Hi fans....I just got a great idea which sprang from Michael's beautiful rendition of Sweet Home Chicago. Let's petition to get Michael on the Oprah Show for her final season. I am sure most of you remember him appearing on her show and singing her all time favorite...White Christmas. Well.....let's do it again! What a hoot it would be to FILL Oprah's studio with all of Michael's die hard fans from this forum and beyond! Of course we love Oprah also :) What a great time would be had by all. All you have to do is go to Oprah.com and scroll down to where it says...who do you want to see on the shows final year. I have already written to her and warned her that loads of Michael Bolton fans will be writing in requests. So let's go everyone...fill out a request and keep our fingers crossed!!

Kathy and LAFd Bob 

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Having Michael on Oprah would be fantastic but Oprah doesn't want Michael back on her show. Remember the last time Michael was on her show she ask him to come back and sing opera on Oprah, it never happened. Why becuase of the suit of the Isley brothjers againt Michael and Sony Corp. I am disgusted with Oprah because of her stand with the judge who ruled in the Isley Brothers favor. The song LIAWT is nothing like what the Isley borther sang as I heard both its not even close.I thought Oprah would have Michael back on as he wrote a song to honor Mrs. C. S. King "The Courage In Your Eyes" because thats about her people as she calls it. I have already petition Oprah to have Michael on her show, so good luck!
Hey Jimmy, thanks for your support by writing to Oprah. Well, I didn’t know that about Oprah, but Michael did return to Oprah for a surprise appearance in 2007. It was a tribute to Dianne Warren show and he was there for only a few minutes but he sang a short medley of Dianne Warren songs. I completely agree that the 2 LIAWT sound nothing alike. You do have to agree that Michael’s appearances on Oprah were some of the most entertaining though… Well again, thanks for your support Jimmy, take care. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada
You are Very welcome Sylvie. I forgot to tell you earlier that i attended the dvd taping in Orillia Canada august 25/ 04 it was great trip for me.
My wife of course said two concerts was enough for her lol. Oh yeah January 19th I am taking my sister to see Michael which will be an 900 mile round trip. Just tell me I am not nuts lol. I have pictures of me and the band, one me and Janis. only shook Michaels hand at a meet and greet. hugs back to you and yours. Jim
Hi Jimmy, glad you’ve had a nice time in Canada. I wish I could have gone to that taping… lol My husband would probably agree with your wife, even if money wasn’t an issue… :D Is your sister an MB fan or are you trying to convert her? :D Hey Jimmy, if you can afford it, I say go for it! I say people who aren’t passionate about something are missing out on life! Cool you got pictures with the band, do you mean the old gang: Chris, Schuyler, Joey, Janis etc? I did that my first gala weekend in ’02 and they were all so adorable… Well lucky you getting a meet and greet! I’ve held Michael’s hand at the stage twice and both times were very special. Who knew someone could spread so much joy by only shaking hands? Well thanks again Jimmy and thanks for sharing. Take care. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada
I am familiar with the lawsuit Jimmy but I never heard that Oprah sided with the Isley brothers. Where did you hear that? I am a big Oprah fan and a huge Michael fan and I don't recall ever hearing anything about her siding with the brothers. If that is true ....let's hope she has seen the light with time and realizes that Michael in no way copied anyone's music!! Let's hope that is water under the bridge. I am going to hope so :) Thanks for the info and I will try to see if I can find anything on this viewpoint. Most importantly Jimmy....thanks for requesting Michael anyway!!!
Kathy and LAFD Bob
I have sent out a letter to Lady O!! Hope she listens to us!!!!

Love Eileen xoxxo
Hi Eileen,....thanks so much for requesting Michael on the Oprah Show!!! Each persons story will certainly help. Spread the word Eileen :)
Kathy and LAFD Bob

I just filled out the form on the Oprah website, let's see what happens!

Looks like more of us need to do this for it to make a difference. 


Hi Joy....let's hope fans have passed on the info and more people have written a request than what post here!! I know people have posted on their facebook pages etc. All we can do is try and thanks so much for contributing!! Each request helps to make a difference....one at a time :)

Happy Holidays to you!!

Kathy and LAFD Bob

Yes, that is true...........I forget about Facebook as I am not on it. 

I am loving this website since I found it, I think Facebook would be too much for me!

Have a great holiday!



Well imagine that!!! I am not on facebook either because as you said....I can barely keep my head above water with this forum!! It is wonderful to chat with all the different ladies from all over  the world who adore Michael as much as I do!!! Take care....

Kathy and LAFD Bob



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