I was asked to post this to ask Michael's fans to please vote for the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence to win a $10,000 grant.  As a lot of you know for many years Michael has been one of the chairpersons for this organization and goes to Washington almost every year to help pass legislature on behalf of Domestic Violence victims.  By clicking you can vote until October 31...it does seem like you can vote more than once also.  Please post this to your facebook page so all of your friends will see it and also vote...thanks!  Gail



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Just added 70 more votes :)

goodnight all,

Kathy and LAFD Bob
Just added 60 more votes :) I want to make certain we keep our lead!

I am doing this for my mom who passed away in February and I miss her dearly :/ Sadly she was a victim of domestic violence from my father and hence that made me one also. This makes me feel as though I am giving her something back!

Take care everyone and anyone who also had a similar experience with domestic violence.

Kathy and LAFD Bob
Still in front Gail
Not that I can help much
Just voting the once a day still :(
Love Dianna xxx
Hi Gail.....We are still able to vote. I thought this was ending on Oct. 31? I will continue to vote. We had a nice lead but it is narrowing. I hope everyone knows that the voting is continuing. Any info?

Thanks :)

Kathy and LAFD Bob
Hi Gail......please tell me the grant went to domestic violence. I see the poll is no longer on their site. I will keep my fingers crossed :)

Kathy and LAFD Bob
Kathy, I don't know. I haven't had a chance to check today but I will ask and see if I can find out and let everyone know. Thanks for voting guys!

Thanks Gail!!! I tried my best with my many many votes ;) I love animals....but geez....I think we need humans to survive first and then humans can take care of the animals!!! Hoping hoping hoping domestic violence gets the grant!!

Thanks again for letting us know about the poll :)

Kathy and LAFD Bob


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