Michael Bolton, Joan Lunden, Lisa Niemi Swayze last Sunday for the Michael Bolton and Dave
Mason Benefit Concert and Golf Classic in Ojai, Calif.

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Comment by liudmila menetrey on October 22, 2010 at 5:48am
It's the most graceful gesture to do something for charities ! I do admire people who can give their time and effort to help other people in need! THANK YOU FOR THAT! IF i could help you in this matter ,i would be the most happy person to do it! Liudmila Menetrey.
Comment by Silvy on October 2, 2010 at 5:29pm
Comment by Cynthia Hood on October 1, 2010 at 4:23pm
The Gala was great, I have not been able to get to one since 2002. What your charities do for women and children has always been special to me. With my job I see it everyday. I am sorry to hear about DWTS, but like you mentioned more sleep and golf in your future. After the DWTS taping you flew into the Napa Valley my HOMETOWN!! I hope we made you feel welcome and loved. I had hopes you would be able to relax for a while in the vineyard with a glass of wine. But, with your tight schedule I doubt you were able to. Maybe next time. Cindy
Comment by amber wright on October 1, 2010 at 1:49am
ooops i mis spoke in that last post i hope that the gala when well and i hope you were able to rase alot of money ok that is better hehe
Comment by amber wright on October 1, 2010 at 1:47am
hi michael love the picture i hope that the gala i am so impressed with the charity work that you do i am sure bruno does not do charity work he seems to be to self obsorbed he could learn a thing or two from you you are a class act

love you
Comment by Sandra Jeffery on September 30, 2010 at 8:57pm
Hi Michael, I,m listening to your fab album ONE WORLD ONE LOVE right now, can,t get through a day without listening to your music. Hope the Gala went well last weekend. I really hope you are OK and the rest of the tour goes well for you. Lookeing forward to the Bristol concert and the release of your Christmas cd, I know it,s gonna be great.
Take care Michael lots of love always
Sandra xxxxxxxxxxxx
Comment by Beth Longstreth on September 30, 2010 at 7:43pm
Michael, great photo!! Just dropping a line to say thank you for all the hard work you do for domestic violence victims. I work for a dv shelter and know how important those monies are for helping dv victims. We had one woman in our shelter that was killed by her husband soon after leaving our shelter. So what you do is very, very inspirational and important to me. Thanks again!!!! I will not watch dwts again for those rude remarks they made about you. You are a truely wonderful and inspirational person, and bruno will never, ever be the man that you are!!! Have a great day and enjoy the rest of your tour. Can't wait til you come back to louisiana again.
Comment by Debra Tennet on September 30, 2010 at 6:00pm
Lovely photo. You are looking great in this photo Michael, as always.
Hope your doing ok and looking forward to the rest of your tour.
Can't wait to see you in november.
Take Care, Lots of Love Deb xxx
Comment by Clare L Humphreys on September 30, 2010 at 12:37pm
Dear Michael
What a wonderful picture and yet another wonderful event Michael. Hope all went well with the new venue for the Benefit concert, I am secretly wishing it will return to CT cos i want to be a part of it again one day soon!!!

You had us all voting all across the world for you on DWTS and boy did you deserve them. You gave it your all and I loved to see you dance Michael. You were gracious and a true gentleman as always.

I am on countdown now until you return to see us in the UK - am coming to 3 shows so look out!!!
Have a well deserved rest and keep doing what we all love you doing - singing!!!!

Love always
Clare UK
Comment by Mariu Lolllett on September 30, 2010 at 5:52am
Lovely pic !!!, looks like all of you
have a great time, sure its was

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