I was just thinking. As I'm only young and obviously I don't know as much as some of you fans on here. I was just thinking what facts about Michael could you tell me that I may not know. Thanks.

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Hey Gail and Juliet, thanks for setting me straight for the 3rd time this week…  It just goes to show I should double-check before I say anything… I do have both books, that were both related to the fan club but were only partially read to me. Yeah, I remember “Heart and soul” because Robin from CA’s story was in it. Thanks girls! Take care. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada
Hi Ann, that’s a beautiful philosophy to have about life indeed, but when I said that I would if I could, I was referring to my relaying facts about Michael to Chelsea every day. As much as I love this forum and the fans, sometimes the sharing of knowledge has to wait! :D If I haven’t welcomed you to the forum yet,I’m welcoming you right now Ann and thanks for sharing this beautiful thought! Take care, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada
Hi Chelsea, I know it’s been a while. Listen, I just thought of something I could add as a Michael fact today. I was just telling a friend that I’ve read somewhere that Michael’s favorite movie is “It’s a wonderful life” with James Stewart. That movie has a great life lesson in it. I guess it’s nice to know that the life of one man can have an effect, a positive effect on so many people, sound familiar?  The cool thing about it is that it’s such a classic that it’s been copied in many forms but as far as I know, never actually remade and I’m glad because I think it’s great the way it is… Take care Chelsea! Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada
Wow Thanks Sylvie. I have watched a couple of James Stewart movies but not that one. I will have to watch it.

Hi Chelsea, I know it’s been a while but I’ve been pretty busy. Okay, while posting a comment recently, I realized I could have a useless piece of trivia for you. In 1998, Michael was asked in an interview if he could be a storybook character, which one would he be? He answered “Robin Hood”. I was just re-reading that book last week and listening to the “merry men owth”, well aside from stealing from the rich and giving to the poor, the owth had to do with helping the less fortunate to the best of their ability and that pretty much fits, doesn’t it? It made me smile so thought I’d share. :D Something tells me that the story might have meant something special to the Bolotin boys: Michael's brother Orrin's record company is called RocknHood, or it used to be... Well, take care Chelsea and hope you’re doing well; haven’t read your posts in a while. Take care. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada
Thanks Sylvie, i love your facts that you give me.
I think Michael is such and inspiration to many people.
And i am so greatful to be going to watch him a couple of weeks
Thanks Again x

Hey Chelsea, glad you enjoy them sweetie! I finally took the time to watch a tape yesterday, to find you another fact. In 1997, when Michael got his haircut, his hair was auctionned off and it raised... $7500 for his charities! Now, what I'd like to know is who bought it! lol So there you go girl. Oh Chelsea, I'm so excited for you! I hope you'll share your review on the "2010 concert tour review" thread with us... It's one of the most popular threads on this site! If you haven't seen it, I could post the link here or on your page, let me know. Take care. Big hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada
Hi Slyvie and Chelsea.....just came upon this post and it is quite delightful :) I loved going way back to the old memories!! Teri Hatcher and Paula....oh how I remember. Such lucky ladies! Isn't it great there are several folks here who HELP us remember!! I had fun reading and saying...wait a minute...that wasn't so and so in the video. SILYBIL....is a beautiful video...ahhhhhh. Nothing like the old times. Let's hope we can make some great new times and get Michael on Oprah. I started a new thread so let's see what happens :)

Kathy and LAFD Bob
A fan bought it but I cannot remember who, I was at the gala when the bag of hair was auctioned off. We all looked at it when we helped set up things if I remember right. Back in those days each year a group of us would help set up the silent auction and see some of the live auction stuff too being set up.I was there but now don't remember who actually bought it. It was fun back in those days doing all that and helping out and putting the gift bags together and stuff. Fun times!!
Robin :)
I remember helping out with all that stuff, too!! It WAS a blast helping out with setting things up, getting together with friends we only got to "see" once a year! You're so right, Robin....fun times indeed!!

Anna :o)
I know Anna we did see some of the BB's only once a year that way, so true!!! We used to get the assembly lines going!! Andrena keeping us organized!!LOL

Robin :)
Seeing old friends was always a big part of the Gala weekend!! One big pajamma party! LOL!!! It used to take me a week to recover once I got home!!

Anna Lo)


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