Yes I noticed Juliet....just people that want attention!!!
Kathy and LAFD Bob
You are so funny!
You also definitely have a wee wee wee bit too much time on your hands to sit and figure out all this!
But it's great, you make us laugh!
LOL LOL LOL!!!! I needed that my Wee friend!!!!!
Kathy and LAFD Bob
I replied earlier in the day today,but apparently something went wrong as i cannot find my then reply anywhere.some ten hours later i recall now:
yes ladies,I think that you do have too much time on your hands .and I also think that we only know of MB what he wants to let us know.he was not sick in Italy though,sorrounded by these intensely beautiful ladies-maybe lovesick-after all - he is a man-as we know-and he returned to Italy in the New year.I think I also wrote to Ivana that she should not cry and I could do that-but what's the use of crying.Imagine 52 million women crying now(because I think out of the said 53million sold copies ,maybe 1 million are men-if)-so imagine 52 million women crying now because MB might have a girlfriend-that's a lot of water.Yoko Ono wrote on her twitter page recently that we are all water in different containers-that's why it is so easy to meet-I did not understand it- but it made me laugh. So Ivana- take note.
Hi Angelica,
MB is wonderful letting us in on "some" of his personal life, his pictures of his new Granddaughter and assorted other personal ones of him on the road etc. I think most of us are only joking around on the site about the "crying" etc. We all want him to find true love and be happy. And we do realize it won't be one of us! (Don't we girls?) Hey, I would be thrilled to shake his hand by the stage some day or have a photo taken with him at a meet and greet but that is the most I would ever dream of in real life. I think this website is just us girls in our own way acting like love sick teenagers again like in the old days. Michael totally deserves his privacy regarding his family and girlfriends until he is ready to announce something.
Joy from NJ
Hi Angelica,
Do not under any circumstances want to start a fight here ..... but I believe what you are saying is that Michael is a "liar"!!!!.....have I got that correct ?????? When he told us that he was ill with bronchitis and hadn't been out of his hotel for four days......you are saying there was nothing wrong with him........please tell us why he would lie - I'd love to know your answer to that........maybe if you keep going sweetheart Michael will be able to sue you !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sylvia. From Scotland.
Woah, steady on there Sylvia, I dont think theres any need for talking like this and suggesting that Michael might like to 'sue' somebody for having an oppinion!
I wonder if Angelica was saying that Michael was feeling better after his bronchitis because he managed to sing at the Bascilica Assissi in Italy didnt he, so he must have been feeling a lot better by then.
That was my interpretation anyway. I dont think that anyone was accussing Michael of lying at all, in fact quite the opposite and Angelica is more than entitled to her oppinion and view.
Hi Joy,
Oh Joy, you have shattered my dreams.....have I really got to come back down to earth and realize it won't be me - and there I was all ready to book the local social club for the reception.......oh, boo hoo hoo, boo hoo hoo !!!!!! and they do a beautiful chicken basket too !!!!!!! oh no, there I go again - I've forgotten he is a veggie - forget the chicken we will just go for lettuce and tomato and lump of tofu !!!!! LOL.
Sylvia. Wee Scottish friend.
Hello ladies,I am not certain that I can join into the discussion more often after this reply,but here's my thoughts for the time I spend with you:I have not got a lot to say and I'd rather challenge myself in listening more carefully to MB's music and lyrics and find out everything about how his mind works,as far as my own understanding permits.But Silvia,how careful are you in treating yourself right with body ,mind and soul?I think you should allow yourself to go a little bit deeper and start believing that there is love out there for all of us and stop to ridicule yourself.This way you hurt yourself and you hurt others as well.I don't think it is necessary to reply to the "accusations" in such detail,but as I am not going to go to the forum in regularity I do that At no point did I say in my posts that Michael is a liar and you are talking in fact about Germany,while Shannon was talking about Italy.but here's my question which I do not need answered: did all of you hear and see this concert-because maybe then we could talk more MB related sense.
Jennifer,thank you for defending me against our wee Scottish friend-because that's what we are meant to be-lovers,friends,people who help spreading love-one love as MB puts it and I want to live love in my life in every careful detail
and if I have not managed to do that yet, then I'll strive to do that in the future,because -hey-isn't love really all we need-for our children,for our friends,also foes,for our parents ,neighbours,the planet we live on,the universe we can feel and know exists,
for everyone and everything I did not mention now,for ourselves ,for our god and ...Amen.....yes and lastly obviously on this forum for a man-a particular one- who we love because he tells us so much about his love and that all he is about is love.So ladies,hasn't it always be nice to hold hands with your own loved ones whilst listening to MB songs?
And just one more thought about the crying and what you said Joy:is it not only very recently that MB is a single man,which we know or don't know exactly and did it ever minimize our love for him that he was always in a relationship or did we actually admire the way he treats his loves most?So let's just go home now and tell our husbands to imitate MB a bit more and if we live alone just be content and faithful and know that love really does exist. -One love
Hi Angelica,
Thanks for your response from which it would appear that I have misinterpreted your meaning in your earlier post, for which I apologise.
Sylvia. Wee Scottish friend.
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