Welcome to the 2018 Concert Review Thread!!  Hopefully, you will come here and post all your exciting experiences at the Michael concerts and events this coming year.  Michael will be having concerts all over the world this year, so everyone please let us know how it goes.  Include photos and all the info you feel like sharing!!  I know a lot of you are members of Facebook, Instagram and Twitter but don't forget about those of us on the forum!  Bring your fun here as well!!  Thanks, Gail

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Ha i ran out of characters!!!!
Also enjoyed Jason’s saxophone solos, “You Are So Beautiful” went down well with the audience and he looked to be having fun as got a wave from the stage. When Michael once again cane down the aisle from singing WAMLAW yes I got a touch of that sparkly jacket we love him in. Next the finale and I just had to get up and dance to “Sterl Bars” in the aisle only to be told to sit down. I ended up sitting on the arm of my seat dancing and just in general enjoying ourselves best we could. Beverley loves the 90’s songs and I felt sorry that I couldn’t get her to the stage for these hits. Never mind rules are rules!!!
Michael left the stage and must’ve felt pleased that the Australian audience had were glad to of had him back as the house rocked both nights. Jason came back out on stage, he saw me and was the usual lovable guy we know him for, chatted and he shook Beverley’s hand and said he was pleased to meet her....she was thrilled. Thank you btw Jason for your set list and music sheet, I’ll take great care of them! Meant to get a photo with you again, but in all the hype it didn’t happen so you owe me one on the UK tour! LOL
That’s it, Symphony Tour over but I’m so very grateful to my daughter Beverley for making this happen for me.
Looking forward to autumn now like the rest of you because “ bring on the uk tour” Yesss!!!!
I do hope you all enjoy reading my experience at the shows, I’m just about recovered from the journey back from Oz..,and then also as usual I had all the washing and ironing to do plus work on getting my body clock back onto UK time.

Ann from Newcastle

Great review Ann!  I am again thrilled for you!

Robin in MD :)

For some odd reason, I didn't get Ann's review. Darn. I'll have to check some more. Yay. Finally seeing a review.

Thank you Ann, great review. 

Hi Ann and thanks so much for sharing your magical time! I’m really happy for you that the planets aligned to make your stay so special. Thanks for describing so well your state of mind and wonderful atmosphere from both shows. Did you have a special “oh my...” moment with the orchestra enhancement? Ah, I’m so happy for you that you got your “Oh my!” moment handing Michael your roses! :D Ooh, since you’ve mentionned it, Michael has a sparkly jacket? I was told he has a velvet jacket, so don’t know if it’s the same... XD I’m glad your daughter had a great time too. I’m guessing this was your first time visiting Beverley in her new home? I don’t think you could have asked for a better occasion. Thanks again for sharing Ann, take good care. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie Qc Canada :D

WOW Ann and thanks a million for popping on here with review, thanks !!! :)   What a super, super review it is too and so, so pleased for you that everything fell into place for your trip to Australia and MB's concerts - couldn't have worked out better and those roses and kiss blown were sure icing on the cake and so pleased you went to stage and gave them to him for know that knocked you out your comfort zone a little but so glad you did ... did you hear Kathy LAFD and I shouting at you, "go for it, go for it, got for it!!!" or was Kathy pulling your arm out its socket again ??? LOL

Truly, thanks Ann for TERRIFIC review and as you say, "bring on October!!!" LOL

BTW, Sylvie, Michael's new jacket was silver and sparkled and he wore black shirt and black trousers with.  Didn't actually see any pics of him with velvet jacket on so don't believe he wore on this tour but might be wrong !!! 

Sylvia   Your wee Scottish friend


lol thanks for the precision Sylvia! :D I'm just trying to get a mental picture and |I appreciate when you guys add any visual details. Take care Sylvia and thanks again. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie Qc Canada :D

Hi Sylvia
Glad you enjoyed my review, haha the giving of the flowers....
I actually did this on the second show in Sydney, I’d carried them around for hours, as Beverley and I went for a meal before the show. Due to the theater being so strict I was a little nervous of leaving my seat! Lol
Plus as I knew there was to be NO dancing at the stage, I’d have to pluck up the courage to walk forward at some point of the show. Kept saying to Beverley “oh lord when am I going to do this”?? I remembered from the night of the 22nd that Michael went over to the left side of the stage and sat on a stool to sing Georgia, but prior to that he talked and had fun with the audience....
Yes the experience with you and Kathy crossed my mind, I could hear you both saying “just go for it” but you’re quite correct in what you say about my comfort zone. I respect Michael so much and want his respect in return, so always very careful about what he could find annoying. Thankfully I chose the perfect moment, and my dear daughter captured it on video. Yessss!!
Just so Sylvie knows...and also you too Sylvia....re the jackets...he wore both!
MB came out at the start of the show in the black velvet one, and later on changed into the sparkly one. He looked gorgeous in both.

Ann from Newcastle

Hi again Ann, well first, thanks for the precision about the jackets. :D You should be very proud of yourself, because I'm sure you've realised that when you do dare respectfully, you get great rewards. :D Take good care sweetie and thanks again for posting. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie Qc Canada :D

I would have love to have touch that velvet jacket. Ann, thanks ever so much for your review. You were very descriptive. I felt like I was there. I'll bet the sparkly jacket looked awesome as well. I know I've said this before but I love men wearing suits and to touch suit jackets, Love it. I remember once when I was speaking with Michael and he had a suit jacket on. Enough of that but once again, Ann, thanks for your review.

Hi Sylvie
You’re welcome re the jacket information...I love all mb’s jackets!
Robin I didn’t touch the velvet one, just the sparkly one. That’s something we both agree on as I too love a well dressed man, suits and jackets are classy and you’re all most welcome for the review and I’m glad it made good reading:)

Ann from Newcastle

Does anyone know why Michael's `Audience With' shows are cancelled in the UK.  I am gutted - I had great VIP tickets for Liverpool Empire and was so looking forward to it.  I know tickets sales weren't great but they could have done some more promoting. to sell more  I haven't read anything on Michael's website to explain why.


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