"SONGS OF CINEMA" ... all discussions and REVIEWS welcome !!!

Following is part of old description for thread when concept for album was first mentioned, by Michael, in 2015 and this thread was started. Decided to leave as little bit of history and insight for those interested and might not have seen all our "discussions" leading up to this wonderful day.  Pages 1 - 27 contain old material so please head to page 28 for all the new stuff and also check out new description, contained below starting at "Please go to ......."

 "Here is Michael's announcement about his new album concept and I warn you it is more than UNIQUE.   Michael has recorded a video which I hope everyone can see and hear okay on this link and then after looking and listening to it I believe there will be plenty of discussion so I am not going to elaborate too much right now.......  


Here is what Michael has posted below video and it gives you link into second page which contains information about all the "packages" you can purchase to become a part of this new concept and partake in the making of the album.


"Hi everyone!!! You’ve been asking and the time has finally come to announce plans for my brand new studio album via smarturl.it/MichaelBoltonPM. I’m inviting you in on the journey from concept to completion. Hopefully it will challenge and inspire you as much as it does me, and I can’t wait to see what we all come up with! Here's how it works! When you pre-order the album, you automatically get access to all kinds of behind the scenes pics, videos and other updates from me during the recording sessions. I've also created some new merch and will offer a few select personal experiences – everything from personalized lyric sheets and live birthday greetings, to in-studio visits and concert VIP packages. Go check it out!! smarturl.it/MichaelBoltonPM"


Please go to page 28 for start of UPDATED version of thread and where you can leave review and join in discussion

 As it is now 10th FEBRUARY and Michael's new CD "SONGS OF CINEMA" has been released am updating this page/thread so that everyone can come together and join in discussion and leave review of CD.   

Please remember rules of website .... anything distasteful or vulgar will be removed.

Now let's have some FUN and share our thoughts on this, to me, OUTSTANDING, BEAUTIFUL, FANTASTIC, work of art which is heading straight to #1 !!!

Sylvia   Your wee Scottish friend


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Here is another tweet from Michael:

When you pre-order my new album from you'll get access to behind the scenes pics, videos and other updates from me!

Sylvia   Your wee Scottish friend


......and believe it or not folks here is another tweet.   Michael is having the time of his life on Twitter today....he'll be going skelly soon !!!! LOL

I'm handwriting and personalizing lyrics for your favourite song! Check it out

To let you know Twitter is going daft and Michael has been on answering comments and liking others on FB and here is a comment he has included himself on his page:

"Thank you all for your excitement!! It's contagious!! I'm reading all about your ideas. Keep chiming in!"

Sylvia   Your wee Scottish friend


Wow, thanks for all updates Sylvia! Take care. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie Qc Canada :D

I told him on FB I was having a hard time keeping up with him on Twitter and FB today. And I was glad he was excited as we were as fans.  He wrote back on FB "Hard time for me keeping up with me!"  LOL

He has been as excited as we are today. It's good to know!! He hopefully won't go nuts with all the suggestions. He's going to be busy reading for a while!!LOL

Robin in MD :)

Yeah Robin that was a fun comment and I had to read it twice to get gist with the double "me".   It was great yesterday with him backwards and forwards on Twitter and FB and all I will say is thank goodness I decided to use Google because going between the three last night, I don't know about keeping with myself, I almost didn't know where I was .....talk about the proverbial not knowing "something" from my elbow, that was me !!! LOL

Sylvia   Your wee Scottish friend


Michael has put this message on his FB page:

"Thank you so much for your early support of my new album atsmarturl.it/MichaelBoltonPM. I’ve never recorded or released a record like this, with all of you in charge of how it goes, so I'm really excited to see what we create! Thank you all so much. Here we go!!!"

Sylvia   Your wee Scottish friend


Here is link into another article about launch and where it is very similar to the People one they given more details about workings of concept and it is from CrowdFund Insider : 


Sylvia   Your wee Scottish friend


To let everyone know there is a facility on Pledge Music where you can "gift" a package to someone.   This works by you going into your account, placing your order, continuing to checkout where you will then see, on that page, a box saying "This is a gift" ... click in that box.   You are then taken to another page where you have to fill in the recipient's e-mail address and there is also a facility for you to post a message to them which will be sent with your gift.  You then proceed to checkout and if it is a gift that requires postage, you fill in the recipient's name and address in the boxes provided. Then complete your transaction by paying for.   The recipient then receives an e-mail from Pledge Music telling them how to claim their gift.   Your gift does INCLUDE the "pledger access" which gives them all the exclusive updates.

To add, you do not have to pre-order the CD, or any package, to receive the "Access Pass" for that is available separately and you will get all the updates from Michael when you have purchased that.   If you are sending as a gift to someone, Pledge Music still requires that persons e-mail address so that Michael can e-mail them when he has uploaded something to Pledge Music. 

Will place this in the description, to make easier to find again, if anyone is ever looking for the details about.

Sylvia   Your wee Scottish friend.


Thanks very much for all updates Sylvia, take care. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie Qc Canada :D

Michael has just posted this tweet along with lovely photo of himself and he has his laptop open at Pledge Music page and he is pointing to screen. He  is sitting at table looking up at who is taking photo and on table it looks very much as though set for breakfast and can tell you he has his phone in his hand as well.

Thank you for all your incredible responses over the last day! Join the discussion at

Sylvia   Your wee Scottish friend


Michael has put out another tweet saying he will be on Periscope later today so whoever has access and is within the time zone please enjoy for have feeling I might just be in dreamland when he comes on for it is already 7 pm here in UK and believe Michael's "later on" could possibly be our 3 or 4 am.  Just hope he sets it so that video remains available to see even although us, this side of the Pond, probably won't be able to take part.  Here is MB's tweet

Everyone is now on the journey with me to make a new album together!! Tune in for a live coming later today!!"

Sylvia.  Your wee Scottish friend



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