Following is part of old description for thread when concept for album was first mentioned, by Michael, in 2015 and this thread was started. Decided to leave as little bit of history and insight for those interested and might not have seen all our "discussions" leading up to this wonderful day. Pages 1 - 27 contain old material so please head to page 28 for all the new stuff and also check out new description, contained below starting at "Please go to ......."
"Here is Michael's announcement about his new album concept and I warn you it is more than UNIQUE. Michael has recorded a video which I hope everyone can see and hear okay on this link and then after looking and listening to it I believe there will be plenty of discussion so I am not going to elaborate too much right now.......
Here is what Michael has posted below video and it gives you link into second page which contains information about all the "packages" you can purchase to become a part of this new concept and partake in the making of the album.
"Hi everyone!!! You’ve been asking and the time has finally come to announce plans for my brand new studio album via I’m inviting you in on the journey from concept to completion. Hopefully it will challenge and inspire you as much as it does me, and I can’t wait to see what we all come up with! Here's how it works! When you pre-order the album, you automatically get access to all kinds of behind the scenes pics, videos and other updates from me during the recording sessions. I've also created some new merch and will offer a few select personal experiences – everything from personalized lyric sheets and live birthday greetings, to in-studio visits and concert VIP packages. Go check it out!!"
Please go to page 28 for start of UPDATED version of thread and where you can leave review and join in discussion
As it is now 10th FEBRUARY and Michael's new CD "SONGS OF CINEMA" has been released am updating this page/thread so that everyone can come together and join in discussion and leave review of CD.
Please remember rules of website .... anything distasteful or vulgar will be removed.
Now let's have some FUN and share our thoughts on this, to me, OUTSTANDING, BEAUTIFUL, FANTASTIC, work of art which is heading straight to #1 !!!
Sylvia Your wee Scottish friend
A really great idea from Michael! Respect!
But unfortunately I can not attend because I don't own a credit card or a PayPal account!
Very sad!
Thank you for sharing, Sylvia!!!
Petra (Germany)
Hallo Petra, ich kann Dir vielleicht helfen. Ich habe ein PayPal. Melde Dich doch, wenn Du Interesse hast. Herzliche Grüße
I do hope you understand English Eveline for it is to say that I believe you will not be able to get Petra into Pledge Music where she will receive all the different things Michael is proposing for you have to sign in for those yourself. You could buy her the CD or whatever package she wants but it would be you buying, not Petra. I am going to get in touch with Pledge Music to see if there is a way can get Petra COMPLETELY signed in for everything.
Hi Petra I will write to you in PM to discuss with you .... okay !!! :)
Please remember Petra you can take part right now by answering Michael on FB and Twitter and giving him your ideas for that is what he wants and that is part of his concept.
Sylvia Your wee Scottish friend
Hello Sylvia,thank you so much for your quick answer and the help in this matter.
Excuse my english, but the schooldays are many years ago.
English is perfect Eveline and can I WELCOME you to the forum and hope you enjoy being with us and definitely enjoy this new concept Michael has for his next CD !!! :)
I appeared to be quick as I was coming on to leave comment for Petra when I saw you had JUST left your message. It was so lovely of you to offer to help Petra in the way you did and can I thank you for your kindness shown to her .... danke !!! :)
Sylvia Your wee Scottish friend
Thank you Sylvia for your warm welcome. Eveline
Hi Sylvia, I hope you can help me! I am willing to create a PayPal account, but unfortunately I can not activate the PayPal box at Pledgemusic! Despair pure! :(
Petra (Germany)
You need credit or debit card to become member of PayPal Petra. Leave it with me !!! :)
Sylvia. Your wee Scottish friend
Hi Eveline,
vielen Dank für Deinen Angebot! Ich weiß Deine Hilfe zu schätzen; immerhin sind wir uns ja fremd!!!!!!!
Ich hoffe, Sylvia kann mir helfen!
Petra (Germany)
Hallo Petra,
ich könnte Dir auch helfen. Ich bin bei PayPal angemeldet.
Viele Grüße aus Berlin
Hallo liebe Katrin,
vielen Dank für Dein Angebot. Ich denke aber, dass es mit einem Paypalkonto einer anderen Person nicht funktioniert! Ich kann bei meinem Konto ja nicht mal das Paypal-Feld aktivieren! Es ist ein Jammer! :(
Ich warte mal ab, ob Sylvia direkt über Pledgemusic etwas für mich tun kann!
Trotzdem nochmal viiiiiiiiielen Dank!
Ich hab Dir eine Mail geschickt.
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