Miscellany but exceptionally relevant information about, or from Michael on, MB.

Thought I would start this thread for there does appear, at times, to be different relevant articles, tweets, retweets, pictures etc relating to Michael but not really fitting into an already recognized thread nor, each of them individually, being able to be grouped together where a relevant thread could be started and so decided on this "Miscellany" thread.   

I hope you agree with its relevance and that you enjoy everything that is put in as well as hoping that many will find interesting tidbits about Michael that can be included and help to make this, whilst a serious sharing of information, a FUN page to be able to visit too and, as is my intention, somewhere that everything which does not have a particular "home" can be placed, so that is all grouped together and can be easily found and located if someone wants to look at.

Here now, so that we can all focus on the main reason for this thread, is a beautiful picture of the "Theme" of the thread.......wonder if MB has ever been called that before ???? LOL. 



Believe this one definitely belongs in here for I would say sharing with us that coconut sorbet is his favourite dessert is both miscellaneous and more than extremely relevant to the "THEME" of this website and in particular, to this thread  !! LOL.

Hope everyone enjoys content and feels free to add their very own miscellany !!! :)



A separate thread has been created for the Q&A Session and it can be found at  http://www.michaelbolton.com/forum/topics/michael-s-question-and-an...


Sylvia.   Your wee Scottish friend.


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Thanks for posting Gail but have to say believe a few words in "quotes" are not Michael's for hardly the way he talks.  One glaring mistake which MB would never make is to say Pavarotti's concert for Children in Bosnia was held in France for they all were held in Modena, Italy ... know I'm pedantic but when press don't do their homework that's how rumours can start.

Sylvia   Your wee Scottish friend


Here is another interview from Hello magazine...not sure when it was done because it seems to be the same background as the last interview I posted!!  I think what he does is has a day that he has a hotel room and all the people who want to interview him have a certain time to be there so a lot of the background will be the same and what he says may be the same ;)


Thanks a million Gail for this, thanks !!! :)

Sylvia   Your wee Scottish friend


Michael has posted below tweet with pic which contains a saying by Pele, the great Brazilian footballer.  Saying is:  "Success is no accident, it is hard work, perseverance, learning, studying, sacrifice and most of all, LOVE of what you are doing.  Pele"

Michael has sent below tweet with pic and pic contains what Michael has written on sheet of paper and it says: Time : Love : Tenderness and he has signed it.  Maybe reflecting on fact that album "Time, Love and Tenderness" was released on 23rd April, 1991, 27 years ago and all that has happened since then,

Michael Bolton @mbsings
Just thinkin bout things...
#time #love #tenderness https://www.instagram.com/p/Bh-yKU7A0ej/ 

Sylvia   Your wee Scottish friend


Michael has sent below tweet with pic and pic shows him sitting on a police motorcycle at Hollywood Studios and policeman from LAPD is standing beside him.  Seen this pic before so not too sure if might be hitting at "The Talk Show" is in fact a re-run, or, something coming up is ... just my thoughts, nothing to base them on except instinct.

Michael Bolton @mbsings
I think this could work?! #LA #onset #dayinthelife #newwheels https://www.instagram.com/p/BiBkJNKgwvM/

Sylvia   Your wee Scottish friend


Don't think it has anything to do with the Talk Show as you see on their site they had tickets for the May 3rd show but are sold out.


Michael has sent below tweet with pic and pic shows him sitting at table with hands over that plate of pancakes he is waiting on for nothing on table but cutlery and the obligatory, Michael phone !!! lol

When you wake up past 2pm and should really hit the gym but all you want is pancakes.

Q&A's article from Michael on being a grandfather to six and his love of Australia ...   


Here is transcript of article .....

THE singer and songwriter on becoming a grandfather, his everlasting love for Australia and why he was the Forrest Gump of the music industry.

You’re known for hits like ‘How Am I Supposed To Live Without You’ and ‘Said I Loved You... But I Lied’. Yet in the late ’70s, you released albums in hard rock. You could have been a very different singer...

[Laughs.] I don’t know what my career would have been like if I’d had success in the rock genre. But I do know how I finally started having success — [by] keeping the hits for myself, writing what was best for my voice, and occasionally covering a classic. That opened up the universe to me. That opened up doors that were unimaginable.

In all your time as a musician, who have you been the most excited to meet?

I’ve met the greatest sports figures in the world — people who have inspired me because of the way they’ve played baseball, football, basketball. I wish my father had lived to meet them, too. My father always knew I was going to be successful, even when I had a hard time seeing it or believing it at certain points. Back when I was becoming successful, it’s almost like I was the Forrest Gump of the music business. Next thing you know I was standing next to Luciano Pavarotti and singing with him, and in the front row was Princess Diana. How do you explain that to somebody? How surreal is that?

“My father always knew I was going to be successful, even when I had a hard time seeing it or believing it at certain points.” (Pic: Getty Images)

You first toured Australia 25 years ago. Do you have any favourite memories of that time?

Australians are just so sincere and real. It got to the point where I thought people were putting me on because they were so nice for so long. I remember the first time I played at a big venue in Sydney, and it was the night of my birthday. When I left the building, there were several thousand people who hadn’t left yet because they wanted to sing me happy birthday. That was my welcome. This was a long time ago, but you don’t forget something like that.

You had a hard time starting out in this music business. [By his own admission, Bolton had nine “almost hits” before success came his way.] Did you ever feel like packing it all in?

You know, all this came together for me because I didn’t have a Plan B. I just couldn’t quit music. I had three kids and a wife to support, and my rent cheques were bouncing. It was tremendously stressful. But then someone would come along and offer to put me in a studio, and pay for three or four songs to be written and sung. It was like being given a cup of water in the desert.

Michael Bolton features in Stellar magazine.

You’ve written some of the greatest ballads of love and loss. Does this mean you’ve experienced that personally?

I don’t think you have to live through a traumatic event to write about one. You just have to have lived enough to know what it feels like — to know what pain feels like, to know what love feels like, to know what joy feels like.

You’re now a grandfather of six [Bolton has three adult children with ex-wife Maureen McGuire]. How much do you love being a grandad?

It’s hard to describe. You’re reliving the greatest moments of your own children [with your grandkids] — how adorable they are and how full of life they are. The amazing, funny things that come out of their mouths. It is just something you marvel over. It’s everything everyone ever told me, and more.

The Michael Bolton Symphony Tour plays nationally in June; tickets from zaccariaconcerts.com.au.

Sylvia   Your wee Scottish friend


Thanks for that article Sylvia. I tried to get it open yesterday and it wanted membership. 

Another article and this one has old video in it from an ancient interview and they have info wrong on when MB got his hair cut and it is getting worse for according to them it was 2011 .... wonder what length it would have been if MB had let it grow from 1997 to then ??? LOL  At least they have Australian tour details right and here is link with transcript of article


He's known for his classic love ballads like Said I Loved You...But I lied, from the 1990s.

And Michael Bolton has reflected on challenges he faced before he had success with his worldwide smash hits like, Love Is A Wonderful Thing.

Speaking in Stellar Magazine on Sunday, the 65-year-old singer said despite the struggles, he refused to give up on his dreams and just 'couldn't quit music.'


'I couldn't just quit music': Singer Michael Bolton has reflected on the difficult time he had starting out in the music industry 

'I couldn't just quit music': Singer Michael Bolton has reflected on the difficult time he had starting out in the music industry 

'You know, all this came together for me because I didn't have a Plan B,' he started, before adding, 'I couldn't quit music - I had three kids and a wife to support.'  

The singer, who was known for his long blonde mane in the early 90s, did say it was a stressful time, with him having nine near successes before his first hit. 

But when the producer would hand him some songs and pay for some studio time, 'it was like being given a cup of water in the desert.' 

'You know, all this came together for me because I didn't have a Plan B': The iconic singer had a number of near successes before striking it big

'You know, all this came together for me because I didn't have a Plan B': The iconic singer had a number of near successes before striking it big

The singer will tour Australia in June performing in Sydney, Perth, Melbourne and the Gold Coast.

The singer also said he has fond memories of the land Down Under - with him first touring the country 25-years-ago.

'Australians are just so sincere and real,' he said. 

'Australians are just so sincere and real': The singer, who first toured Australia 25-years-ago, added he held a special place in his heart for the land Down Under   

'Australians are just so sincere and real': The singer, who first toured Australia 25-years-ago, added he held a special place in his heart for the land Down Under   

Michael recalled a story after he performed at a big Sydney venue, a number of fans had waited behind to wish him a happy birthday. 

And despite it being a long time ago, he said it was something you just don't forget, because of how sweet the fans are. 

The singer, who chopped off his signature locks in 2011, last toured Australia in 2015. 

He made a fleeing visit in February this year, when he spruiked audio book company, Audible, for which he recorded a set of comedic advertisements.  

The Michael Bolton Symphony Tour plays nationally in June; tickets from zaccariaconcerts.com.au.  

On tour! The iconic singer will tour Australia in June 

On tour! The iconic singer will tour Australia in June 

Sylvia   Your wee Scottish friend


Michael has sent below tweet with pic which shows him standing with his back against a cliff face with cameramen round him and also a man attaching something to him, or, at least making sure something attached to Michael is secure.  You can see he has on a safety rope as that is in pic coming down from above cliff face and disappears down his back and you can make out the links in a chain round his waist and it is a heavy metal chain.  He is laughing so, whatever is doing, he's not terrified !!! LOL  

Workin on something yuge!!!

Sylvia  Your wee Scottish friend



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