The album we read about a while ago from Elaine Paige is being released on November 1. There are some great duets here one being All The Way with Michael.
Not impressed with the track. I downloaded it from and found it to be very tame and cheesy. Not a fan of Elaine Paige's voice at all, and Michael seems to be holding back to make the song quite chilled out. It doesn't do him many favours in my opinion.
This is the song that introduced me to Sinatra when I was in my early teens. It was featured in the movie The Joker is Wild which was the late late movie one night while I was babysitting lol. Anyway, it is still my favorite Sinatra tune. I loved the Vintage version and don't think this is as good but it's interesting to hear him do it as a duet and certainly not hard on the ears.
I looked on iTunes and it said that the album was recorded years ago. It was either 1994 or 2004. I'm not a fan of hers and the song is either too big or she just screwed up her attempt to add her own interpretation but I don't like it. I would prefer to hear his new duets album with global artists. I just hope he chose songs from the country where the guest comes from because it would be more challenging for MiBo and introduce us to their style rather than making them adjust to the 'Western way'.