Detroit Documentary Film - (Gotta Keep Dreamin : Detroit's 21st Century Renaissance) - "American Dream : DETROIT"

Michael and Christina Kline, Michael's Manager, have been working together, over the last three years at least, in the making of a documentary film on the revival of the City of Detroit, Michigan, USA.  In this thread hope to share some of the steps along the way as well as details on the film's Premiere which will take place at the Fox Theatre, Detroit on 2nd October, 2015.    

Michael announced, a few days ago, that a new website has been set up to share information about the film and it can be found at   There has also been a FB page created and it can be found at  along with a Twitter account which is at @gkdreamin and also an Instagram account at gotta_keep_dreamin  Here is Michael's tweet where he made announcement:

excited to share our website for the documentary film about Detroit!! Follow !!

Here is the profile/avatar pic that is used on the FB page:

and the cover photo which is used on FB, Twitter and website

There is an album in the Gallery containing photos that have been posted to the FB and Twitter account and here is link to album  and it, of course, will be kept up-to-date as new photos are added to the various sites.

2018 up-date

"American Dream : DETROIT" to be screened in over 450 cinemas in USA on 15th May.

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Super article on Michael's documentary film, "American Dream : DETROIT" which screens in over 450 cinemas in USA on 15th May.  Article intimates list of cinemas will be made available on Friday, 13th April when tickets go on general sale through Fathom Events but not too sure what will be shown on website here for special sale to fans which starts tomorrow. 11th April.

Sylvia  Your wee Scottish friend


Oh, wish I could go.  awww. 

I don't know where to begin to find out where this is showing:( Cinema's???? IDK, any clues 4 me to start calling around about? This is gonna be "BIG":) Michael you never cease to amaze Us All:)! Thanks for being 'You"....:):):)

Mary (meg's mom)!

As soon as know Mary will post about.   They go on sale on Friday through Fathom Events and here is link to Michael's page with them but will see what happens on here during day and as soon as it appears somewhere will post about for definitely keeping an eye on everything for lot of people want to know info !!! lol

BTW, nice to see you on here again !!! :)

Sylvia   Your wee Scottish friend


If you sign up for the mailing list that pops up when you first come in they will send you an email...they will give you the list and ticket info as well.

I did and said I was already signed up.  No email yet.

Thanks Robin

I have just received the email regarding the movie and the theaters.  Please check your email for the PRIVATE link to pre-order your tickets and theaters.  There seem to be a ton of theaters so please check for the email and click on the link.  Add your zip code and theaters near you and purchase links show up.  Too many to post here. Thanks.

Thanks.  Did get the email.  Found one a little less hour away..Not too bad to get to..Hope I can go...Had some surgery and should be recovered by then.

Robin in MD :)

Michael has posted to his Instagram a/c, Twitter and FB and firstly here is tweet with super pic of himself, John Varvatos and Alice Cooper

Get ready for a wild ride through the Motorcity with my friends and…

...... and FB post with beautiful pic of Michael on his Shinola bike ......

Thank U all for your kind words and support of my new film AMERICAN DREAM: DETROIT!! Amazing stories, places, people, and things! Get ready for a ride through the Motorcity with Shinola!!

Sylvia   Your wee Scottish friend


YIPPEE....I found out today where this will be playing,,,,it's about 10 mins or less from my house to there, i am tickled Pink:)! I'll have to call and see if I can just come pick my tics up:)! This is the only place s go, it's a nice Cinema:)! I am so Excited, so is Meghan:)! Have a great day to All of you here in Boltonland....where we All come to Dream:)! Right? LOL

Mary (meg's mom)!

Hi Mary and so pleased you got your e-mail (so did I and how I wish I had a ZipCode !!! lol)    

You will be able to buy tickets directly from theatres but only after public sale starts tomorrow, 13th April. when all the info can and will  be published for right now it is a "PRIVATE" pre-sale through special link given.

So happy for you Mary !!! :)

Sylvia   Your wee Scottish friend


I also received an email and found two theaters near me where it will be playing  One is 15 minutes away the other 30 minutes away  I have only one problem  I have to work that day and may not make it there in time  I will try to go but not sure  I will have to wait to buy tickets  Will call theater to see if I can pickup  tickets either day of showing or a few days before



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