Welcome to the 2018 Concert Review Thread!!  Hopefully, you will come here and post all your exciting experiences at the Michael concerts and events this coming year.  Michael will be having concerts all over the world this year, so everyone please let us know how it goes.  Include photos and all the info you feel like sharing!!  I know a lot of you are members of Facebook, Instagram and Twitter but don't forget about those of us on the forum!  Bring your fun here as well!!  Thanks, Gail

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Hi Usha,  were you sitting in the first row center for the concert on 4/6?  I think I was sitting next to you.  I recognize your pic.  It certainly was a great show, Michael was terrific as usual!!  I'm from MA and traveled to Canada for this concert which was worth every penny. I'm also a sucker for Michael and will be a fan forever!!!

Diane :)

Hi Diane, I was 4th row, # 4 on the Saturday.  It was really awesome.  So many people were frantic trying to buy tickets, asking us if we would sell our tickets...NO Way. Omg it was so worth it.

Kind regards, Usha

That's so funny since I actually thought about trying to buy tickets at the last minute for Saturday's show, but figured they were all sold out so I didn't even try.  We were in Canada for the weekend and even though I went to Friday's show I would have loved to see him again on Saturday.  There is No way I would sell my tickets to someone either. 

Diane  :)

Glad you had a great time Diane and sounds by way tickets sold out so quickly and they did issue more about couple weeks before show but they went within hours think they could have had a third night .... wow !!! lol  Maybe next time he heads to Fallsview it will make the 3 .... hey folks, I'm booking a flight if that happens !!! lol

Sylvia  Your wee Scottish friend


Hi Sylvia,

Hey, 3 nights sounds good to me. Maybe I'll see you there sometime!

Diane :)

That would be wonderful Sylvia, I had the same thoughts 3 shows !!! 

Oh! Cool! Diane and Usha that you girls were at these 2 shows for Usha and one for Diane. I'm glad you both enjoyed the concerts. OOOOOOOO a third night would be cool and to see Michael 3 nights in a row!!!!!!!!!! I've seen him 2 nights in a row in Costa Mesa California last year and was ready for a 3rd one as well. But then, I saw him a month later in Coachella CA last year and in Vegas in September. Wow!

I have a cousin who stays in the Niagara area and she has been on to me to come over for a holiday for a little while so think will start a "Niagara Fund" !!! lol  If Mr. Bolton hadn't been touring UK this year could well have been heading over the Pond and still might happen one of these years !!! lol

Thanks Usha for share of pic and it is a beautiful one .... what a lovely memory but did you not get one taken with JP, or, are you hiding that one ????? lol 

Sylvia   Your wee Scottish friend


'I'm sorry your daughters couldn't get tickets but I'm glad they had an awesome time despite it all.

Thank you Robin. A 3rd night would just blow me away . That venue is perfect, so much to do ....  hint ..hint. Yes we all had lots of fun and met some lovely new friends. Here’s a pic of 2 of my daughters with JP. 

Best regards , Usha


That's the neat thing Usha is meeting other MB fans. I've know Robin from MD since 2000

Michael has posted to Instagram and Twitter following about competition which will be held to win M&G's for his upcoming Australian and New Zealand Tour. 

Below is tweet .....

Michael Bolton @mbsings
Finally get to announce my VIP Meet & Greet Tour sponsor for #Australia !!! Stay tuned to find… https://www.instagram.com/p/Bh47fIUFZ2B/ 

....and here is rest which was posted to Instagram:   "out how to win! @audible_au  #australiatour  #symphony #vip #meetandgreet

Sylvia   Your wee Scottish friend



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