Great to be back in the land down under ... I remembered why they call it that cause it took me over two days to get here!
Sylvia Your wee Scottish friend
Thought best to start a new thread so this info doesn't get lost in the "jungle" elsewhere as pretty important info and it is that Michael has said twice in interviews in last few days that he is working on a new CD which will be released this year and looks as though before UK concert tour in October.
First link is to a podcast interview in which he specifically mentions new CD will be "greatest hits" As can't open and listen to interview not absolutely certain what he says as info have received is from a third party so if anyone can listen to it and would like to elaborate, for those of us who can't open it, should be more than grateful for any input.
Second link is to his interview on Excess Hollywood Live from 4th May and Kathy Rosario has kindly produced this video from her TV. Some may not be able to access it as Kathy has it set for "friends and friends of" on FB where she shared it to my page, therefore, if you are not on FB nor friends with me you probably won't be able to access. Here is a transcript of, nearly verbatim, what Michael says in regard to album during the interview:
"Working on the music now for the next album. Can't tell you what it is. It's a very specific concept but it is really exciting and an enormous amount of work and I have to do it before my Australian Tour in June so we are recording every day and night here in LA and if I can finish it the way I would like to, then I will leave Perth Studio and go to Sydney, Melbourne, etc on my tour and then the album will come out and then I will tour England and the UK."
In his Q&A's session, when he was travelling to The Grove for the Premiere of documentary film, Michael did say he would be working with the Perth Symphony Orchestra whilst he was in Australia on a huge project so, looks as though, album was what he was referring to.
Definitely going to be a wonderful 2018 with a new album and will post anything hear about and please, please everyone, feel more than free to contribute whatever you hear, or see, as any info will be more than gratefully received.
Sylvia Your wee Scottish friend
Doesn't say directly anything about a DVD but does say Michael says: "he will be recording the Perth show" so just "assumed" (bad thing to do) it may well be on a DVD or maybe he will use part on new CD, whenever that comes out but can't figure out what else he would be recording any of the show for!
BTW came on here and saw again people have been in (no notifications) just to post a tweet that Michael has sent saying he has arrived in Australia and as know going to be working on new material, as well as tour, decided to put on here ....
Great to be back in the land down under ... I remembered why they call it that cause it took me over two days to get here!
Sylvia Your wee Scottish friend
Any word on CD release date or anything on Michael's perfume name or scent. Thanks Sylvia. How can I check to see if I'm a member. I didn't get message from Michael about update and being able to buy concert items.
Hi Dawn, first of all, if you can post here, you are a member. Second, I’m sure that when Michael officially launches his perfume line, there will be an official announcement from admin. Now if you didn’t get a message from admin today, you might want to check your E-mail settings, by going on your profile page and clicking on “customize”. You should be able to see what your settings are set to and if the “messages from Michael Bolton” line is checked. It might also be a good idea to check your spam folder from your home account, just in case. I’m not Sylvia, but hope that helps. :D Take good care Dawn and if there’s anything else any of us can do, let us know. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie Qc Canada :D
Hi Dawn and Sylvie !! :) Dawn there is a glitch with notifications from the website so that might be how you have not received but also, suggestions that Sylvie has put forward, could well hold the key as to why have not received e-mail. Dawn, as Sylvie says, you wouldn't be able to leave a comment if not a member. To get to your profile page, which you set up when registered with site, which proves you are a member, either click on your name which appears in heading where you have left comment or on your profile pic which is attached to your comment and you will then be taken to your personal profile page. What you can also do is go to "connect" in headings (last one) and click on "members" which appears as first option in set of three and it will take you to complete list of members and in "search" box type your own name and your details will come up.
Gail has started a new thread/page on info concerning the work that will be carried out on website and here is link if want to check that out and leave any further comments you might have. Please remember if you do NOT leave a comment but want to follow you have to indicate that on page/thread you are on by looking for the word "follow" below comment box /"reply to this" at top of page. Once you have clicked on word "follow" it will change to wording "stop following" and you should get notification, by e-mail, each and every time someone leaves a comment.
Sylvia Your wee Scottish friend
Hi Sylvia....I think I found the forum where you directed me and I'm catching up with all the news. I've heard so much about Michael's personality and character, that I feel very special being a MB member. I've never been at one of his concerts although I've listened to him sing through his albums and tracks. We both grew up during the Kennedy Ear, and his music followed me though my educational years and then some. I've great respect for the man who gives not just his voice to the world but so much more. I wish him well. He is an example we should follow with his generousity, humor, work ethic, and love for humanity. God bless you Michael. Thank you Sylvia for helping me. Maggie
Hi Maggie and glad you found your way into forum and hope you enjoy all the different things on here, hope so !!! :) To let you know there are going to be changes made to the website, in stages, over next few months so if suddenly you see something "different" just be aware it is intended and not those gremlins at work !!! lol Great news is there is going to be a "Store" section where will be able to buy music and merchandise directly.
Take care and great to see you on here !!! :)
Sylvia Your wee Scottish friend
Thank you for the update. I've all of Michael's albums but I never pass up the opportunity for more. Therefore the store is a great idea.
Sylvia....does Michael do concerts in the northwest section of US like in Portland Oregon? I've never seen or heard that he has and I would so much like to go to one of his concerts. Raising my 10 children and now helping with the 7 grandchildren, I spent my pay checks on them. I was the soul provider of the family you see, so I never did things I wanted to do. Now that I'm older and my health is suffering (getting fitted for a walker today), I want some things I've dreamt about. I saw his tour schedule this year but I was wondering if there is a possibility next year or in the near future.
Please convey to Michael that he gives so much of himself making people happy. He is a great example. I pray for good health for him and many blessings.
Hi Maggie and welcome to the forum. Wow, you've had a busy life: God bless you for raising 10 kids! If I may attempt to answer your question, we never know where Michael may or may not perform, although he does have some venues he frequents more often. If I may ask: are you up to traveling, either by car or by bus or train? I've had to travel for most of the shows I've attended myself, because Michael doesn't come as often to my province;: I live in Canada. There are also many European fans that only see Michael by traveling to the U.K. when Michael tours there. It seems you've really devoted yourself to your kids, so they might want to thank you by helping you to attend the next concert that's closest to you... In any case, don't lose hope Maggie and keep an eye on the list of Michael's upcoming events: Gail, our admin, adds new dates as soon as she gets word from his management, so you just might get lucky sooner than later. :D Take good care Maggie and good luck! Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie Qc Canada :D
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