Hello everyone:


The thing I was going to tell you about after my trip for MB concerts in Portugal is here. I asked him to autograph a photo to make a contest for all his fans here.


So here we go. You can win a photo signed by Michael. The photo is the one I attach here and he signed it with "Love, MB". Size, A4.


To enter this contest, you only have to reply to this thread with your name (if you think that there are more people with your same name, add a letter as surname or something similar). At the end, all the names will enter in a box and an innocent hand will pick one, that will be the winner.  


You have from now until April the 30th to reply. The winner will be announced on May the 1st.


For any question, send me a PM, use this thread only for the answers for the contest.Thanks everyone and Good Luck!!!!




PS: This is a contest only for members of this Forum, only the members that will answer this thread will enter the contest.


Views: 1061

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Since there's several Sharons, shouldn't you put in your last name?
Hi Robin ,thanks .I thought I was the only Sharon ,Pilar I will go as Shardylan to save confusion xx

Thats exactly what I am planning on doing if I won it Karen.  I would donate it to the raffle items for the fan reception.  


Love Jennifer XXX

How very sweet of you Pilar, thank you!

Nicolette Niels.

Nicolette from Holland.

What a great idea, thank you so much!!!

Martina Kruse

Thankyou Pilar great photo and signed by Michael to what a GEM


Ann Godfrey

Pauline Bragan
Carol Black
Ann Arnold


Carol London


Thank you Pilar for doing this... .very generous x


Kathy Rosario

Hi Pilar

Great contest - here's hoping !

Antonia (awlistens)


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