Just seen on Ryans  page on facebook that Brighton show is cancelled .So sorry if this is true for all those who have tickets .  :-(

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Oh no!! that's really bad news!! Sorry to hear this :(
Hope Michael doesn't feel too poorly, hope he gets better soon.

Love Deb xx
I've checked on this and it is true. This has now been posted to the Tour schedule section under Brighton:

Due to illness, Michael Bolton will not be able to perform at tonight’s concert at the Brighton Dome. Michael thanks all his UK fans for their continued support and hopes to return to Brighton soon. Tickets for tonight’s cancelled show will be refunded at point of purchase.
Wasnt sure but it had been posted on Michaels facebook page sortly after i posted .Sorry Gail ,should have messaged you .
It was posted on all at the same time...thanks for bringing my attention to it though!
Sorry to hear hes sick! Hope he gets well soon!!! Lots of hugs!!

Love Eileen
Oh poor Michael, I hope he,s not got flu or something dreadful like that. Bless him.

Sandra x
This is part of the email I got from Brighton Dome:

We are awaiting for news on the possibility of rescheduling but full refunds are
available to ticket holders. Please contact the ticket office on 01273 709709
tomorrow for more information.

Hopefully it'll be re-scheduled. I'd prefer that to a refund anyday :-)
SOO SORRY to read this. Just got home and am catching up on here.. Poor MB, I am not surprised with the schedule he's had..I hope he's better very soon and sorry for the fans that had tickets to this show also.

Hope Michael is ok. Bless

Poor Michael, he's probably run down. Hope he feels better soon.
sorry for this, Michael get well soon!


Silvy from CH
Michael here's to a speedy recovery.
Sending extra warm hugs your way {{{{{Michael}}}}}
Sorry to all the fans who were attending :(
But we all know he would never do this unless he had to.
Love Dianna xxx


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