Here we go with the New 2011 Concert Tour Review Thread. Michael's tour begins again in the USA in Florida on January 13, 2011!!!!!!!!  I hope Michael is well rested and ready to get back out on the road!


Please share your concert experiences, pictures, video links etc. with us here. We love hearing about the concerts and the great times had by the fans.

You all have made these threads fun in the past and I look forward to more adventures and fun this year!!

I look forward to reading everyone's reviews once again and also contributing some of my own in 2011!


Have fun everyone!! Not much longer till Michael and the band hit the road again!


Robin in Maryland,  USA

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When is Michael coming back home? I'm sorry. I mean, will he be home Christmas? Shame he's missed Thanksgiving, his mom's birthday&has he seen Olivia yet? Poor guy? If we're frustrated, imagine he is. My heart goes out to him. I appreciate his touring but wow! come on home babe. :) Boltonnut from L. A. CA

Awesome about the pictures from Dubai. Boltonnut from L. A. CA USA

Thanks Gail for a fabulous link to terrific pictures and the video was pretty good as well - thanks a lot Gail !!! :)
For Robin CA and Sylvie I have copied a little "review" of the show that came at the top of the video before the pictures in the article and thought it was so positive that it should be transferred here for you to read and I can also tell you that the applause and cheering that you hear for Michael in the video is plentiful and again, very, very positive and should imagine that Michael enjoyed every moment.....the video is a montage and although exceptionally well put together each and every recording is taken at a thing you do spot in the video is that their are members of the audience at the stage and Michael is starting to bend over and shake hands and not long after along come - you guesssed it - those "wonderful" security men and make everyone go back.....amazing how there is "horrible" men like that all over the world !!! lol.   The set of pictures are pretty great but again a lot taken at a distance showing more of the whole band and the stage rather than just Michael but, at the same time, giving you a fairly good idea of what the theatre was like which you can see is spanking new with everything being very squared off for even the balcony area is squared; nothing old fashioned and curvy or velvety for there and the whole place appears to be done in either stone or marble, large tile effect, giving off a very light grey to white appearance - quite stunning and now below is the short "review" ...should point out that the reason for the words at the beginning "Can you go the distance ?" is because when Michael came onto stage that was what they were playing and it gave quite a dramatic effect to his entrance and there is a little video of that over in youtube where you can hear the song being played and then the crowd cheering as Michael comes on stage.......
"Can you go the distance? Legend Michael Bolton certainly can, and he is capable of taking you along!
Dubai’s Madinat Jumeirah was the destination of thousands of Michael Bolton’s fans in the region
last week, who gathered to enjoy some of the best love songs ever performed like
When a Man Loves a Woman, Time Love and Tenderness, Said I Loved You, How Am I
Supposed to Live Without You and many more.
Michael Bolton’s performance was charming, his voice was so amazing and the way he interacted with the audience
was simple and spontaneous, he invited the audience to sing along, and even surprised them when he appeared between them while performing When a Man Loves a Woman.
It was a great concert, Michael Bolton is one of the best singers of our time and he is absolutely one of favorites!"
Sylvia.   Your wee Scottish friend.

Thanks once again, Sylvia, for the descriptions&reviews. Boltonnut from L. A. CA USA

Thanks, Gail!


Anna (in MO)

Greetings from Sergiev Posad (Moscow region)!!! Yessss..... the concert 22.11.2011 in Moscow was just fantastic! I still can't come to my senses))) Want so much to be in concert agan! Michael is the great singer!!!!!! And his band is the team of professionals! I hope that very very very soon we'll see again his amazing show in Moscow!!!!!! I'll hope))))

I wish you all good luck and happiness!!!!!!!!! 

p.s. my english is not so good, sorryyy)


Hi and welcome to the forum Svetlana
Thanks for your review sounds like you had a great time
And you English is great :-)
Love Dianna xxx

Hi Svetlana and welcome to the Forum !! :)   Thank you so very much for coming in and giving us your review of the Moscow show and it sounds as though you had a wonderful time and I am so, so pleased for you and I am pretty certain that Michael will make another visit to Russia hopefully in 2012 !!! :)   I hope that you will join us often in the Forum in all our different sections and threads we have within them  and I hope too that you have been able to see the videos that we have from the show in Moscow for there are a few on youtube and also a couple have been brought over into the Video Section on the website here as well as links being found on other pages in this thread.....just hope you get to see them and that they bring back wonderful memories for you although you sound as though you are still on, what we call, "Cloud Bolton" and you haven't come back down to earth always takes a while after a Bolton Adventure, unfortunately, I am not one who can testify to that but there are many girls on here who can !!! :)

Once again Svetlana welcome to the Forum and please come in and join us often !! :)


Sylvia.  Your wee Scottish friend. 

Welcome to the forum, Svletlana,&don't worry about the English. We got your review&I loved it. I know all about flying high after seeing MB in concert; many of us do. Boltonnut from L. A. CA USA

Svetlana, sorry for messing up your name. I sign Boltonnut because there's 2 Robins--one from MD&me, from L. A. CA

Welcome Svetlana! Thank you for your lovely post and I'm so glad you enjoyed Michael's show there..yes they all are so talented..  Welcome and feel free to post as often as you like. Your English is just fine!!!

Robin in Maryland USA :)

Hi Svetlana and  a big
welcome to you, glad you could join us! 
As Sylvia said, you sound like you’re still high up on the happiness cloud
so enjoy it! Was this the first time you saw Michael in concert and have you
been a fan for a long time? I’m also very curious to know if they playMichael
much on the radio in Russia. Well anyway, thank you so much for letting us know
how much you’ve enjoyed the concert. You know Svetlana, we have fans from all over
the world here and we all use the international language of love and admiration
for our Michael: everyone understood what you’re saying, don’t worry, your English
is fine an much better than our Russian! :D Take care sweetie, look around the
forum and join in, hope you like it here! Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada


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