Thank you for saying you liked my accent previously, it's an northern U.K. one but guess what I love the American accent much more! Ha Graham's first show yes, he actually wanted to go see Rod Stewart down the road!! Lol
I don't need apologie for his can't relate to MB thing, but actually don't think he'll be going again to another show with me unfortunately. He's also not the type of guy who can relate to ALL us women swooning over MB as he just doesn't get it!! Lol
I'll be with my Bolton travel buddy Tina my daughter, or any BB's that I can hook up with if they'll have me!!!
Think I got as much Said as possible re show night, find it very hard to put such excitement into words!!

Ann from Newcastle

Thanks Ann for your GREAT review!! I am known on here for never providing a set list of songs!!! Bad memory coupled with too many shows running together!! I just know to expect a great performance from Michael and LOVE all his songs!! Your review brought back so many memories!! Actually it worked out perfect having 2....uh...shorter gals together...Robin and Ann.. as MB didn't waste his acrobatic moves!! He got 2 birds with one stone as we say...lol Too much fun!!! So HAPPY you both have delightful memories!! And yes Ann.....you FINALLY had the perfect trick to play on Bob as far as the "tix payment" went...LOL I was sure someone was going to call the police as it looked like we were all fighting and tussling in the entry to the hotel!!! Omg...I am laughing as I type this this because then money starting flying around in the breeze!! Then I thought ...oh GREAT...we will have every sordid character come running at us to quickly pick up the money flying about!!! Too funny!! Uh oh...I hope Graham wasn't traumatized at the concert...or were YOU!!!! LOL 

Kathy and LAFD Bob

LOL Ann and Kathy.  I truly can picture all of these things happening!!LOL  You are too funny

There are always such fun times at the concerts. I'd not trade any of them for the world over the years.  Robin when you were back here we used to hold your hand up for MB to take it and he always did and still does.. it's such fun, all of it.

I await my next ones in December.. Should be a fantastic time as always.

Thanks for making me laugh ladies.. I've needed it.   Real life has been not so much fun lately and reading your funny reviews make me smile.  I am grateful I got to see MB in VA 2 weeks ago, I needed it so much.   MB never disappoints that's for sure. I look at the guitar pic and can still see him tossing it! LOL

Robin in MD :)

Everyone has such great reviews! Mine was pretty simple & straightforward. I think I need to get hooked up with all of you ladies next time. You've got a lot more going on than I do. And it would be so much fun to hang out with people who have a similar "frame of mind" .  I usually get pretty good seats (I sat right behind Leesa in the second row), but I'm not having the fantastic time like all of you are! Guess it's time to come out of my shell & let my "inner Bolton fan" out.

I did manage to get up to the stage, but as soon as Michael walked off, the security guard told everyone to go back to their seats, even though we knew that Michael would be back out for an encore. Also, I had a lady standing next to me (probably intoxicated) that kept yelling in my ear, trying to get Brian's attention. She kept saying, "Hey, piano guy, you're pretty good &  I'm sure your Mama is proud of you." Ha! Ha!

Sooooooo... the next time Michael comes to Vegas, I am definitely going to plan ahead & get together with all of you.

Thanks again, for all of your great reviews & sharing your experiences with me!


Your Utah Friend

Hi Paula, your review was fine sweetie: you let us know how much fun you've had and that's the most important thing. What makes a great review is simply to share what made it special to you and different from just a setlist, you know what I mean? This is why this forum is so great: there's room for everyone's story. :D Take care Paula. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie Qc Canada :D

Paula you had a wonderful review!! Maybe some of us just talk too much!!! LOL We all just can't get enough of MB!! We shall see you next year in Vegas!! Don't tell me you listened to that security person and sat back down from the stage??!! NEVER listen to them when you KNOW exactly what MB will be doing. Just play "dumb" and ignore them...I do it all the time. You won't do that next year!! ;)

Kathy and LAFD Bob 


I definitely hear you on the "we just can't get enough"!  My husband doesn't understand why I go every year & always asks me if I get tired of hearing the same thing. And my answer is "'OF COURSE NOT"!!! If I had the means & time, I would be to EVERY SINGLE CONCERT of Michael's! 

And Ann, I understand about your husband. My husband is a classically trained professional musician. So we DEFINITELY don't have the same taste in music! ( Although he has been a good  sport & attended 2  concerts with me.) In fact, he always bemoans the fact that I've been to more of Michael's concerts than I have of his!!-- NOT TRUE! Lol!

As for the security, he touched my elbow, & I shot him a " Don't interrupt my Michael experience" look! Then, I pointed to Michael as he was coming back on stage (got a great pic of that) & Mr. Security walked away. Ha! Ha!

Kathy, I plan on meeting up with you next summer, or before if I can!

Love all the correspondence!


Your Utah Friend!!

Hi Paula

Personally I think there is too much doom and gloom in the world, music is my sunshine it brightens and cheers me up. Men can be funny creatures, they don't understand us wanting to go to Michael Bolton concerts but can understand themselves going to a football match every Saturday or down the pub!! Lol

Husband likes the Rolling Stones and rod Stewart, just doesn't care for crooners. Don't get me too wrong as he thought MB's show was good but it didn't do it for him. That's why I never have him along with me at my shows, and explains why he never buys me flowers!!! Haha

I've had that happen at shows in UK where security throw their weight around, once many years ago I had a gift for MB and when he did WAMLAW was told to get back in my seat, On the whole haven't had too much trouble as I'm fan friendly  and not out to cause trouble!!!! LOL 

I believe it's each to their own thing Paula, it would be like someone making me eat mustard as I totally dislike it. 

You keep going to your shows girl, and let your hair down and ENJOY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ann from Newcastle

Music is the best medicine & thanks to Michael, we all met some way or another even if it hasn't been in person YET!!!!!!! I love over dosing on his music.Music & laughter are the best medicines if you ask me. Love them both. Doom & gloom goes on enough. Yay Paula, as I've said before that we've met. I've messaged with Ann on twitter & woohoo, we met at last. Then, I love meeting everyone when I can. I treasure every second when I have the chance to have some sort of contact with Michael whether it's holding his hand or when the opportunities arises to have conversation with him. Gail was the first BB I've ever met back in 97. Gosh. it's hard to believe it's 20 years ago already. I've known of gail since 94, I think but that was by phone. Perhaps 96. :)

Hi Ann and thank you for your enthusiastic review! It’s really nice to hear different people’s points of view on the same event. I’m so glad  everything worked out so well and you’ve had such a fantastic time: you just might need until your actual birthday to recover! lol  So how did Graham enjoy the show? Just curious. BTW, thanks a lot  for the partial setlist. OMG, how did you not faint when you and Michael were face to face? XD I’m so happy for you that you did get your gift to him and have a wonderful record of it. :D   Thanks again so much for sharing, take care Ann. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie Qc Canada :D

Hi Sylvie
Pleased you enjoyed my review, so much to write about as such a fun show. Graham thought it was alright but I don't get the support from him re Michael as other people's husbands give. We have totally different music interests, so I guess it may of been his first and last show...
Think I named most of the set list as Kathy asked one of the crew if we could have one each, he didn't hesitate and gave us them.
Oh I'm not a fainter, last thing I want to do is do that. I've met Michael a several times and feel comfortable around him. First meet was my star struck moment, since then I'm totally fine up close to him!!

Ann from Newcastle


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