Hi everyone, well this is my first attempt at starting a discussion so hope I’m doing this right... :D . A couple of weeks ago, I asked Gail when she thought would be a proper time to start thinking of what we fans want to do for our Michael’s 60th birthday. She said she was out of ideas, but suggested I’d start a thread asking fans for suggestions. I figure we have exactly 4 months, starting today,  to come up with something fun and get mobilised to achieve it. I’m no organizer, I just thought we could share ideas so let’s put our heads together and see what we can come up with! :D Take care and hugs to all, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada J

*The 2 most popular suggestions so far are:


- individual donations to michaelboltoncharities.com, mentionning they are made in honor of Michael’s birthday, of any amount you feel comfortable with.

-a collective wall-hanging made from personalized fabric squares sent by fans that will be stitched together. The 4 inch/10 cm squares (with small blank margin) only need have your signature and location but can be crafty as you are able. For

more info, ask here, or PM either me, or Amie Angeli who will be doing the stitching and presenting the finished product to our Michael.


**Note: The final deadline for recieving fabric squares is February 15th, so you don't have much time left. :D

**It would also mean a lot to Michael if fans donate to the Red Cross for victims of hurricane Sandy at:


then E-mail Gail at boltoninfo@aol.com with your name and location, so she can add  them to the MBC donors list.

**If you feel strongly about sending Michael a card or personal gift, you may send it to:

Michael Bolton

c/o Michael Bolton Charities

P.O. Box 936

Branford, CT 06405


*Note that the deadline for recieving cards and presents is February 20th 2013, whether you send them to either Gail or Michael Bolton Charities.

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Hi all,

I haven't posted here in ages! Your thread on Michael's birthday caught my eye and wanted to weigh in a little, if you don't mind :)

All the suggestions are great! Before realizing this thread was in existence, I was thinking what to do for his birthday too. Honestly, I feel one of the best presents Michael could get from his fans is if we all band together and donate to the MBC. I know it will be extra work for Andrena to make the list for Michael, but I feel this will make the most lasting and memorable positive impact on Michael's birthday.  With that being said, the other ideas are wonderful  and by all means follow through if you like on those too!  Just my two cents worth :)

Tina P. from CT

I know I said I wasn't going to come in here again BUT here I am and I am here because of Hurricane Sandy.    We have all seen the heartbreaking stories from the two little children swept to their deaths from their mother's arms to those in tears at their loss for mementoes and keepsakes that can never be replaced and the devastation to property and whilst seeing that I have thought that within that devastation how much charitably owned property has been either raised to the ground, or had just a window smashed, but they all have to be replaced and in my wondering, I am wondering how much of that property stood, or stands, where it did, or does, because of the financial assistance given by MBC.  

I am not asking for proof, or even one word, to give validation to these thoughts and they are that I am 100% certain that Michael Bolotin will give to the Disaster Fund set up to help victims of Sandy and that he will also ensure that any monies which can go immediately from MBC, to help in anyway it can, will be released so it can be utilised to the fullest and that is why I feel now, far, far stronger than I did previously that the only road any monies any of us have available to spend on Michael's birthday go to MBC in order that those coffers can either be replenished, or increased, to help make good all that may be necessary in bringing back those shelters; those community halls; those soup kitchens; those advice centres; and more importantly, HOPE, to the people who need them.

I also agree with what has been said that, once we all agree and we have found out if Andrena is willing to undertake the work that would be necessary, we go "public" on Facebook .    I am also aware that in doing that Michael may well get "wind of" what is going on but I certainly have no problem with that for how many of us always know we are going to get something for our birthday and I feel if Michael does get to know then, okay, he has received his "card" in advance but what he will not receive until his birthday, is the gift, and that will be the final total of what has been donated. 

I thought previously Michael would be delighted with such a gesture from us all but I believe now, in the wake of Sandy, he will be deeply touched because it will go to prove once again that, when disaster strikes, our community spirit extends and reaches worldwide.


Sylvia.  Your wee Scottish friend.


I agree Sylvia, well said:)! As soon as Gail gets with Andrena, I hope we can All pull together!

Hands across the world to help rebuild! This is devastating! Count me in! We can still send him Cards for his Birthday:)!

Mary (Meg's mom)!

Sounds good Sylvie do we send it to you ? What address ?

I still appreciate what you mean Amie and where you are coming from and I have no problem with sending you a fabric square and then you do whatever it is you want to do with it....no problem with that BUT as I have said before how many squares are you going to get because I would say you would be lucky if you could make a handkerchief out of the amount you would get, going by the number of people who have come on here and agreed with idea, not unless there are a lot of lurkers about who will come up with the goods when and if......whether you just go for it and see what happens and I'll take the "bull by the horns" and as you seem so enthusiastic and willing and wanting to do I'll come onto you and get your address and I will post you a square next week.....okay Amie ????? :)


Sylvia.   Your wee Scottish friend.


That's fine with me.  Glad to do it for a dozen or 200 or whatever.  Some people would love for Michael to have some personal memento; some want to do something with MBC (which I agree is a fabulous idea, especially since I'm among those hit by Sandy and know how devastating some of the damage is).  Some people can & will do both.  For those interested in doing something along the lines of a personal memento for Michael himself, if they like the idea of a fabric wallhanging, I'm happy to unpack the sewing machine and get on it.  Where's a good place to post the mailing address, or how to get it to those who want it?  Cheers, Amie

Best idea for getting your address Amie so that you don't make it public on here is for those that want to send you a square is to come on in a PM to you which I will do and if you see anyone else that is showing an interest then you go onto their profile pages and leave a message for them.....that to me would be the best way to go but if anyone else can think of something better......

Sorry to hear that you were affected by Sandy but glad that things not too bad with you and that with each day that passes things will hopefully get a bit better !! :)


Sylvia.   Your wee Scottish friend.


Hi Amie,

I would love to participate in the wall hanging for Michael's Birthday, could you send me your address please.

Thank you for doing this for all his fans.


Hi Kellie, thanks for wanting to take part in our project! Now I'm not sure if Amie really wants her PO box address put on the public forum, but she's given me permission to give it in PM's, but you need to be friends to recieve PM's. Now, you were my friend on your previous Florida profile, but I'm not sure you know how to retrieve PM's from your forum in-box sweetie. So even if we were friends with your Indiana profile, I don't know how to help you. Does Gail have your E-mail address? If so, I could E-mail it to her and she could forward it to you. Let me know. Take care Kellie. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada 

Sent Kellie a PM with address, so should be all set.  Thanks for offer, Sylvie - someone might need that.  Cheers, Amie

I have spoken with Andrena and she will be glad to help us with this.  You can send your donation to the charity PO Box with a note letting her know that the donation is in honor of Michael's BD or you can donate through the website at www.michaelboltoncharities.com and you can either put a note in the block it gives you or send her an email afterward letting her know that you have just donated and it is in honor of Michael's 60th BD with your name and she will keep a list for Michael.  She said she would be glad to do this and thought it was a wonderful idea.  You can start anytime she said.  Her direct email address is andrena@michaelboltoncharities.com .

Mailing address is:

Michael Bolton Charities

P. O. Box 936

Branford, Connecticut 06495



That's GREAT Gail. I appreciate Andrena's helping with this...Between now and his birthday the list will be quite large.

Thanks for the info..Will be sending up a donation.

Robin in MD:)


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