Anna Horn's Comments

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At 12:07am on June 12, 2011, Ann Jenkins said…
Yes. I loved that video!! That is amazing work in Paint!!
At 10:10pm on June 11, 2011, Ann Jenkins said…
true!! he makes it sound too good. XD
At 4:13pm on June 10, 2011, sylvie boisvert said…

Hi Anna, glad to hear you’ve checked out my links, including my timeline! Glad you enjoyed the video too. If you’d like to know what Michael’s new album is all about, have a look at this thread:

This is all the info we have so far, including articles and a few Youtube links. Now we’ve also heard that there will be at least 2 more versions of the album: a German release with a few different songs available July 1 in Germany and a deluxe version to be determined at a later date. Michael’s been a busy man! Oh BTW Anna, Michael will be on the “live with Regis and Kelly” show on June 16, check your local listings! I laughed when I’ve heard “Jack Sparrow” on your page, but you shouldn’t listen to that or at least put on the clean version… ;D I’ve heard there was a clean version but have yet to hear it. Anna sweetie, I’m sorry, I don’t give out my E-mail to everyone that asks and neither should you… I hate to sound like a mom, but there are a lot of strange people out there girl. But if you want to send your friends longer messages that will be private, you can click on “send a message”. And if someone gets annoying, you can “remove as friend”.  Wow, I should get off this thing and do some cleaning, I have company this weekend. I’ll do that while listening to Michael! :D Take care Anna, hope you’re doing well and have a great weekend! Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada

At 8:59am on June 6, 2011, Astrid Kretschmann said…

Hi again Anna, LOL, I like your avatar. The Jack Sparrow photo with the telescope is now my background photo on my laptop LOL



At 8:55am on June 6, 2011, Astrid Kretschmann said…

Hi Anna,

unfortunately your friend request did not work, so I sent a request to you. Hope to hear from you soon. Greetings from Germany


At 4:01am on June 3, 2011, sylvie boisvert said…

Hi Anna, hehe be careful on which link you click sweetie pie… I know it’s really confusing, but if you want to know what’s going on in Scotland, you’ll need to ask Sylvia! Lol I’m good, thanks for asking, how are you? Sweetie, when I checked that you had been added to my friends, I found out that you’ve made friends with my daughter, when I didn’t know she had joined! Lol Oh I’m glad you’ve enjoyed the links! Hmm, so I understand that you don’t like hard rock, I guess this means you don’t own many of Michael’s 80’s albums? You know what sweetie? I think I should have you read something. Go to this page:

This is one of my friends’ page, where I uploaded a career timeline of Michael’s. I wrote it last year so it’s not quite updated, but it’s fairly complete. When you’re on the page, scroll down to my post from September 17 and there’s a document called “Timeline.docx”, open it and you might find out a few things. Well, if you like country music, have you heard the song Michael wrote with Rascal Flats that will be on Michael’s next album?

Hope you enjoy it! All right sweetie, gotta go, take care. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada

At 11:07pm on May 31, 2011, robin rehder said…
Hi Anna Thanks for your request. Where are you from? I live in L. A. California USA. I'm not the most computer savvy so, I'll try to add you on. Boltonnut from L. A. CA Come on&post, ok on the forum threads, love to hear from you.
At 3:26am on May 31, 2011, sylvie boisvert said…

Hi again Anna, well, a happy belated birthday to you sweetie! It must have been quite an adventure for your parents to move from Russia to the U.S.. Ooh, great song to introduce you to Michael! Do you own any of Michael’s CD’s and if so, which one(s)? I can hardly imagine what it’s like to be 13 and starting to enjoy Michael Bolton’s music… He’s recorded so many different types of music, I’m just trying to figure out what songs or albums you like. My son who’s your age enjoys the harder rock and the ballads. Have you had time to check out the links I’d given you? Just checking. Well, nice talking to yu Anna, take care. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada <3


At 8:32pm on May 29, 2011, sylvie boisvert said…

Hi again Anna, you’re welcome sweetie. You’ve discovered Michael when you were 5 and thought he was cute then? Well, what a precocious girl you are! Lol So which CD did you first listen to? I think you’re officially the youngest fan on this site! We do have a few teens and some 20-somethings too, along with more experienced fans like Sylvia and I. ;D  Did you know that some of Michael’s family comes from Minsk, Belarus?  May I ask how long ago you’ve moved to America? I’m just curious. Well, I’ve been a fan for over 21 years and I’m just in love with Michael’s voice. I have 4 kids, 2 who enjoy Michael’s music, including a son who’s your age. There’s this wonderful thread on this forum that you might enjoy:

In case you don’t know much about Michael, there’s some trivia facts on there. Also, this next one has links to tons of videos fans have found on YouTube and other sites, that you may enjoy:

And on this last one is his partial discography, in case you’d like to look for some of his music:

Well anyway, if you’re looking for something else or have questions, be sure to let me know and I’ll do my best to respond.  Take care Anna. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada

At 2:07pm on May 29, 2011, sylvia doughty said…

Hi Anna,


I see you have been in touch with Sylvie in Canada - one of the best people on this Forum !! :) 

The pic


ture you mean is actually taken at New Hall Castle just outside Edinburgh in Scotland and was taken last year in November and it is also where Michael wrote his book "The Secret of the Lost Kingdom" !  I thought it would come out at the bottom but has appeared in the middle - silly way I transferred it over instead of going into my album I copy and pasted that is why - I have still to learn all the rules about that - yeah, I am just learning all about my little computer and all the remarkable things it does or doesn't, as the case may be  when I don't operate it properly - but I get by and I'm learning each day !  Hope you enjoy picture and that you can transfer to your folder and then maybe get permanently on the top of your page, if you want it there - enjoy !! :)

Speak to you soon Anna and you take care.


Sylvia.   Your wee Scottish friend.


At 2:13am on May 29, 2011, sylvie boisvert said…

Hi Anna,  OMG, I’ve read on someone’s page that you’re only 13? Wow! May I ask how you came to know about Michael? And what’s your favorite song? Well anyway, welcome to the forum sweetie! I’ve been here for a year now, so if you have questions about the site, let me know. Take care. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada

At 10:55pm on May 28, 2011, sylvia doughty said…

Hi Anna,


Got your message about the photo you like of Michael - have you got it in an album in your computer or are you trying to locate it to add into your computer ??  Is it the photo I have on my page where he is standing beside the car ??  Or is it this photo -



Or is it one taken at the same time as this one for this was outside the DWTS studio and there are quite a few other shots of him at that time - if you want to save this one, if you haven't got, just right click on the photo and then go to "save picture as" and click on and it will transfer it over into your computer album - when it comes up asking you if you want to "save" just press save and it will go into your pictures folder and then you can transfer it wherever you like !! :)

Hope you work it out okay and remember if not just come and ask !! :)  Please also do remember the time diference so if it appears that I am not answering you I may just be asleep - getting on here just now as it is nearly 10.00 p.m. - but I promise I will answer you as best I can - I will not ignore !! :)


Sylvia.  Your wee Scottish friend.



At 8:15pm on May 28, 2011, sylvia doughty said…

Hi Anna,


I'll try and lead you through how to put in a photo ....up from here where you have in the box "I love Michael Bolton" come down below that and on the right hand side, still in the centre of the page, you should see "edit" in a white box - click on that edit box and a small window should open up and at the top of that window you should have a tool bar and the first think on that tool bar says "link" and next to it if place your cursor over the word "image" will come up - click on that and it will take you into a page where you will see the word "browse" click on that and you should be in your computer file system where you can locate your albums and then make your choice of what picture you want but remember once you have transferred over to scroll down until you see the word "save" and then click on and then the whole picture will come into view on this page and the envelope will disappear ....if you want more than one photo you have to carry out the procedure again and then your first photo will drop down and the next choice will be first.  Hope that helps - if you have any problems don't hesitate to come back on and ask - please !! :)


Sylvia.  Your wee Scottish friend.

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